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Posts posted by cantstopbeastmode

  1. I'm gonna take a lot of sh-- for it, but its gotta be the patriots.


    They are everything I wish the bills would be. Such good coaching and potential maximizing. I can't !@#$ing stand them as a current bills fan, but i mean if the bills were out of the equation, you gotta love a team like that.


    Keep this in mind: They demolish teams year in, year out, starting completely random dudes. Matt Cassel, Benjarvus Green Ellis, Sammy Morris, random cornerbacks, random wrs, and all of these guys look like stars. We draft evans, reed, parrish, hardy, and lynch all in the 1st 2 rounds of the draft and can't get sh-- out of them.

  2. I'm not uspet by this loss. Really. It came as no surprise. When it became clear that the bearded bounce passer was going to start, I knew we had no chance and the game unfolded exactly as any diehard knowledgeable Bills fan knew it would. Primary receiver covered, happy feet in the pocket, sack or incomplete pass. When I look at the talent, or lack thereof, on this roster it's no surprise we have a losing record. The only legit stars on offense are Lynch, Evans, and maybe Peters. On defense, there are none. And spare me the Whitner thing. Once again he made no significant plays and got burned for what turned out to be the game winning TD in the 1st quarter. Tom Modrak and John Guy have been an embarassment. With the talent they have scouted for us , it's no surprise we have little chance to win. :lol:

    Your so !@#$ing wrong. Shut the !@#$ up.


    Please explain to me the talent on the team that beat us today. Or last week. Or on Monday night.


    We have a bunch of very good players on both sides of the ball. Let me run through them for you:


    offense: lynch, jackson, evans, reed, peters, trent(you can't give up on him yet, we all saw so much in the first few weeks that we all know he is and will be very good)


    defense: greer, mckelvin, whitner, posluszny, mitchell, debatable stroud


    special teams: mckelvin, parrish


    We are exactly 0-4 in the division, correct? We are also 0-2 against the 49ers and Browns. Could somebody please give me a talent breakdown of one of these teams that beat us and explain why exactly that talent deficit caused us to lose the game? I'm dying to hear it.


    If Bill Belichick can take Matt Cassel and Benjarvus Green Ellis and pretty much destroy us with them, then there is no validity whatsoever to saying that the bills don't have the talent.


    Our team is a very solid group and if we could get a good, new staff in here, we could definitely pull an Atlanta.


    Speaking of, Atlanta is led by Matt Ryan, Michael Turner, and Roddy White. Doesn't sound any better talent-wise than Trent, Marshawn, and Lee.

  3. Well, I tried to let it not eat at me, but it's really starting to bother me now. I can't even stomach the thought of the team playing the dolphags in Toronto. Any other game on the schedule, and this might not bother me as much. I have been away from Buffalo now for several years, but I always manage to come up with enough cash to make a trip to the Ralph for the Miami games, almost every year since I moved. This year feels like Ralph and the league has pulled a bag over our heads and punched us square in the face on this one.


    A month ago I was telling myself it was OK that they play a game in front of our Canadian friends once in a while, and yes I was still a little chapped that they took the Miami game from us, but we were winning, so that pill was easier to swallow. Now that we're headed for another average season, this game would have been MY playoff game in Buffalo, and I easily would have been there at the Ralph. Not this year, or the next if they move the Maimi game to the Rogers Centre again.


    This week the TV will be off, the Bills gear in the drawer, and I am calling it a Bye week. Football is NOT ABOUT CORPORATE DOLLARS YOU MONEY GRUBBING BASTARD OWNERS!! It's about a pilgrimage for locals to orchard park 8 times a year to come together for the same cause and hope this team brings a little relief to our area. For me it's about driving 800 miles on a friday night to pull into North Buffalo, catch some shut eye, Hit up Coles Saturday night with my best friend, then go to the miami game on Sunday to see our guys squish the fish. Then back into the car after the game so I can be at work on Monday to brag about it all, but not without grabbing a huge bag full of Super Mighty's, extra hot, extra sloppy.


