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Its about the Draft

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People, building a FB Winning FB team is all about the draft. We should know. In Late 80s' early 90's we drafted well and won. In the 00's we were terrible and we are terrible.


Now, Listen,.... Almost Championship team this decade drafted their QB. They also had great drafts, year in and year out.


Pats, Steelers, Colts, Giants, all built within.



Now, we got a GM, Finally, A man, who you know, always wanted to ge a GM Passed over becuase he may not have the Gift of Gab.


Nix is hungry, knows fb. A Drafting expert. Good choice. I happy with it. Now hire a good GROUP of coaches.


Happy New Year.

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Its about the draft to build the core and yes... the QB. But you have got to pull the trigger on a trade when needed. Polian was the master ( trading faulk -- Cornelius Bennet )


We gave up two 1st round picks and a second to get Biscuit, a bold move -- but worth it!

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Its about the draft to build the core and yes... the QB. But you have got to pull the trigger on a trade when needed. Polian was the master ( trading faulk -- Cornelius Bennet )


We gave up two 1st round picks and a second to get Biscuit, a bold move -- but worth it!



100% correct, trades and FA pick ups are important,.... But to build a core, Its through the draft. I feel we have some parts.

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