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  1. No *****. Anyone who entered the Capitol and wasn't violent should be charged. With trespassing. Not to four years in federal prison. Why is this so hard for you to understand? I know why. Because youve been told to believe in a fairytale narrative. And you dutifully swallow. Deep. Because you're a useful idiot.
  2. You'd think leftists wouldn't bring up the shaman considering the video the government hid for so long that exonerated him and resulted in his release from the gulag. But useful idiots being useful idiots...
  3. A new semester and the useful idiot from Capen hall is back. Oh joy. Wtf is "SUNY Amherst" anyway?
  4. The King goes silent! Gee. I wonder why? A useful idiot hack.
  5. Newsflash... If you dont support the regime, then you are by default MAGA. This is how useful idiots are programmed to "think"
  6. Yes, we aren't supposed to notice, but the observant and sane among us do. Useful idiots meanwhile live under a green sky.
  7. Who are four useful idiots who are very likely attacking the messenger here? You've chosen to ignore content by Kemp. Options You've chosen to ignore content by The Frankish Reich. Options You've chosen to ignore content by L Ron Burgundy. Options You've chosen to ignore content by TH3. Options
  8. Trusted FBI informant FD1023 on Biden's that was hidden by FBI.... Crickets from useful idiots.
  9. A commie judge said commie things? No way! I don't give a ***** about any of that. Because I'm a sensible human being who can take in visual data, interpret it and make my own conclusions. Unlike useful idiots who have been rendered incapable of such activity. Like yourself.
  10. For the useful idiots who almost certainly have never seen the video because their masters won't show them. I know, it still doesn't matter.
  11. ^^^ Three of the useful idiots that Bongino speaks of. @Kemp @Andy1 @redtail hawk
  12. So fun seeing leftists triggered by emoticon reactions to posts Here's a few more for them... For the sane, you do realize that this will be their next angle to complain to mods, right? But he eyerolls all my content! Additionally we have useful idiots getting triggered by: Ignoring them. (The King and Finding Qanon) Tagging them and the notifications it generates (The King et al.)
  13. Again, square the following King... From the IC memo. We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal a orney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case. With the subsequent reporting that nearly ALL the media regurgitated: Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/19/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276 From we have no evidence that the Russians were involved...to every major news outlet reporting that the laptop IS russian disinformation....and all the censorship and account banning that followed. It doesn't take a cabal, just activists posing as journalists and useful idiots like you.
  14. Says the useful idiot commie who cheers: Criminalizing free speech Jailing political opposition. Nazi churches! Applauds police state morning raids that kill private citizens. Yeah, everything is 'right wing' to a commie. Hey the King puked on the board again..
  15. I don't believe he can, or more accurately put, he can't be allowed to win. The sham indictments are only the beginning. They will stop at nothing to prevent him from winning. The out in the open rigging every non useful idiot observed in 2020 will look like child's play compared to what's coming.
  16. Russia stole the election for Trump... Maybe 2nd to wearing a mask outdoors/while driving in marking a useful idiot.
  17. No defending this police state crap, but useful idiots surely will... I've often said the real villains in DOJs abusive prosecution of Trump, his allies, and his voters are the DC judges. And no one is more villainous than Beryl Howell, former chief judge appointed by Obama. Almost all of her orders are under seal--so much so that she was mocked by her own colleagues during her send off in March for her secret rulings and hearings. She claimed Trump's Twitter records would reveal evidence of a crime so she ordered the company to produce the files while keeping her order secret from both the public and Trump. A few of her greatest hit jobs: She claimed Trump's lawyer, Evan Corcoran, was used in furtherance of a crime (obstruction, lol) so she took the highly unusual step of piercing atty-client privilege between the former president and his attorney to force Corcoran to testify to DC grand jury and produce all of his comms with Trump related to classified documents case. (Her order remains under seal.) She claimed security footage would show evidence of a crime so she approved subpoena for 9 months of video from Mar a Lago cameras from inside the former president's home. (Also under seal.) She denied exec privilege claims for Trump associates including Mark Meadows and Stephen Miller to compel them to testify to DC grand jury. (Order under seal, pending at appellate ct.) She claimed Rep. Scott Perry's phone, stolen by FBI agents a year ago, could have evidence of a crime so she denied his Speech and Debate Clause defense and ordered the phone's contents turned over to DOJ. (Also on appeal.) Her treatment of J6 defendants is grotesque. She authored a Feb 2021 opinion establishing special no-bail rules just for Trump supporters. She confronted prosecutors in 2021 demanding to know why they weren't bringing harsher charges against J6ers. The rot and corruption in our nation's capital lies squarely in her courtroom. She's not chief judge anymore but her legacy of destruction will last a very long time. This is exactly why DOJ then Jack Smith conducted the entire classified docs case in DC. They knew Howell would sign off on whatever they wanted and keep the details under wraps. As always, the ones shrieking about "rule of law" and "protecting democracy" are the ones destroying it.
  18. I know Trump can't win you moronic ***** stick. I've said it repeatedly. All these commie indictments are accomplishing is accelerating the demise of the republic. Which is reflected in the polls. And what useful idiots like you cheer in the name of SaViNg oUr dEmOcRAcY. I'd say get it through your thick skull. But you can't. Because you're a useful idiot.
  19. This part from the commie judge is particularly rich: That law enforcement officers outnumbered by the quantity of rioters did not physically engage Mr. Chansley or impede his progress is irrelevant.” Impede his progress? Irrelevant. How about law enforcement officers escorting him inside the friggin Senate chamber? How "irrelevant" is that? ***** off with impeding progress. Or the NINE "outnumbered officers" who allowed Chansley, by himself, to walk right past them inside? Useful. Idiots.
  20. ^^^^ I'll take four consecutive useful idiot posts for $1000, Alex.
  21. Let the TDS flow. Allow it to consume the last vestiges of grey matter.... Then circle jerk with your merry band of useful idiots. As I warned JFR though don't get any on ya... Oops...wipe your chin King!
  22. Right. Tell that to all the J6 defendants who had their 6th ammendment right violated. It's comforting knowing why useful idiots parrot the nonsense they do. You're incapable of doing otherwise.
  23. Nicely said. The critical distinction that TDS patients will never get. Nor should we expect them to. They're just being the useful idiots that they are.
  24. Ignoring the fact that he/she is a useful idiot for a moment... Why the ***** do we have a 49er Fan on a politics sub forum of a Bills board?
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