    So, I ask anyone who will be watching this sunday to obviously give Maimi hell, and I don't condemn you if you do, but for me it hurts too much to know that cheesy, crappy, faggety south florida team gets a vacation from the new rock pile, The Ralph, and play in a cozy, heated dome. This lousy deal has already taken my favorite home game away from me and it's not OK.


    I have lived my most of my life in Buffalo, and hated to leave, and want to return some day, so even now that I am 800 miles away, I STILL live and die with every loss, and it's worse here because nobody gives a sh--. I have seen this team play on 2 coasts, 4 time zones, and 10 different cities, and i was even at the nauseating music city mistake. I suffered through all 4 super bowl losses while at college 1/2 way between Buffalo and NYC, and had to face all those HOMO giants fans after that kick sailed wide.... can't even type it.


    So take my self imposed Bye week as you like but know that this is not the action of a fair weathered fan, I even used to attend Bills pre-season games during the 2-14 seasons with my Dad as a Kid... yes, for some reason they always seemed to be in the rain too.


    See you guys next Sunday after the Bye.

    Post gave me chills.


    SO !@#$in right.

  4. Amen. It's not the arm. It's his cautious approach to the game. Looks to me like he's become more cautious as the season has worn on. Looks like a confidence problem to me. Have to remember, these are young guys under a lot of pressure trying to do something that is very difficult. His poise is lacking. He's lost his mojo.

    Thank you! I feel like its the influence of DJ but who knows really.

  5. Wait, wait wait wait wait a minute.


    Bare with me here as I go through your logic, I'm very confused...maybe you can make it make more sense...


    He's f*cking clueless...because (and here is where I get lost I think)... our quarterback (I'm going to have to assume you're referring to Edwards here, unless you know about the franchise's future intentions through an inside source) was an mvp candidate in weeks 1-4, who is comparable to Brady and Manning...








    ...I want to believe you, I do. It's just that...well you see, while Trent may have looked average to slightly above average for roughly four weeks... but (and this might be where I tend to disagree with...everything you say) He literally displayed some of the worst quarterbacking I've ever seen in my entire life for the next 8.


    I'm not agreeing with the guy who thinks our answer is a quarterback...but help me out here...you think that our quarterback is as good as Tom Brady and Peyton Manning? Of course, the other guy is f*cking clueless...of course, I forgot about that.

    Your ridiculous. Obviously he's not a Brady/Manning, but hes not our problem either. He was definitely a top 5 player in the league for the first few weeks of the season. What you consider some of the worst quarterbacking youve ever seen in the league is taking so much other sh-- and just not paying attention to it. How was the playcalling? The run game? The receivers(no reed)? The defense?


    Of course he digressed a little bit, and threw a few picks, but he's still one of our better players. Get rid of Dick and see what happens. I'd really be interested to see.

  6. Can someone explain to me exactly who was the MVP candidate in the beginning of the season that also just about single-handedly brought us back in about 4 games?




    If you think QB is the problem your !@#$ing clueless. You guys flip out over a couple picks but the fact of the matter is that Brady/Manning throw picks too and their teams get over it cuz theyre not coached by !@#$ing Jauron.

  7. I agree with both of you guys, believe it or not.


    On one hand, it pisses me off that the guy leading our team never seems to give a sh--.


    On the other hand, it is not necessary to be a Tomlin type to win football games.


    Problem is, teams seem to be a bit like their coaches. Polamalu and Tomlin are right on the same page. Belichick and Harrison are just about the same. Unfortunately, we have too many guys "just not executing well enough" and scoring minimal pts in all of our big games and nobody getting !@#$ing pissed and just going off. I would love to see Trent throw his helmet in frustration or something like that, just so we know how pumped he is. Instead, we're stuck with too much "theyre good opponents, we just gotta prepare better for next week and keep working hard" mentality.


    !@#$ that mentality, I've had enough of that sh--. Its completely obvious that these other teams are just tougher, more badass teams, that just go and play football. Mitchell is on the right path to being one of those guys, but Jauron and the boys overshadow that. !@#$ the coaches. Grow a set and play like men.


