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Steve Johnson Post Game interview

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Hey Guys, not sure if this has already been mentioned, but I got a chance to watch Steve Johnson's post-game interview and I was more than impressed. I can't figure out how to get the direct link, but its off the Bills website in their media center. Really impressive guy both on the field and with the press. He was clearly enthusiastic, upbeat, optimistic, humble, complimentary of his teammates, and motivated. If he continues to perform on the field, I think we have a very impressive player for years to come. Its really nice to see a (seemingly) nice guy like that have success in the NFL when very few thought much of him during the draft. Good for him, and good for us for drafting him and developing him. Now if we could only pick our 1st round players as successfully as we pick our undrafted/late round players.

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I cant wait to see if Easly develops also. I think he has the speed to be very good. Johnson Nelson and Easly appear to be a very young talented bunch of recievers. I think this was the first game in a while the Evans wasn't double covered the entire game. It showed that Gailey just might know how to run a offense

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