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Took Off Friday, Monday... Kickoff is almost here!


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I don't know why but I had a bunch of vacation time and I decided to use 2 days. One on Friday and one for this upcoming Monday. That way I have some time to recover after the incredibly ridiculous partying I plan on doing tomorrow. I can't explain Friday other than to make the game come quicker (although one could argue that if youre at work, youre busy and that'll make the time go quicker but where would you rather be on a Friday/payday, home or work? duh).


I have read practically every Bills article. Almost every JP Losman/Willis McGahee quote/interview. I watched every pre-season game (even looked forward to a few), followed every player transaction the team has made, bought my new throwback, and told anyone and everyone how pumped up I am for this season. I am ready. Tomorrow at 12:55pm, I will be so ridiculously excited/slightly nervous.


Me and about 7 other of my best friends have gotten together for these Bills games for years now and somehow each year gets better (except that one year where AVP started a ton of games, oh man that was terribly boring). This year is no exception. I just hope we don't lay a giant egg. Then it will seem like it was a waste of anticipation.


Anyone else got the day off on Monday?


My apologies if this was a waste of a thread, just wanted to share my excitement about the Bills!



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