    !@#$in bills. Just posting this got me all frustrated.


    But seriously, what's worse than a guy killing our collective hopes and just hearing "well we need to execute better?" Someone give me an answer to that please...

  8. I really don't see the Bills with Jauron at the helm winning many more this season.


    Everyone seems to have figured the Bills out but the Bills.


    I can see 7-9.

    Awesome way of putting it. I think we might be better than 7-9, but you're right on about the sentence above it.

  9. I don't think our coaches are doing fine at all. My take on it is this. The Bills came out of training camp with a revised offense from last year. Same for the defense as Fewell stated in preseason that the Bills with some new personnel would not be as vanilla. Early opponents were weak and teams didn't have much film on the current Bills. After a few games, teams have film on Buffalo and they have figured out how to attack both the offense and defense. Results (W-L) support this. Look at the running game closely. The Bills backs have nowhere to run and the lineman are outnumbered at the hole. I think the defense knows what the Bills are doing on offense. Lynch is far better than what we're seeing results-wise IMO.


    Now, this week the Bills play a team with a coaching staff that has made a living on game planning for specific opponents. Better than most in the NFL. They lost their star QB and a couple running backs and have found a way to generate offense without them and their defense even with age and player turnover is still putting a winning effort non the field.


    I think this is a horrible matchup for the Bills. Not the players, but the coaches. I think they get schooled tomorrow in a methodical way. Would love to be wrong. Jauron and Co. just not in the same league as the Patriot staff.

    Exactly correct.


    I hope your wrong with your prediction, but the post itself is absolutely right.

  10. The only quarterbacks that have "torns us up" so far are Warner and Pennington. In terms of the other good QBs we've faced, we beat Hasselbeck and Rivers soundly, and held Favre in check if you actually look at the stats.

    We beat Hasselbeck soundly, in a game where we played highly aggressive defense, so your point is invalid.


    Rivers actually moved the ball down the field decently well against us, until we had our few turnovers at the end, caused by a veteran play and a blitz.


    And I seem to remember a few Favre dink and dunk drives that we couldn't seem to stop.

  11. You just notice those plays because they end up with a good net result for the Bills. Let's say Jauron calls a run up the middle. If the blocking is shotty, youll call it a "running into a brick wall play", but if a few good blocks are made and Lynch busts up the middle for 20 yards, it was a genius play call! right?


    You can't just look at the results of big plays/disastrous plays and attribute it all to playcalling. The onus is on the players on the field to DO something with the playcalling.


    Conservative play is the right call a lot of the time. Yes, we all love to see the 80 yard bomb to Evans, but from a practical standpoint, a conservative balance of runs and throws helps both score and wear time off of the clock so that your team controls time of possession.


    And we would all love to see more sacks, but it pisses me off when I hear "Why don't we blitz more!!!???"


    Listen. If you blitz all the time, you are so much more susceptible to the big play.

    Is that you Dick???


    You're completely wrong. I notice these plays all game long when i watch good teams, and thats my point. I watch Tom Brady sling it all over the field. I watch Peyton Manning's arm open up running lanes. I watch the Giants D sack the cowboys 4 times and cause 4 turnovers. I watch the steelers hold the redskins to 6 points with 7 sacks. I saw the Eagles wreck the steelers earlier in the year with 9 sacks. I saw Aaron Rodgers and now Peyton Manning lose due to the titans agressive scheme.


    And, to refer to your "if you blitz all the time, you are so much more susceptible to the big play" comment, thats correct, but IRRELEVANT. If you never blitz, your guaranteed to give up about 9 small plays, which equal one big play. Just watch the Pennington and Favre game films buddy.


    If I haven't already proved my point, do the steelers and titans and giants blitz more than any other teams in the league? I believe they do. I also believe that they are all near the top in the fewest points allowed category, so apparently they haven't been too worried about giving up the big play.


    As everyone here is quick to point out, probably the team with the best big play ability of all time lost in the SB last year. They didn't lose because of any reason other than the defense they played against completely owning them, and just attacking brady all game long.


