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84-year-old Hugh Hefner


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Agree on all points especially your pointing to the crowd who believe that homosexuals are "ruining the institution." Heck I know people in a committed gay relationship that make many in "a Chrisitian heterosexual marriage" look like a joke. Take for example the fine upstanding guy that beats the crap out of his wife once a week or so just because he can. Better yet what about the wife who just turns a blind eye to her husband fooling around and maybe simply does the same in response. What about the wife who runs up the credit cards and gets the family so far in debt they can't breathe? Examples of piss poor situations abound.


The point is that being human and meeting high standards of moral conduct is simply not easy. (BTW I'm not sayong I am a saint here either) It's foolish to point to one small group as the problem.


I guess I shouldn't turn this into a PPP thread though.





I bet if I called from the playboy mansion I would get some faster service... what tech would not be racing out the door for that gig? :lol::lol:


The Cable guy would be there between 8:00-8:01

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