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Should Expectations of Defense be higher?


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With EJ Manuel at QB and the new receivers, most of the focus for the team has been on offense. However, should we be looking at the defense more and have higher expectations? Look at the personnel, the Bills have a lot of high draft picks on the defensive side of the ball:


1st rounders: Gilmore, McKelvin, Manny Lawson, Jerry Hughes, Dareus, M. Williams

2nd rounders: Byrd, A. Williams, Alonso


Add to that group Kyle Williams and Alex Carrington.


While draft position isn't necessarily indicative of performance, it does show that the team has a lot of highly touted (at least at some point) players. The secondary, considered the most suspect, has nothing but 1st and high 2nd rounders (though thin after that). There are also a lot of young players, but as much as the talent level is talked about on offense, particularly the receivers, there is a lot of talent on defense and if Pettine and the rest of the defensive coaches can productively channel and develop that talent it could make for a strong defense.


Remember, last year there was a lot of optimism but it is pretty universally thought that it was about as bad a coaching job as could be in '12.

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