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(OT) Star Wars Trilogy DVDs


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so why did they proceed to make all these changes?...i thought they were just transferring the movies to DVD format...i am gonna really be pissed if they turned this movie into stevestojan...i should have my DVD's today of tomorrow from amazon...



Something to do with the original (1976) copies were unusable. They had to use the ones from the second release date, I think, but those to had a lot of damage like scratches and such.

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so why did they proceed to make all these changes?...i thought they were just transferring the movies to DVD format...i am gonna really be pissed if they turned this movie into stevestojan...i should have my DVD's today of tomorrow from amazon...




Supposedly Lucas has been on record for many years as saying he never felt the SW movies were more than like 25% finished. The things he added or touched up really don't seem like that big of a deal, but anyone who is familiar with the original prints will definitely notice the changes. They didn't bother me when he first released the "touched-up" versions in '97, and I don't expect these editions will bother me much either, but a lot of people are up in arms about it. All I know is that what I've seen so far looks and sounds amazing for movies that are over two decades old.

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Supposedly Lucas has been on record for many years as saying he never felt the SW movies were more than like 25% finished.





AP: Why not release both the originals and special editions on DVD?


Lucas: The special edition, that's the one I wanted out there. The other movie, it's on VHS, if anybody wants it. ... I'm not going to spend the, we're talking millions of dollars here, the money and the time to refurbish that, because to me, it doesn't really exist anymore. It's like this is the movie I wanted it to be, and I'm sorry you saw half a completed film and fell in love with it. But I want it to be the way I want it to be. I'm the one who has to take responsibility for it. I'm the one who has to have everybody throw rocks at me all the time, so at least if they're going to throw rocks at me, they're going to throw rocks at me for something I love rather than something I think is not very good, or at least something I think is not finished.



All I know is that I think the movies are fun to watch, and that lucas created them and can do whatever he wants with them. None of the changes bother me, and some just plain needed to be made.


Changing the TESB Palpatine to the guy who plays him in ROTJ, TPM, AOTC and ROTS was a must. That old lady with monkey eyes was just plain creepy.


The only thing that bothers me about the whole thing is Luke's lightsaber on the Falcon in ANH. It starts out green, then truns blueish, then turns white, and looks like crap throughout the whole scene. Wonder why they didn't fix that? :o

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AP: Why not release both the originals and special editions on DVD?



All I know is that I think the movies are fun to watch, and that lucas created them and can do whatever he wants with them.  None of the changes bother me, and some just plain needed to be made.


Changing the TESB Palpatine to the guy who plays him in ROTJ, TPM, AOTC and ROTS was a must.  That old lady with monkey eyes was just plain creepy.


The only thing that bothers me about the whole thing is Luke's lightsaber on the Falcon in ANH.  It starts out green, then truns blueish, then turns white, and looks like crap throughout the whole scene.  Wonder why they didn't fix that? :o



Man, I better stop posting for today.....that's two issues that HD and I feel the same about......getting scary.....pretty soon I'll be saying how Tom Brady is the best QB in the NFL :o

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