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Sell Outs


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Yesterdays game, as upsetting as it was in the way it ended was a pretty entertaining game. Had we won the game I think we would have all offered our constructive critisisms but would had been able to offer some very positive things the Bills did, thoughout the day.


However two questions remain; does any other team in the NFL find more creative ways to lose than our beloved Bills? All the while we fans keep buying tickets and filling the Ralph in one of the smallest NFL markets and arguably the most economically depressed regions in the NFL and the the team keeps figuring out ways to lose. How many more games will we continue to sell out the Ralph, when will we stop buying tickets and say "start winning and we'll come back." I for one pray that this does not happen, because I fear if the Ralph isn't sold out, the Bills may not be long for Buffalo....It does seem to be the perfect rock and a hard place scenario.


Keep buying those tickets, and keep praying for a winning season....The Smoking man IS dead for christ sake.

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