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Mike Mularkey


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Over the last couple of weeks I have watched or listened to every MM press conference that is archived on bb.com. There's probably like 15 total with maybe 2 and a half hours of stuff. My 2 year old son likes them better than the Spongebob DVD I use to entertain him while I am working--or at least I think he likes them better than Spongebob...so that was my excuse for playing them.


This might be over the top, but if MM wasn't coaching the Bills, I'd wish he was our coach. The guy is intelligent, direct, calm, doesn't use typical coach speak and is pretty darn forthright. There are lots of examples--how he handled the Mike Williams stuff, how he talked about the overabundance of penalties in the preseason, etc.


This past Wednesday, he said he had his pre-game speech all ready to go for tomorrow. That is one speech I wish I was there to hear.


It may not mean stevestojan on the field...but the guy certainly doesn't act like a first year head coach.

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I tell you what. I've admitted it before and I'll say it again. I threatened to abandon the Bills after nearly 20yrs of being a fan if they hired Mularkey. I don't know how they're going to do. I'm not overly optimistic. I don't blame the coach. TD should've done upgrading on the o line. Anyway I really like the guy and stand majorly corrected. I believe he'll make a fine Head Coach.

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One thing about MM is that its not about him. Its about the game and about the team. He doesn't make this game seem overly complicated. He's not trying to make himself look like a genius or a hard ss. He's not afraid to let the asistant coaches talk to the media or share credit with them. Totally comfortable letting Sam be the colorful coach or McNally being the god father of O-lines.

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