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Torrell Troup

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^ this is the best post in the thread ^


Troup had a good rookie season. Better than his peers in the draft draft.


It is typical for a DL to take awhile to develop and play at a higher level. There is tons of evidence out there to prove it. It is not like Troup was a blue chip prospect from a big school that was plugged into a top notch defense. That would be Mr. Cody who by the way was so fat and out of shape he could not get on the field.


Troup will be a very good player for us.


Carrington is more of a project than Troup.





Last years NFL draft class "seems to be" weak? Yet for the Bills this may be a decent draft. We have had way too many poor drafts to endure another bad one.


I will agree that both Troup and Carrington were "need picks" driven by coaches the foolish plan to switch to the 3-4 without knowing what little they had in the front seven.



I agree whole-heartedly with everything you said - great post on Troup. The only exception is the notion that the Bills brass did not know what their proposed switch to the 3-4 would mean in terms of how poorly our existing players would fit and execute. I think they expected a poor year of up close evaluation of what players could make the transition.


Just about every stop the Edwards has made was a team that was making the switch from a 4-3 Tampa-2 to a 3-4 base defense. I think they knew we were going to suck, but what new coach stands in front of the cameras at the beginning of the year saying we are going to make a big change and it is going to suck.


If you read between the lines on the presser they gave out on Edwards at OBD in May they use a lot of words like "challenges" all code words for it will get ugly before it gets better. Gailey consistently refers to he and Buddy being in it for the long haul. It is a rebuilding plan, plain and simple, but coming right out and saying that your team is not going to be good for a year or two while we blow up this roster does not sell tickets.


I think Edwards had an idea of what they had as far as players go, and after the Spiller pick we saw a whole lot of picks for the "D" in the draft. They knew they had holes to fill, and I am pretty certain they felt it was going to take more than one draft and an injured free-agent signing to round out this roster. And after a year trying to see what square pegs can fit in round holes, I expect another emphasis on defensive help in the draft and/or free agency.

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