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Who wants to be a millionaire?

Indy Dave

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It's simple. Bet the under when the Bills play the Dolphins. Miami may be worse on offense than we are. Let that last sentence sink in. If you watched last night's game, you will know what I'm talking about. Of course, they have more playmakers on defense and a better placekicker than we do, so we'll probably lose that game too. I'm thinking 3-0.

Anyway...since this board will be next to impossible to access today with all of the traffic causing problems with the server, here's one post to cover everything that's bothering me.


During the game yesterday, todd and a couple of others suggested that the interception early in the third quarter was Travis' fault. I totally disagree, and so does the man who threw the lousy pass:

His biggest misfire came at the start of the second half when he overthrew a wide-open Travis Henry over the middle. Henry barely laid a glove on the ball and Raiders free safety Ray Buchanan returned the interception to the Bills' 12-yard line and set up a 21-yard field goal by Sebastian Janikowski.

"Just threw it too high and probably a little bit too hard to Travis," Bledsoe said. "He couldn't pull it in and it got batted up into the air. I've got to put that ball on Travis' chest, particularly when it's a short throw like that. I threw it too high and he couldn't handle it."


Like I said yesterday, that was about as easy of a pass as a quarterback can make: five yards down the field, no pressure, no defender between the thrower and receiver...and Drew botched it. He botched many throws yesterday. When he didn't botch throws, Josh, Eric, Travis and maybe others dropped them. Then there were the seven sacks in which he didn't have time to throw at all.


Our offensive line isn't very good, but I think it looked better yesterday than it did most of last season. I'm quite certain that the problems with our offense stem from one of two things: our quarterback or our offensive line. It's probably both, but since we can't just replace an entire line, it would be interesting to see what happens to our offense if we replaced Drew. Unfortunately, and thanks to Troy Vincent, we can't replace him. Like someone else said, Shane Matthews is Drew Bledsoe without the arm. We're not getting any better with him under center, I don't think.


Before anyone goes crazy about my little comment about Vincent, let me just say that I bit my lip and attributed the whole thing to just bad luck when he was involved with the play that broke JP's leg. But after seeing him try and tackle yesterday, I'm kind of pissed off and feel like blaming him for something. I would love to see what JP could do with our offense. If he did nothing, so what? That's exactly what we are getting from Drew anyway, so why not get some experience for our supposed quarterback of the future?


Hey Mularkey...if you noticed anything during the preseason, it should have been that our backup running back -- the one we spent a first-round pick on last year even though there are other more glaring needs on this team -- has a knack for finding the end zone. Put him in on the goal line. Please? I love Travis Henry, and I think he didn't score on fourth and goal yesterday because Ted Washington kicked Trey Teague's ass and someone else kicked Tim Euhus' ass. But I also know that Willis is bigger than Travis, and I think he would have been in the end zone.


Speaking of Tim Euhus, why in the hell did we draft this guy? Don't we have two tight ends who aren't very good already? Did we need to waste another roster spot with a third tight end who isn't very good. Another brilliant move by the biggest reason we are where we are....Tom Donahoe. Flame away people, but Tom Donahoe is no good. He's made a few good moves and some nice draft picks, but the bad far outweighs the good. Notice how yesterday's offensive MVP was a seventh-round selection? Ronald Curry....sigh. And our third-year receiver, who we selected in the second round, still can't catch a pass. But hey, he looks great in training camp, so everyone start defending him. Ryan Denney, Chris Kelsay, Coy Wire...all high draft picks. Does anyone REALLY think these guys are headed for stardom? Let's not even talk about our fifth, sixth and seventh round choices. Don't bother if you are going to respond that picking those guys that late in the draft is a crap shoot. It's not. It's a skill, and apparently Tom doesn't have it. We've picked up some good free agents in recent years...Takeo, London, Lawyer, Sam...Tom deserves credit for that, especially since he inherited a team in salary cap hell. But I believe you build a team through the draft, and you fill in the spaces by getting a free agent or two. We seemed to have built a team (a defense anyway) by getting a bunch of free agents and then filling in the spaces with draft picks. Some have worked out...Schoebel, some nice backup CBs in Thomas and McGee, but that's about it. Geez...I haven't even mentioned Big Mike, who has hardly played like a guy worthy of the #4 pick in the draft. Looks like we'll be getting the #4 pick in the draft this year, but of course that pick is going to Dallas. Man, I hope JP pans out.


Man, I am frustrated as hell. Even when things go our way, they really don't. Not getting that call for the safety is an example of what I mean. We make a play, but then again we really don't. Our two long kick returns is more of what I mean. Just when you think we've changed the momentum, something bites us in the ass. Do you realize that holding call on the punt return caused us to start from our own 16 instead of the Raiders' 10? 74 yards.


Anyway, I'm just rambling. I imagine there will be a bunch of bickering going on around here. Why not? You can almost read between the lines of some of our players with their quotes in today's news. I sense some serious bickering about to take place, and that's never good.

Whether you think it's Travis' fault, Drew's fault, the coaching, Tom's fault, the offensive line, the equipment managers or the cheerleaders, we're all here for the same reason. We're pissed because we're not winning. We're here because we're tired of losing in the same fashion over and over again. It really doesn't matter whose fault you think it is. In the end, we're all here because we're pissed at our team for losing.

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