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As bad a loss as any of the SB's


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This rivals any Bills game in the recent past in sheer unpreparedness.


WHAT did they train on?? Jack Daniels and press clippings? Did they practice at all this week?


Where in hell did the pre-season gameplan come from?


Mularky's blank sideline expression was only exceeded by Bledsoe's robotic trance.


I don't know about the rest of you, but it is certain as sunrise that in a pressure game, Drew comes apart like a cheap suit. He is without any doubt washed up as a legitamate NFL starting QB. The Bills will have to start from scratch in the starting QB evaluation sweepstakes.


4th and 1 at the 11 in the Jets or Rams game, I forget which, was a go for it aggressive play. In this game, it was a catalyst for failure.


I have never been more embarressed to be a Bills fan.

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