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  1. You would have yourself believe that he was fired despite no evidence that its true. Including from Fox. I call you a useful idiot.
  2. Same here Elon. It's a good way to know when you're dealing with a useful idiot when they not only admit to, but claim to know the "facts" because, they get their propaganda from legacy media.
  3. If they can get you to believe, truly believe, that 2+2=5 or in crap like Hispanic white supremacy, then they own you fully and completely. If they can't get you to truly believe in the above type nonsense but you stay silent and nod along with it anyway? Then you're a useful idiot.
  4. And of course we have the moronic drivel from Finding Q again. The media is not reporting on this massive crisis in proportion to how big it actually is in any way, shape or form. Don't expect him to get that point though. Useful idiots in a perpetual quest to find more Qanon! shouldn't be expected to. How would these deaths be reported differently under the orange regime? Blood on the Biden regime hands here? Of course not.
  5. This is exactly the definition of a useful idiot. They believe what they're told by their masters no matter how big the mountain of evidence to the contrary becomes. This would include direct deposits from corrupt foreign oligarchs into Joe Bidens bank account accompanied by a signed letter from Biden thanking them for the contribution. This is who @John from Riverside is. He can't change. He's forever lost. They'll never admit there's evidence because they can't. They're incapable of seeing it.
  6. It was all installed on his laptop by Russians. They also installed the same emails on Bobulinski's laptop and others in the email chains, as well as the metadata. Also nevermind about the 51 former intelligence officials explicitly stated in their own memo that began the whole BS narrative that THEY HAVE NO EVIDENCE. But billstime has the evidence. He just won't tell us. Also nevermind that his very masters at the NYT and WaPo now admit, safely post Biden election, that the laptop is and always was authentic. None of this matters to a useful idiot of @BillStime stature. Please ignore it. The politico article that began the whole bulk censorship parade is below. The link still works with the article exactly as it was released in October 2020. No retraction, no corrections. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/19/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276 β€œWe want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement,” the letter reads. But, it continues, β€œthere are a number of factors that make us suspicious of Russian involvement.”
  7. Everyone outside of the useful idiots knows this is the game, right? Get a representative to falsely characterize something not yet released to the public, like testimony under oath. Publicly demand the transcipt be released. Meanwhile the media is dutifully acting as stenographers for the false statements as being legitimate facts or news. By the time the transcript is released, useful idiots like @John from Riverside, will refuse to budge even with the words staring them in the face in black and white. Works every time.
  8. The useful idiot @John from Riverside dutifully swallows his masters loads whenever necessary. As an aside I'm not quite sure why CBS News continues to allow Catherine Herridge to do accurate reporting on this.
  9. Someone told him. A different deranged useful idiot. It's as simple as that. Sounds good to him, therefore all the "proof" that is necessary.
  10. There's no evidence! Ok useful idiots...do what you do best...attack the messenger! We reached out to every single pimp, hooker, drug dealer, and business partner on Hunter Biden's laptop... We put all of his emails and photos online... You have FARA violations, money laundering, sex trafficking, and conspiracy to commit bribery... Not one email has proven to be false... We put all of the metadata out there... When you go through the emails, they clearly show how the Bidens were an agent for a foreign principal... Hunter was on the hook for Joe Biden's living expenses... There was a joint bank account between Hunter Biden, Eric Schwerin, and Joe Biden... Emails prove it. Pg. 199, in the subsection under business-related crimes on unreported income and gifts... It goes through emails of how Eric Schwerin and Hunter Biden shared a joint account to pay Joe Biden's bills: -$2,600 to a contractor -$1475 to a painter -$1239 for air conditioning Hunter was the bagman. His business model was FARA violations... Joe isn't listed on official documents, but Hunter pays his living expenses, house payments, and everything else... Hunter's business paid for Joe's second iPhone. His burner phone... That phone was exclusively for Hunter and Joe... The Secret Service didn't harden