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a few thoughts

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Here a few of my thoughts from yesterdays game.


First- as far as Moulds consecutive game streak being broken. Thats fine with me. He is a player who has no interest in being with the Bills next season. He also spoke out loud on more than one occasion on his desire for Holcomb to be the starter. Good bye Eric. You have been a good player on an average for many years and its unfortunate that youc career in Buffalo will end on this note.


2nd-Nate Clements can see his big payday slowly fading. He has gotten beat lately more than he has in his entire career. He proclaims himself as a "shut down" corner but teams are not afraid to throw his way. Sure there might be some desperate team that will over pay for him in 06 but hopefully it wont be the Bills.


3rd- The O-Line played better yesterday. The protection for the most part was good. Sure there were breakdowns here and there but when they pass protected JP had enought time to check off and enough mobilty to get the ball off. When we ran the ball Willis got his yards. There were however three or four occasions were he was nailed as soon as he took the handoff.


4th- Coaching was bad. It seemed after we had the big league we took our foot of the gas. The play calls became very conservative and you could feel the momentum turning the closer the Phins got. Maybe if we had pounded the ball on first and goal instead of having JP throw a corner sideline pattern things would have tuned out differently. It would have been 30-3. Instead there is a pick and the Phins drive down and make it 23-10. Willis has not had a rushing td is 6 weeks and we are 1-5 over that time.




5th- If New Englad had lost to the Jets we would be kicking ourselves today with the Pats coming in here next week and a chance to possibly tie for first if we had held on. nd we lost and we sit three games back with four to play. We will not make the playoffs this year and the higher our draft pick the better at this stage of the season.


Nobody at One Bills Drive will admit it but this loss and and losses to the Pats, Broncos and Bengals over the next three weeks will only improve the Bills team next season. JP is gaining valuable experience and we will have more talent in the right positions next season if the front office does there job with the draft and free agents. I hate to throw in the towel but why would anyone want to finish 8-8 or 7-9 when that does nothing but hurt your draft position? There is only one team coming out of the East and its the Pats.

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