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father and sons , very nice


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As much as I hate the Pats, it had to have been great for Belicheck to have his Dad next to him on the fireld at the end of the game. Pops didn't look too happy when he got hit with the Gatorade shower though :doh:

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How cool is that though, man I would love to have been able to do that! That is something memorable that they will have for the rest of their lives. Imagine show and tell at school...this picture is me at the SB with my daddy. That kid will be the envy of all his classmates!

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How cool is that though, man I would love to have been able to do that!  That is something memorable that they will have for the rest of their lives.  Imagine show and tell at school...this picture is me at the SB with my daddy.  That kid will be the envy of all his classmates!



TB lives in my town, and our kids go to the same preschool, and not an exclusive private one either. My wife has met his wife and talks about what a nice family they are. He has also donated game jerseys for multiple fundraisers.


I must say, being a transplanted Bills fan here in NE, it is easy to get get caught up in the media's overhype, and obnoxious attitudes. However, as players (besides Harrison) and coaches, they really should be respected and admired.

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