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The Book of Moorman - "I Believe"

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Sung to "I Believe" from "The Book of Morman"


Ever since I was a child, I followed the Buffalo Bills.

So what happened?

My friends said that I was a just a little bit off.

So what happened?

It was supposed to be all so exiciting

Watching a professional football team.

But I allowed my faith to be shaken

Oh what's the matter with me?


I've always hoped for a winner.

Why do other teams have all the luck.

This was a time for my Bills to step up.

So then, why do they always suck.


A coach who punts from the opponents' 35?

What's so bad about that?

I must trust in our coach and front office

Despite their penchant for drafting defensive backs.


Now I must be completely devoted

I can't have one shred of doubt. . .


I believe that E.J. Manuel will be a franchise quarterback

I believe that the Music City Miracle was won on a forward pass

And I believe that Bill Polian was fired for calling Ralph Wilson's daughter the "C" word

I am a Bills fan

And a Bills fan just believes.


You cannot just believe part way.

You have to believe it will be fixed.

My problem was doubting the blueprint

Instead of believing in Buddy Nix.


I can't allow myself to have any doubt

It's time to set my worries free

Time to show the world what Buffalo Bills football is all about

And time to put off cancelling my DirecTV


I believe it makes sense to keep using first round draft picks on running backs

I believe we would have beat Tennessee if Wade Phillips hadn't been ordered to sit Doug Flutie

And I believe Nicole Brown Simpson was killed by Columbian drug dealers.

I am a Bills fan

And dang it, a Bills' fan just believes.


I know that I must continue to watch

I can't be a fair weather fan

I realize what's at stake


If you can keep the faith

Your prayers will be answered

Just believe

And have no fear!


I believe Bill Billichek is really Satan!

I believe the refs actually said "just give it to them".

And I believe that in 1980 if Joe Ferguson hadn't suffered a high ankle sprain in the next to last regular season game the Bills would have won the Super Bowl.

You can be a Bills fan

A Bills fan who just believes!


I believe that the Bills will win the Super Bowk in my lifetime.

I believe that the Bills will never, ever leave Buffalo.

And I believe that we play one home game a year in Toronto so that we can put a better product on the field.

And you'll know it's all true. You'll just feel it.

You'll be a Bills fan.

And by gosh,

A Bills fan just believes!

Oh, I believe!

I believe!

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