    Football is not for conservative pussies. The best teams make plays to win the games, they dont watch the other team make their own small plays.


    How can you defend conservativeness? Losing to the Jets and Dolphins isn't enough to pull you off the conservative bandwagon???

  12. Can someone tell me exactly one thing jauron has done right???


    His team sucks every year they have average talent, then they finally get an extremely talented team and get to 5-3, although its looking like we're headed way downhill.


    Every time we play a halfway decent quarterback, said qb tears us apart, as we watch him do it in our soft coverage. Every game, our offense underachieves. He just stands there on the sidelines and never does anything.


    If anyone here has watched the offenses of the Colts, Pats with brady, Giants, Broncos, Saints, Cowboys with romo, and eagles, they will see that such offenses actually attack the defenses. They actually call plays to move down the field instead of the same old "run into a brick wall play."


    If anyone here has seen the defenses of the Redskins, Steelers, Titans, and Giants, they would see that these defenses actually tend to use more than one playcall. They also tend to use 5-6 man rushes to get to the qb. They also tend to stop teams like the !@#$ing jets and dolphins.


    So, as you can see, coaching is a real big problem here in buffalo. Jauron sucks. So he can get a team past the seahawks and radiers, big !@#$ing deal. Wait till we get put up against the steelers in the playoffs, itll be a massacre if dick doesnt switch things around.


    And, the most annoying part of all, is that when we do go outside of the normal conservative sh-- and actually venture into a decent playcall, we make our biggest plays(Greer INT TDs, Mitchell sacking Rivers, Whitner sacking Russell, etc). Unfortunately, Jauron seemingly likes the results of the plays that destroy us more than the plays that help us.

  13. Our defensive playbook is about 3 plays deep. Favre, Warner, Rivers, and Pennington have had no problem figuring that out.


    Our offensive strategy wastes about 40% of our plays running into a brick wall, hoping we can convert on 3rd downs. If we tried getting the 1st down on all 3 plays, maybe we would get more 1st downs.


    How can you think our philosophy has been good?

  14. I had no problems going for it. I always want to and we normally don't. I know a lot of people do too, it was interesting to see a little bit of a ballsy decision like that. If you have quarrels for the play, then you may have a point, but there was nothing wrong with that decision.


    The fake punt was actually successful, and while it was awful, and took a lot of energy out of the players as it dragged on for ever in review, to be honest, they caught them off guard, and Moorman picked it up, and it was a phantom-call away from continuing the most important drive a football game (the start of the second half). IMO, that decision was shocking, but made a statement that they were pissed and wanted points. That play had no repercussions.


    The challenge was awful and just solidifies my previous assessment that we might not actually have a credible person in the booth reviewing these things.

    Just to clarify my statement, I agree with what you are saying.


    The overall scheme of Bills football is what loses us the game, not going for it on 4th and 1...

  15. You guys are ridiculously swayed by the media and other opinions.


    Greer is much, much better than mcgee at corner. Lynch is just fine although his YPC isnt all that good. Whitner is a playmaker regardless of his INTs.


    Even though you make pick up a newspaper in Dallas or San Diego and just read about McGee, Greer's coverage is much better than his. Its not even that close. Guess who all the other teams always pick on?


    As to my top 10:


    1. Edwards

    2. Whitner

    3. Evans

    4. Greer

    5. Lynch

    6. Posluszny


    then theres a dropoff...


    7. Stroud

    8. Jackson

    9. Reed

    10. Mitchell


    Honorable mention(in this order): Peters, Walker, Parrish, McGee, Schobel


    Certain guys do certain things better than guys listed ahead of them(Parrish's return ability is better than 13th on the list), but overall I'd call Peters a better player than Parrish, and etc.

  16. It should be really obvious to you guys that Jackson is better than Lynch, simply because of YPC.


    Benjarvus Green-Ellis has more YPC than Joseph Addai this year, so he must be way better too. Come to think of it, Correll Buckhalter is way better than Reggie Bush, too.


    Don't you guys read boxscores?


