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Anyone see the ESPN commercial

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With the Bills on TV in the background ... I cant remember exactly what it said but it was something about a Bills player being "dragged down at the 30 yard line" ... it is all done in cartoon or clay mation. Outside the flowers die and then they go inside and there is a women knitting or something and there is a big guy being lazy in a chair.


The commercial is something about "What would we do without Sports" or something like that.


Anyone else see it?

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With the Bills on TV in the background ... I cant remember exactly what it said but it was something about a Bills player being "dragged down at the 30 yard line" ... it is all done in cartoon or clay mation. Outside the flowers die and then they go inside and there is a women knitting or something and there is a big guy being lazy in a chair.


The commercial is something about "What would we do without Sports" or something like that.


Anyone else see it?




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