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Please tell me I'm not alone


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As heartbreaking as yesterday was, just think back 52 weeks ago and imagine yourself being a patsie fan. Doing so will require two totally unrealistic assumptions;


1) The patises HAVE fans following a loss, and

2) Patsie fans have a board.


Now, would those folks have had anything negative to discuss? Whoa... they had NO defense. Marcia couldn't get out of her own way, and a running game...? <_<;):doh: !! Soooooo, where were they 15 weeks later? You see where I'm going...


Now with that said, don't get me wrong; I saw plenty yesterday to gnaw my nails and mash my teeth over. And to some extent I agree with Mark IV comments re: a leadership vacuum at present. But the overwhelming optimism that defines me as a true believer and Buffalo Bills fan saw too many positives to overlook from yesterday. DB was making decisions and unloading the ball QUICKLY. When was the last time you saw Drew throw a pass while back-pedaling? The fact that Sam Wyche has gotten to Drew and he is responding is huge. I liked the playcalling. Yes, some of it was predictable, but most of it was not. How many were suprised when the first play was a pass? Although Willis did not gallop 60 yds for a TD, he did move the chains and showed a gliding and patient style that has me pretty torqued about things to come. Yes, the O made some mistakes - by veterans - but minus those few costly errors we played OUR game. Most notably we won the time of possession. Our D owned the field for 58 minutes. Yes, letting down in the final two minutes cost us the game, but let's face it, Leftwich spent most of the game filling his knickers in the pocket. How sweet was that?


Here in week one, this team is already facing "gut-check" time. I like that. It puts pressure on everyone to step up early, make some adjustments and settle into the season - hopefully with a sense of urgency that will bring some leadership forward. I really, really, REALLY believe in our coach. You can bet he will get to the players in a way that Gregg Williams never could. I think the players will respond. To steal Coach Mike's schtick, as fans, let's be disciplined and tough!! I think things will come around for team in the coming weeks.


Go Bills!!!!!!

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I have a bad feeling that a number of games this season will be like yesterday's. The team doesn't know how to close the deal. This happened a lot last year, losing by under 7 points. That's a trend that has to be broken if the team will ever get on the right track.


Unfortunately, I think another "less than 7 pointer" is bound to happen in Oakland on Sunday.

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I'm starting to see this team as the Panthers of 2 years ago. They finished 7-9 and lost many close games. Why, because they didn't know how to win them. Last year it was just the opposite. They won all those close games and ended up in the Superbowl. I don't think any of us saw the Bills as a Superbowl team this year and I'm sure none of us see it now. Throughout this year they will learn how to win and possibly contend for the playoffs, but I think next year will actually be the start of something great here. I do plan on enjoying this year even with all the ups and downs.

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I agree with NC,


while I was disappointed yesterday I wasn't expecting anything. As I said before this team is still being shaped.


There were some great things to build on. The pass rush looked good, we created two turnovers, and the Mike stuck with the rushing game.


Oakland doesn't have the front that Jax does and I'm optimistic about next week.


The bye is coming at a great time b/c it's going to give Mike a chance to look at what worked and didn't work plus give him an extra week for NE.


It's the first game and I'm just as disappointed as most of you.....but, it also was the first game for Mularkey, Willis and that O line together.


We'll get it right.

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