the phone. It was a clear national security risk. It was probably bugged by multiple Five Eyes countries... It's tax fraud because you got money going to Joe every single year without declaring it as a gift... It is FARA violations, and because it's FARA violations, it's money laundering. Again, this is all laid out through emails, text messages, WhatsApp messages, pictures, screenshots, audio recordings, and videos... Joe Biden got the money through house payments and joint bank accounts... The report is free to read online... We go through all the sex-related crimes. There are 191... They'll see the correspondence, the pictures of the sex act (genitalia redacted), and the mode of transportation that Hunter paid for the women. You literally see the blurred-out footjob next to the airplane ticket in the report. There is no conjecture or extrapolation... Uber receipts... Amtrak receipts... Airfare receipts. Hunter blew through a million dollars on hookers and blow in 11 months. At the end of 2018, he asked Joe for a $75k wire so he could check into rehab. The very next day, he's wiring $10,000 to a Russian pimp... On May 24, 2018, Hunter mistakenly paid a Russian pimp $25,000, and a Secret Service agent got calls about Hunter using Joe's account for the payment. So, Joe Biden's bank account was used to pay a Russian pimp... We have the Wells Fargo email receipts... The dossier in total details 459 violations of state and federal laws and regulations... The drug-related crimes are included because Joe Biden was the lead architect of the mandatory minimums for crack cocaine... The very narcotic that Joe instituted mandatory minimums for was the narcotic that his son abused... At the height of irony, Hunter did the very type of cocaine that Joe Biden put minorities in prison for a mandatory minimum of 5 years... We have 20 separate drug deals of crack cocaine with the U.S. President's son. We put the name and number of the drug dealer... In certain cases, the drug dealer was prosecuted, and Hunter wasn't... This is the epitome of unequal application of the law. ------
  11. Speaking of evidence, we now have the evidence, in the form of bank records, that Biden was lying here. His son did indeed receive 3.5 million from the mayor of Moscow wife. Money, from Russians? Where's defcon 1? Useful idiots.
  12. The useful idiots are more than willing to swallow the ludicrous walk backs spoon fed to them by their masters all day, every day.
  13. As stated previously a canceled check made out to Joe Biden from one of these corrupt oligarchs isn't going to be enough evidence. Nothing ever will be enough. This is how useful idiots operate by definition.
  14. Nobody likes Hunter getting a sweetheart deal, but it's just the way it is and will always be. I mean c'mon look at all the absolutely unprecedented preferential sweetheart legal deals Trump is getting! Useful. Idiots. Forever.
  15. Again. The letter that started the who damn lying narrative of the laptop being Russian disinformation itself said right in it, in black and white, that they had NO EVIDENCE to make the claim. Yet the media made the claim that it was Russian disinformation anyway in order to begin their censorship campaign. Such journalism. The stuff Pulitizers are made from. You are a friggin useful idiot tool if you continue to believie anything these people tell you.
  16. @John from Riverside will just regurgitate his masters mantra. The King @ChiGoose will hand wave with his regular flourish and flair. In the end, they're both the same. Useful idiots.
  17. Love these supercuts... 1. Useful idiots' masters repeat: No Evidence! Interspersed with cuts of... Evidence!
  18. He knows the same evidence the rest of us do, plus a little more inside baseball. You know the evidence the left keeps telling us isn't evidence at all. You realize you can't reason with leftist useful idiots, right? These people are forever lost to reality. Therefore saying things to trigger their rage is perfectly reasonable. Or do you think playing nice with commies is going to stop their destructive intentions? You're entitled to your opinion, but the guy has worked as a SSA under both Bush and Obama. He just might have a unique perspective that you and I don't.
  19. But it's not incredible, unbelievable or anything close. This is how marxists and their useful idiot minions have always operated.
  20. Coupled with the universally approved and useful idiot parroted mantra, mere days after the election, that it was the most secure election in US history. The same people who tell you there's no evidence of massive 2020 election shenanigans will also tell you there's no evidence of Biden corruption. See, The King. These people deserve nothing more than your mocking, scorn and derision. They are completely lost useful idiots.
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