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Billsfan=pain posts his draft reaction on youtube!




Straight from his moms basement!

Real original. Maybe next time you can come up with your own lines instead of stealing them from me!


You like Dave Mathews? What do you call a 40 year old at a Dave Mathews concert? Pedophile!



Just becuase you slip something in there drink doesn't mean they like you! Hey I found a Video of you at work!


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How old are you? 40...eh..50 years old.. You have a wrestler in your Avatar. I bet your sitting there in Hulk Hogan dungaroos living off your 90 year old mothers SSI check.

Here is a little advice. Put the wrestling toys down and go get a job! 40 years old and still watching wrestling= virgin.


Why don't you go to yahoo personals or something? I am sure after you get done sponging off your mom you will be able to find another old lady to buy your wrestling outfits.




Hey nice video you did here! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I'm sorry, I might be missing something but did you just give us some insight into your future autobiography. You shouldn't put so much Freud into your posts. I like what you've done to your basement by the way.

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I'm sorry, I might be missing something but did you just give us some insight into your future autobiography. You shouldn't put so much Freud into your posts. I like what you've done to your basement by the way.


Good comeback bro.





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I'm sorry, I might be missing something but did you just give us some insight into your future autobiography. You shouldn't put so much Freud into your posts. I like what you've done to your basement by the way.

You are so pathetic. Go away 50 year old wrestling guy!

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I must be communicating with the wrong people. With all the out of line insults that you guys throw around I honestly thought that you had a sense of humor. Instead you guys are actually quite sensitive. I apologize for offending you both.


dont care retard


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Real original. Maybe next time you can come up with your own lines instead of stealing them from me!


You like Dave Mathews? What do you call a 40 year old at a Dave Mathews concert? Pedophile!



Just becuase you slip something in there drink doesn't mean they like you! Hey I found a Video of you at work!



Actually it was real original, and very likely the truth. And as far as the Dave Matthews joke, you have obviously not been to a Dave concert ever. I guess the Short Bus doesnt take you to concerts, only to and from school in ur pink JAMMER! helmet.


What do you call Billsfan=pain mother?



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Actually it was real original, and very likely the truth. And as far as the Dave Matthews joke, you have obviously not been to a Dave concert ever. I guess the Short Bus doesnt take you to concerts, only to and from school in ur pink JAMMER! helmet.


What do you call Billsfan=pain mother?



At least I'm not 40 year old pedophile that like to sleep with girls when they are passed out! I have been to a Dave concert, I saw you there buying underage girls alcohol! I love how you don't even deny any of this!

I remember when you were saying we should sign Big Ben! I guess now we no why, you need a buddy to go pick up girls!

By the way, no means "No"! You look great in this film!


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In 2006 when Evans caught 82 receptions, Mike Furrey caught 98 passes with a less talented team!

I say we trade Evans for whatever we can get and sign Mike Furrey! We can dump Lee and his high salary!




Did you notice Lee Evans disappeared when Trent took over. I guess it's his fault Trent can't throw the ball that far. HMMMM!

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Did you notice Lee Evans disappeared when Trent took over. I guess it's his fault Trent can't throw the ball that far. HMMMM!

I think Lee should learn to run more than just a 'fly' pattern! I bet there are tons of track athletes that can run 'fly' patterns!

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