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A different perspective

sllib olaffub

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I was really looking forward to the Bill's opener against Miami this year, but I didn't have high expectations going into the season, something I have had in recent years. Last year, despite all the chaos, I still found a way to be optimistic and say, "you never know, we have T.O., we could be electric, the no huddle could work with a relatively bad line, etc". This year I thought we'd have a top ten defense and a middle of the league offense, and finish a tough schedule with a record of somewhere between 5-11 to 10-6. I didn't really see us making the playoffs or going far. But, what did interest me was the change in coaching, in staff, in G.M.. I wanted to see how different we'd look.


I finished the game thinking our defense will be good, and that the one common denominator in the last three years of pretty bad football was Trent Edwards. A bad O-line is another.


The point of this post is to say that during the last, Jauron era, we knew what we had and I didn't like it. But what makes a coach and a G.M. is how they deal with the team, who they keep, who they replace, and how they use, or scheme, the players. So, it might be bad but we'll get to see whether or not this staff is one to get excited about by years end because we'll have had something along one of these lines: either the team will rebound and play great and we'll all be excited for next year, or the team will continue to stink and no changes will be made and we'll know this staff is no better than what we had before, or we'll continue to stink but the staff makes adjustments, we see what we have, talent wise on the roster, and we go into next year with a clear and definite list of necessary upgrades.

As hard as it might be to watch the players, we do get to at least see how Gailey and Nix respond, which is interesting, to me, because he's kind of an unknown still - his legacy is being made here and now - and Nix's as well.

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