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If we had won this game, everybody would have thought that it is OK not to score a TD on the one yard line, that our kicker is OK! Clements would have thought that it is OK to go for the interception instead of the knockdown, that it was the right thing to do NOT to rush a QB that has a hard time handling the rush all game long, that holding calls that take away 1st downs are OK, that kicking the ball and stoping the clock is OK and on and on and on.


You see by winning this game all of these mistakes and more would have been swept away.


This way they can be addressed and corrected. A non- conference game in the first part of the year, lets hope this loss makes the team and coaching staff learn and get better.


I think they will.

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It was outside the division, but it was in conference. It's the type of game that would haunt us if we're in a wildcard race with Jax.


That said, it seems that the killer instinct was lacking. Maybe this will wake a few people up...


When the D gets the type of rest it does (i.e. the first half) there is no reason to take most of a series off as in the one that led to the first three points for Jax.

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No, we need a kicker badly. We need someone reliable and someone who can kickoff into the endzone.


Hollis would be at least reliable and he is available. A guy who I like, and who is available, is Rob Bironas, a guy on Pittsburgh roster during pre-season. The guy made every field goal I saw him kick in the preseason, and he has a strong leg. Every kickoff I saw him kick went deep or out out of the end zone. Rian Lindell has no confidence and just plain and simple sucks.

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I expect the coaching staff to come down hard on goofups, win OR lose. It's just a complete downer to lose the season opener on two miracle fourth down plays and at least half a dozen plays of "if [insert player] had just done his simple, fundamental job, we would have won"...


...if we had won, we could have at least said, we played hard but not very well fundamentally but at least we came away with the win, and hopefully we can eliminate the mistakes going forward because it'll be rare that we win again making these mistakes. Now it just sucks.


What REALLY sucks is that this game was lost because we choked; it came down to guts and heart and we choked. Choked like "love you long time" Viet girl on Jerome the soldier's seed.


The best way to criticize a crappy performance is to contrast it with someone else's better performance. I got a chance to watch two games yesterday thanks to Tivo... the Bills game AND the Redskins game, and I was able to make a direct comparison. I mean, these games were complete parallels.


The Redskins completely dominated Tampa Bay from beginning to end but kept finding ways to keep them in the game, finally culminating in a lost fumble recovered for a touchdown by the Bucs to tie the game at the end of 3Q. By what I've gathered from postgame interviews, it was at that point that Joe Gibbs got the team together on the sidelines and rallied them. Told them that adversity comes in every game and we're in it now. Let's go.


From that point on, the Redskins made EVERY SINGLE PLAY down the stretch to win the game. Meanwhile, the Bills in similar circumstances choked on every single big play that could have won them the game.


Bottom line, if Joe Gibbs had been coaching the Bills, there is no doubt in my mind we would have won. It was Mike Mularkey's first game, so we have to keep going with him. Let's hope that Mikey can develop into a Gibbs (afterall Gibbs started his career 0-5) because when it comes time for Buffalo to win the Super Bowl, it'll be a man like Gibbs at the helm. Someone who can get his players to make big plays. Coaching = 4 wins in this league, it's as simple as that.

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I expect the coaching staff to come down hard on goofups, win OR lose.  It's just a complete downer to lose the season opener on two miracle fourth down plays and at least half a dozen plays of "if [insert player] had just done his simple, fundamental job, we would have won"...


...if we had won, we could have at least said, we played hard but not very well fundamentally but at least we came away with the win, and hopefully we can eliminate the mistakes going forward because it'll be rare that we win again making these mistakes.  Now it just sucks. 


What REALLY sucks is that this game was lost because we choked; it came down to guts and heart and we choked.  Choked like "love you long time" Viet girl on Jerome the soldier's seed. 


The best way to criticize a crappy performance is to contrast it with someone else's better performance.  I got a chance to watch two games yesterday thanks to Tivo... the Bills game AND the Redskins game, and I was able to make a direct comparison.  I mean, these games were complete parallels. 


The Redskins completely dominated Tampa Bay from beginning to end but kept finding ways to keep them in the game, finally culminating in a lost fumble recovered for a touchdown by the Bucs to tie the game at the end of 3Q.  By what I've gathered from postgame interviews, it was at that point that Joe Gibbs got the team together on the sidelines and rallied them.  Told them that adversity comes in every game and we're in it now.  Let's go.


From that point on, the Redskins made EVERY SINGLE PLAY down the stretch to win the game.  Meanwhile, the Bills in similar circumstances choked on every single big play that could have won them the game.


Bottom line, if Joe Gibbs had been coaching the Bills, there is no doubt in my mind we would have won.  It was Mike Mularkey's first game, so we have to keep going with him.  Let's hope that Mikey can develop into a Gibbs (afterall Gibbs started his career 0-5) because when it comes time for Buffalo to win the Super Bowl, it'll be a man like Gibbs at the helm.  Someone who can get his players to make big plays.  Coaching = 4 wins in this league, it's as simple as that.



Gibbs lost his first five games !!! So I guess he had to learn also how to be a better coach.


By the way we don't have nor will we ever have nor did we have a chance of ever getting Gibbs as our coach. I know that is not your point but I hate always looking at what other coaches do and saying our coach should be more like that and if he was we would have won this game. To me that's pie in the sky stuff.


Malarkey will learn and will be a good coach and now with this lose he has everybodies attention. Let's see what happens next. Wouda ,shouda doesn't impress me.


How many mistakes or lack of mistakes next week does !!!

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