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Dear Mr. Wilson


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Dear Mr Wilson,


Before I move into this letter, I want to thank you for all the great years of having a NFL team in the Buffalo area. The Bills are Buffalo and Buffalo are the Bills. Your team is the only thing many people of the area have to look to in these hard economic times. We will always be greatfull to you for that. I am one of your most loyal fans. Before joining the Navy, I never missed a game. I grew up in Quaker Meadow Apartments right down the road from old Bert's Bike Shop. I would walk as a kid to the stadium at half time of every game and the great gate people would let us in. Even as a adult, I was a season ticket holder before I left. In just a couple of years I will return to the great city of Buffalo retired to see my Bills in live action once again. This team has done some of the most amazing things in the history of the NFL. We watched this team go to 4 straight Super Bowls, we watched them come back against the Oilers, we watched them beat the pants off the Raiders in the AFC championship game. Just so many great things to say. But Mr. Wilson, that was the past, the long past. This team for the past 10 years has just stunk! I have never in my life missed a game unless we were over seas. This is the first time in my short life that I walked out of a game. I have never been so sick in my life, never! I cant believe you have put this product for the greatest fans in the NFL on the field. I cant believe you would market a team like this. This team has played the same for the past 4 seasons now. Same old problems. We have a General Manager who still thinks he is the GM of Pittsburgh and now our coaching staff is plaqued with Pittsburghs rejects. Our O line could not block their way out of a doorless outhouse. We have a great Eric Moulds and no other receiver. We have a great D with ZERO pass rush. We have 2 running backs that can be great with the proper O-line. When will you all realize that there HAS to be some kind of balance here? When will you go and pay for the players we need to win. The great Jim Kelly has the best O line in the league. Why cant DB have one? TD knew the problems we had from the past 2 seasons and has done nothing to correct them. This guy is bent on what the Steelers did. I dont care what he did with the Steelers did. I care about the Buffalo Bills and thats it. Lets face the facts here Mr. Wilson, TD could $#%^ up a order for a black cup of coffee. Here is the biggest concern, Buffalo's draft the past 10 years. This goes back to the John Butler days (God bless him). We have nothing to show for any first or second round pick for the past 10 YEARS. 10 Years Mr Wilson, does that not put a knife in your back? We piss away first round picks on 2 quarterbacks (Losman and Johnson), Losman is not proven yet of course but taken from the past 10 years why should I think any different? Pearless Price is gone. We draft some DE that I dont think is in the league anymore, first round picks for Linebackers and corners that are gone to better teams. A monster O-liner that you guys cant get his head straight. A wide receiver who spend most of his days injured and a running back who has a knee that can give out at any time! This is our future to look to? We now have to watch Dallas enjoy a top 10 pick because this team is worse than last years team. By the time Losman blooms (even if he does) and he isnt another Todd Collins (another wasted 2nd round pick) you will already be rebuilding the D because most of those players will be lost to FA or retired. Mostly FA because we are stuck with a GM who lets players go and does not replace them. Here is a great example, we let Winslow go who was not that bad of a player, damn good one really, to only sign a over aged cut from Philly. So now you will be wasting another pick in a year or two for corner. See my drift? Now go check Winslow stats for the Vikings and then check Troy's stats for the past 2 games. KW is smoking TV and he has only played one gave vice 2. I can just go on and on here sir. It is time for a big change. Just a couple of years ago, you put the city in a situation where if we didnt sell enough tickets and boxes you were going to move. We had to have the owner of the Sabres help make that deadline for us. Where is the reward for that great effort of the Marketing Boards and the Great Fans and Business Owners who opened their pockets to you? We are all concerned about this team and where it is going. I think about this team packing up and leaving Buffalo everyday. I worry about it 24/7. Your children do not want anything to do with the team and when you pass, the taxes will kill them and they will have to sell. Sell, to who? There are way too many cities out there just begging for a team. LA tops the list. We have a very few people here that can jump on that. Rich foods being the biggest. Sir, you have my dearest respect and my full support. It is just so time for a change. Its just time to pass the realm of this team off. Its time for a fresh start with another mind to work off of. You will always be loved here in this city. Your donations, time, efforts will never be forgot! There is just way too many questions here to be answered, and who am I to even ask them? Im just some guy in the world that wears the red white and blue and screams Go Bills. But I know well enough that there is a real problem here and my solution is that its just time for change Mr. Wilson.


Your Greatest Fan



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The Bills are a business. The main goal of a business is to make money. To make more than you spend and therefore show a profit. As long as the Bills sell enough tickets and Bills stuff to show a profit they will have a good year. The Bills office staff keeps their jobs and everyone gets a frozen turkey as a Holiday bonus.


That is the main goal.


Secondary to that is to win games. The fans want wins. The team ownership (regardless of what they say in the press) want to show a profit.


As long as the Bills show a profit and can give the fans HOPE the team might have a winning record things are going to stay the same.


Here's the way it works.


Start of the Season: We lose games. If you complain the other fans ridicule you so much you stop. They say it is too early in the season to tell. Big help we have a no-name new head coach. That should have told us something.


Middle of the season: See Start of the Season above.


End of the Season: The team loses games and the other fans tell you it is too late to change anything now. We need to wait until the off season for changes. Repeat as required.


I was born and raised in Buffalo. I listened to the Bills winthe AFL Chanpionships on the radio before we ahd it on TV and I have followed them ever since. Like some of you I am a Bills fan for life. We have no choice. We are what we are.


The Bills make me wanna SHOUT !

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