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Herman Cain FTW

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Who is this guy? I never heard of him until yesterday but I thought he knocked it out of the park last night. I especially liked how establishment favorite rino Tim Pawlenty got exposed pretty badly. Santorum was good, Ron Paul was ridiculous and crazy as always and Gary Johnson sounded like Ron Paul.

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I just watched the debate on youtube. I generally prefer the early debates, as they tend to be freash and a bit more interesting. My thoughts (ignoring policy specifics):


The two 'establishment' candidates (not exactly an accurate label. Maybe 'seen as semi-viable' might be better) were Pawlenty and Santorum. I thought Pawlenty was uninspiring, and his repetitive references to his upbringing only made him come off like a stereotype politician trying to force a narritive. Santorum was a bit better, showing some fire when defending his social conservatism. But still nothing to get excited about.


The fringe candidates all performed better. I think its no accident this year that they are all liberatarians of competing stripes. Ron Paul was, well, Ron Paul. He toned down the gold-bug hyperventelating, and came off reasonably well. Johnson was particularly interesting. He was so relaxed and informal as to be very off-putting. But when you got beyond that, he had genuinely interesting things to say. The big surprise for me was Herman Cain. Good speaker (even when fumbling over his words), and he effectively drove home his business-approach theme.


I thought the debate itself was excellent. The questioners (Fox News) challenged each of them hard on their records and their viability, without playing gotcha or offering softballs, and pressed them on answers to the questions asked.

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Who is this guy? I never heard of him until yesterday but I thought he knocked it out of the park last night. I especially liked how establishment favorite rino Tim Pawlenty got exposed pretty badly. Santorum was good, Ron Paul was ridiculous and crazy as always and Gary Johnson sounded like Ron Paul.



Herman Cain is a sucessful busniness man with a good track record for turning companies around and making them profitbale. He is not a Washington insider and all of his answer appeared to be genuine. I watched the debate and thought he did extremely well.

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