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Sick and tired

Big Buffalo

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When i watch highlights of other teams and the good players they have I cant help but get sick. Many of the up and coming stars should have been Bills. Nata instead of Whitner,Orakpo instead of Maybin,Cutler was available during the draft and these are just a few.We missed getting players that most fans and media wanted on draft day. I dont know how much longer I can take the pain of watching this team and thinking back at who we could have picked when Maybin gets thrown like a rag doll and Whitner gets burned.I also dont understand what film Gailey was watching of the Bills last year. He will find out exactly what we knew at the end of last year.....Trent sucks!

Also couldnt we have had Clay Mathews before Poz.....correct me if I am wrong.

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The personnel decisions have just been mind-numbingly bad. We're seeing on the field the direct result of poor draft selections coupled with poor cash management (with respect to team performance that is, not with respect to the team's financial performance).


"For whatever reason" - a key phrase now in Bills land - Ralph has almost always been willing to stroke a big check for a player, but completely against paying any kind of premium - arguably even market value, let alone a premium - for top front office talent. He'll overpay for Dockery (and several mediocre free agents like him), commit player-related mistakes that cost literally millions of dollars and impact the cap for years, but he absolutely refuses to eat a single year of Jauron's payroll to get him out of here. Somewhere along the line in his 10,000 years or whatnot of non-football business, Ralph convinced himself that management is fungible. It's not hard to envision Ralph looking at the entire front office staff as overhead, simultaneously writing a $3mm check to Josh Reed while scrutinizing his spreadsheet wondering how many $100K/year college scouts he can cut to save a few bucks.

Edited by MRM33064
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When i watch highlights of other teams and the good players they have I cant help but get sick. Many of the up and coming stars should have been Bills. Nata instead of Whitner,Orakpo instead of Maybin,Cutler was available during the draft and these are just a few.We missed getting players that most fans and media wanted on draft day. I dont know how much longer I can take the pain of watching this team and thinking back at who we could have picked when Maybin gets thrown like a rag doll and Whitner gets burned.I also dont understand what film Gailey was watching of the Bills last year. He will find out exactly what we knew at the end of last year.....Trent sucks!

Also couldnt we have had Clay Mathews before Poz.....correct me if I am wrong.


Patrick Willis was drafted just before Poz. If we had lost a couple more garbage games at the end, we could have had willis. and Adrian Peterson the year before.

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