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Recent roster changes likely a real endorsement of Maybin


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It has nothing to do with the undersized punk that, according to reports, keeps getting thrown on his Butt at camp.


It has to do with a nearly 34 year old that was above average to good at best making GREAT player money trying to pull a Favre when he isn't even close to being good enough to do so.


It has to do with a staff with balls that put an end to his BS. As long as Nix is in charge there wont' be any 'farve watches' in Buffalo. Get your ass to camp on time or else.

Does the status of Maybin's progress (if any) determine in and of itself what to do about the Schobel situation in and of itself?


NO. That would be stupid to choose to eat crow or not and roll over or not in reaction to the Schobel antics based only on how Maybin is doing.


However, it would also be stupid to pretend that who you are going to have play OLB for this team where Schobel is a not unreasonable candidate for this job in terms of his skillset and the Bills needs has NOTHING to do with Bills decision making on the key issue which is how do build a TEAM capable of getting Ws and to the playoffs.


From my perspective, a big part of the Bills problems over the last 10 years has been an inability to both walk and chew gum at the same time. There is a view of the world which many fans seem to have that only has he ability to only focus on one factor at a time. In today's world and with something we have made overly complex like we have with the NFL the winners are those who can do two or more things at the very same time.


The Bills do need to deal with the Schobel situation in and of itself in terms of exercising and demanding appropriate discipline from a player and require him to do what is useful for the team and his teammates to win. In exchange for doing what is useful for the team the athlete is being compensated well beyond reasonable levels (the 6-8 million bucks to Schobel for playing a boys game. Yeah, I know that his family might be happier next year in Texas or that catching on as fifth wheel might help a more competitive team win an SB which would put a nice cap on a long Schpbel career. However, he is being compensated at a level in one year where he and his family (who should already be set for life will be set for life again.


However, as much of a jerk as Schobel is being in the humble opinions of many and it is more than reasonable for the Bills to do whatever they want to do that serves their interests even if it means simply listing Schobel as did not report rather than setting him free to have his cake and eat it to. The Bills are in the end doing what it takes to build a team to win and not about screwing Schoebel even if he deserves it.


If the Bills are smart, they are making sure that they will have what they need to BOTH provide the most competitive product they can produce this year AND to build this product for the long term.


If they are to achieve BOTH these goals then I hope that they have been able to make a calculation that they can both simply keep Schobel on the did not report list AND also find a top level performance from an OLB.


There is a possibility (far from a certainty but a better chance IMHO opinion than either torbor being an adequate OLB or Chris Kelsay both recovering from injury and making the transition from DE to OLB to see either Schobel make this transition or more perfectly for us have 1st round pick Maybin turn out to develop by the end of next year into the OLB we need.


IMHO it is because the Bills seem to consistently make the stupid mistake of being driven by only one of several key factors (in this case what Schobel deserves) rather than being good enough to multi-task and do something which both deals with Schobel like he deserves and also meets the team's needs.


In this case, there are good reports and a little film as well which indicate that Maybin merits the same judgment which has proved to be correct over the years that one should wait until you see three years of play before one reasonably declares a draft pick a bust.


Did Maybin suck last year.




Were there other players the Bills should have drafted instead of Maybin at DE last year?




Is Maybin a definite bust and a loss cause?


Maybe, but not yet. it would be stupid for a fan to make that declaration. If one used this logic one would have cut Eric Moulds not only after his first non-productive season but easily after his second non-season.


The deal here is that MAYBE Maybin is a bust, but he is incredibly young and incredibly gast, and it is more than logical to point to his belated signing and him missing a lot of camp, his youth, and him being visualized as switching positions to LB right from the start as important explanations why he was so disappointing last year.


Perhaps these are just excuses, but then again it will be great for the Bills if instead the Maybin implosion last year actually happened in significant part due to the reasons listed above.


The facts are that reports we are seeing from folks who actually have been to camp this year are that Maybin is actually looking very good in terms of speed and feistiness. The reports of some are that when he lines up wide he forces the opposing O to adjust to the potential wide rush by him and loosens up the middle in terms of effective blocking by the opponent.


I for one hope that the Bills can walk and chew gum at the same time because Maybin is stepping up to turn out to be the player we need by the end of next year (and preferably but we would be fools to expect it by this year). If so we can let Schobel dangle as he seems to deserve but most important field an adequately competitive team.


If it turns out that Maybin, Kelsay, Ellis and Torbor all suck then I have no problem with the Bills admitting to reality and though they need to stand up for the teammates by demanding Schobel stand up for the team, if they had to bend to his wishes to end up with adequate OLB play then I have no problem with them doing something which both builds the team and treats Schobel with as much of a kick in the pants as we can get away with.

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From what you've read. Then you haven't read accounts of him getting in the backfield consistently, huh? I guess that doesn't fit what you choose to want to believe. The hit on Jackson was not all that cheap either. Watch the video. The whistle had not even blown yet. And what has he said that has you convinced he thinks he's an all pro? Only thing I've read is him talking about needing to work hard, having to step up and play better, etc.

WOW!!! What's next, he predicts that he'll get a sack this year?

The guy showed nothing last year. ZERO! Did you see something that everyone else missed?

Maybin "haters" (hater is the gayest term ever) have no right to judge how he parties. They shouldn't care that pics of him slinging strippers around are showing up on the internet. What they should be critical of is his play and he flat out sucked last year.

So save that he's looked good in practice against the worst OT's in the league, he's got to do it when it counts. Until then, he deserves all of the negativity and "hate" (gay) that he gets.

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I am not sure whether it is the raw speed he is showing in camp or maybe it was interpretation of his fight in camp shows some feistiness but my guess as to the major implication of the decision to cut Schobel while the OLB position is being hit with some real injuries is that this appears to me to likely be a sign that the braintrust is more confident of Maybin than they were a few days ago!






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