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(Beef) Classic Beef Stew


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Serves: 6

Calories Per Serving: Forgetit

Preparation Time: 30 minutes

Difficulty: Easy

Submitted by: Marc



2 lbs. stewing beef cut into 1" cubes

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp flour

6 garlic cloves, minced

1 large onion, cut to 1/4" pieces

2 cans beef stock (vegetable stock okay)

1 can chopped tomatoes w/juice 1 cup red wine

1/2 bottle beer

1 tbsp Italian seasonings (basil, marjoram, oregano)

1/2 tbsp dried parsley

4 carrots cut into 1/2" slices

2 potatoes, cut into 1" cubes

2 tbsp ketchup or tomato paste


Cooking Instructions:

Heat oil in large stock pot and brown beef on all sides. Add flour and stir to coat. A few tablespoons of the beef stock, and add onion and garlic. Saute until onion begins to soften. Add remaining stock, tomoatoes, red wine, italian seasons, parsley. Toss some salt and pepper in per your tastes.


Cover and simmer for about 45 minutes, then add half bottle of beer and drink the other half. Simmer another 45 minutes, adding more liquid if necessary. Add carrots, potatoes and ketchup/paste and simmer an additional 30 minutes until carrots and potatoes are to desired doneness.


Serving Suggestions:

This is a hearty meal, so make sure you have some crusty bread to serve with it. Chianti goes great with this, but so does beer. Of course, beer goes great with everything, so don't go by me.


Additional Comments:

I tend to add some red pepper flakes to spice it up a bit, but if you do so, put it in early with the other seasons.

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