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3 Points On Our Beloved Buffalo Bills


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1. Willis McGahee 8 carries for 3 yards. WHAT?!?!?!?!? The entire team rushed for 14 yards. Two weeks ago this team rushed for 53 yards against the Panthers. Three weeks ago they rushed for 64 yards.

By no means am I giving the coaching staff a free pass, but at some point the players have to execute something. 3 yards on 8 carries was worse than embarassing.


2. More on the rushing offense. (or the lack there of). Someone (if not more than just one) on the offensive line must be tipping off the defense that the play is a running play or a pass play. The other question that came to my mind yesterday was this; Willis isn't doing any dancing or adjusting to find holes to run through. After Mularkey told Willis to stop dancing and run through the hole that the play was designed for, is Willis doing just that to spite his coach even when there is no hole to run through? If the play calls for him to run through the 3 hole, or the 4 hole...is he blatantly running to that spot with no effort to find addtional yards?


3. A couple of weeks ago I thought it would be a good idea to fire Donahoe at the end of the season. I now think it would be a good idea to fire him immediately. Who does Ralph consult with when the time comes to make such decisions? Does he get together and have lunch with Lamar Hunt and Bud Adams? I would think he must at least have someone on his radar to be considering. If Ron Wolf is an option, I bring him in right away and ask him to start evaluating every facet of the organization from top to bottom starting yesterday.

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