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The Owners

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What has happened to the NFL owners seems like a microcosm with America. The rich and their minions are simply blinded by their arrogance. And there is nothing worse in a person or a group of people when their arrogance is only exceeded by their ignorance. To be arrogant is one thing, to be ignorant is another, to be ignorant and arrogant is abhorring. The old owners, like Ralph, always had a pragmatism about them and put the league and sport above all consuming greed. The new owners led by Jones, Snyder, Richardson and Kraft are nothing but a bunch of ignorant BSDs. (Big swinging d***s). Well, the lady Judge that grew up in Buffalo, is shoving their BSDs right up their tight ends and they gotta be screaming. The owners screwed up the last CBA and cried for years afterwards (even after Ralph told them they had no idea what they were doing). When this is over they will wish they had the last CBA back. They have screwed up this labor negotiation so bad the league could be in a free fall come Monday. I hope so, screw them and their $10 16oz swill of warm watered down p!ss. I hope she voids this stupid draft.


Roger Goodell, who may be a nice guy, but now looks like he is simply a tool that the owners have left alone on a ledge. He is about to take one big fall. He reminds me of Colin Powell selling the Iraq War at the UN armed with nothing but false information. And where is Colin today? A washed up has been that nobody can trust because he was proved a liar on the world stage. Roger should quit right now and let the owners stand front and center and take the heat for the calamity that is about to ensue. F all of them.

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