    I mean 1st you guys think whitner is good and he has 0 ints, and now you defend lynch, too? He only has a 3.7 YPC!!!! Are you guys !@#$ing stupid???


    I bet you guys think Spencer Johnson is a better tackler than Rian Lindell, too. Well you're WRONG!!!! They both have 3 solo tackles this year.


    Fans who actually watch games and don't just read boxscores are so dumb...

  17. I agree with you that we cannot keep playing scared, just watch the second New England game last year, it doesnt work. But you said that we play C2 90% of the time.


    Again, we were not in C2 most of the Miami game. If Scott is up at the LOS, and we are in C2, WHO THE HELL IS PLAYING THAT HALF OF THE DEEP ZONE????? I'm sure Camarillo is fast enough to beat a twelve yard zone on a 5 step drop. You are talking out of your ass again. Plus, we were in man everytime they ran the Wildcat, that is the only way a Defense can defend it.


    I do agree we do need to be way more aggressive though.

    Your missing what I'm saying but I can agree to disagree I guess. I don't wanna dispute the 90%, I was just making a point. I guess I didn't explicitly say this, but I was more or less referring to big plays. When we need a stop, what do we do??? I'm not talking about 3rd and 1s, or wildcat, or any other running plays. When its 3rd and 8, what defense will we be in? The cover 2.



    We do the same sh-- too much, whether or not it works. Cover 2, cover 3, man under, whatever. If its not working, go to something else. We really should only do stuff that works instead of beating a dead horse by running the same unsuccessful plays.


    To comment on Jauron, he really doesn't seem to take any control over the coordinators, even when it seems obvious that he should. Could he be doing so behind the scenes? I guess. But it really doesn't seem like it, and thats one of my biggest problems with the guy. If something isn't done right in a Pats game, Belichick fixes it. Same with Peyton and same with the Giants D. The bills don't, and Jauron will need to learn that for our playoff game, if we get there.

  18. Whatever they played in the Cardinals and Miami games, it DIDNT WORK. It clearly WAS NOT GOING TO JUST START WORKING AT SOME RANDOM POINT IN THE GAME. Therefore, we need Perry/Dick or anyone for that matter to switch our defenses up, do some sh-- to confuse the quarterbacks.


    As to the Arizona game, it seemed like we may have ran a lot of cover 3, but in any case, we needed to get out of the soft sh-- and play like men. Only give a 2 yd cushion, blitz, whatever it takes, but goddamn it dont just sit in 8 yd cushions and give them 7 yd passes all game long.


    The San Diego game, we were in Cover 2 all game long, I witnessed it personally. They hit a 15 yd curl to Jackson/Floyd on just about every big 3rd down. Its a good thing it finally clicked in Fewell's mind to send Mitchell on a blitz, otherwise we could have been in trouble.


    The Miami game, it seemed like we were in a lot of cover 2, even with Scott up, it was still our basic play. Maybe they put scott on the weak/strong/camarillo side where he'll never really need to cover deep? Maybe he was only in the box on obvious running plays? In any case, our D wasn't working and we did nothing to change it.


    Basically, my point is, we need to change sh-- if the current sh-- isnt working. It's that simple. We have the players to do it, now all we have to do is use them. Mitchell can blitz, Greer can cover man, and Whitner can ballhawk, but if these players never get the chances, then they'll never do those things, and qbs will tear us up.


    As someone mentioned earlier in the thread, this defense can carry us to a 5-2 record, and probably take us to the playoff, but I can't possibly see it delivering us a playoff win, unless we do blitz and switch things up. Hopefully Fewell notices that.

  19. These are comments that I can agree with. The Bills have invested a lot in terms of early draft picks in their secondary. This is Jauron's area of expertise. It's time to stop playing so damn conservative all of the time, and let your play makers impact the game. If all you want out of your db's is to line up 8 yards off of the LOS and backpedal on the snap, then any 5th-7th rounder will do.

    EXACTLY. I don't get why we draft guys in the first round and then play them as if they don't have any talent whatsoever. I feel like this thread is really confirming I'm not the only one seeing these basic problems with our defense that Fewell is really missing.

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