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While we're all considering the pathetic state

Kipers Hair

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No matter how many times I cut this team up - we are a long way away from being a competative team - let alone a play-off team. When you look at what the Bills' needs are to get the current team over the hump, it would take a GOOD off-season to get there. When you consider the fact the Bills will be replacing:


- Eric Moulds - I know overpaid for the delivery - however, he will be missed and I don't think his replacement is on the roster. So get another Moulds.


- Nate Clements - For what it's worth - he is one of the 5 best CB's in the league. If we had any kind of pass rush - it would be evident on a weekly basis how good he is.


- Mike Williams - Pathetic Fat suck who was a waste of a drfat choice and makes me long for an Erik Flowers Jersay...Anyway - he's a lineman and we don;t have two of those to rub together...so replace him.


- Bennie Anderson - See above...he starts...Replace that


- Sam Adams - Another yeah but...BUT - he's a starter in the middle...they don;t grow on trees..so find another. (HHHmmm TD - let's keep this fat suck and let Pat go to the Vikes...nice, maybe we can trade Willis for a 3rd rounder and sell it as a Cap save and for the betterment of the team...)


- Should Williams - Not going anywhere...but if McGahee goes down - Shaud is not the answer...So get a capable back-up


- Trey Teague - He has to be about done...Hopefully Preston will be enough to fill in...


Now on top of these guys - draft and use free agency to fill the other holes...I guess what I am getting at is - realistically, how long do you think it will take this organization to get back into the mix? I think it will be waiting at least until the 2007 - 2008 season....

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