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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. You people are idiots. The Inauguration Committee planned the days' events and there were 10 OFFICIAL events. Those were events that the President attended.


    One of them was in honor of the military:


    Commander-in-Chief's Inaugural Ball - National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. The ball is in honor of the country's active duty and reserve military. Invited guests included wounded warriors (Purple Heart recipients), families of fallen heroes, and spouses of deployed military. Tickets were provided free of charge to all invited guests. This event was not open to the general public. It was broadcast to American troops around the world on the Pentagon Channel, which is available via cable on 368 military bases and on commercial cable and satellite services throughout the United States.


    I myself witnessed the President and First Lady each dance with a member of the military, and I thoroughly enjoyed the interview with each of them after the dance was over. I can see why their officers chose them.

    Quit talking about the military and get on the anti military band wagon with the rest ot the Tards. The military is just butt kissin right\t now but they dont favor Obama but will wait and see.

  2. My disdain for the military? I don't ever remember posting anything like that. My grandfather served in the navy in WWII, and I intend to enlist after I graduate. Maybe I made some other sarcastic comments (or just saying things to get peoples' goat), but disdain for the military doesn't describe me at all.

    Join the ROTC it will pay for your school and when you graduate you will be commissioned as an officer in the Army or other branch NROTC Navy etc, . You wil be serving your country and no college lonas for years. You might even like .They have a program that gives you a year to try it with no obligation.

  3. Not true. Go ahead and find a single link that states it's been used since the 70s for holding prisoners.


    So the detention facility that was built after 2002 was used for other kinds of punishment before? How does KBR do what they do? It's like magic.


    The first "detention facility" on Guantanamo Bay was "built" in 1991. It was basically a tent city surrounded by barbed wire that held about 100 people. It was constructed to deal with refugees, not hard core criminals. In fact, the first group of "unlawful combatants" in the "War on Terror" were kept in what were basically dog runs.


    So basically I'm saying "You're totally full of sh--".


    I guess we can add "unable to recognize sarcasm" to the burgeoning list of stuff you suck at.


    I've never claimed to be tolerant and I'm certainly not a liberal. You're as good at determining people's political bent as you are with any pertinent facts on pretty much anything.

    Better do some self evaluation. You are a liberal. You play kissy face with the enemy.

  4. Except laws in civilized nations have always treated civilian and military actions separately, and why it's insane to hold military in combat to same standards you would treat civilians under seemingly similar circumstances.


    If you can nail down the debate in simplest terms is whether the terrorists should be treated under military or criminal statutes. Of course the defendants want everything to be treated as criminals, because of wider defenses available to them, but the cations on the ground are not as clear cuts (as Tom described) that they should fall under criminal statutes.


    The main issue will still remain, there are no set international laws regarding treatment of terrorists operating outside recognized legal boundaries. So far, much more international effort has been devoted to fighting the Bush admin's position on the terrorists than to work out laws within or without the scope of the Geneva Convention that would cement the legal standing of the terrorists caught in battle.


    Thus, the near term practical solution for the US military faced with them will be to either kill them on sight, or render them to non-US regimes. Again, which solution is more humane?

    Thats the best idea or in the Tards case than can play kissy face with them.

  5. I'm not worried about detaining terrorists. I'm worried about detaining innocent people. If they're terrorists, charge them, try them, convict them, sentence them. That's what AMERICA does.


    If that's what you're basing your "process" on, then you absolutely are an idiot. I love how everything has to be completely devoid of reality. That's right, everyone who wants Guantanamo Bay closed certainly wants to offer citizenship, "full benefits that whites can't have", etc. And we all love terrorists.


    It's not because I've studied history and I realize how dangerous it is to give ANY government the ability to put people in prison forever without charges. That's almost never led to abuse.


    Try some Midol. Maybe then you'll be able to step back and actually look at the situation without the stupid goddamn rhetoric.

    If they were on the battelfield then that's where they should have stayed ...DEAD. And yes you are a bleeding heart liberal. Their countries do not want them back.

  6. Ooops...there goes the revolution! First they keep me from working, now I can't join an insurrection. They have it all figured out. The white man is dead.


    Seriously, first step to martial law. Not only are we going to become socialist but we are going to be fascist too!

    The next step will be to dismantle the military , and the step will be the don't ask don't tell policy.

  7. Guess you missed the part of the Declaration of Independence that said "ALL men are created equal". Not just American citizens.


    There are a whole bunch of legal issues that have been used to justify the prison. None of them pass sensible muster when measured against history. Terrorism will always be a tool and going against common decency and our own laws is as un-American as any act could be.


    You're not going to create fewer terrorists by denying people due process.

    Due process my a$$. Yes every one is created equal but thats where it ends for some . , it ends at creation.

    It's a war not a courtroom.

  8. Ooh, that's a crushing blow to my delicate psyche. And you'll just have to forgive me for not having much faith in ANY government to decide exactly who the "enemy" is in such a conflict.


    I don't need to "see" you "state" anything. You're a friggin' parrot and if you ever had a thought of your own, it likely died a very lonely death.


    I'll let you know the very second your insults have an effect.

    You already did.

  9. So what happens when it turns out that one of the prisoners is wrongfully imprisoned? Hey, it's not common but it happens. That's the reason for the lengthy appeals process when any American is handed the death penalty. But you'd prefer that we just slaughter all suspected terrorists and international criminals.

    Yes I would they are not citizens and do not deserve the same rights as our citizens. Let me spell it out for you , they are the E N E M Y You have been watching too much Judge Judy.

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