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Posts posted by Westinghouse

  1. I just chose the first three that needed to be responded to. I am sure there are more.


    Joe's initial post in that thread had NOTHING to do with the JP/Trent situation. It didn't trash Trent. It didn't suggest JP should be a starter. It simply said, and I paraphrase, "whatever the situation is, the guy is a team-first guy. Let's give him credit for that, if nothing else." (The exact text is quoted below.)


    Apparently, there are some of you that can't just say, "Good for him, on that matter. Yes he seems to be a good team guy." Nope, you have to TURN IT INTO a Trent/JP thread, or a JP sucks thread, etc. I really feel sorry for your inability to leave it alone for ONE THREAD. It's really sad that you guys call yourselves sports' fans, let alone Bills' fans, IMO.


    Haha you cannot be serious with this.

    Kettle calling the pot black.


    If there is anyone over the last year that was unable to discuss the QB position like someone who was older than 9 it was you.

    But now that you ate your humble pie all those big mouthed rants and personal attacks of yours ( that have been removed by the mods) you've toned

    your arrogant act down a few notches.


    I see now though that you aren't the self professed authority you used to try to pawn yourself off as .

    (with the help of the mods silencing anyone that upstaged you)


    So now tell us what you know about football .

    Why are you instead talking about meaningless crap like this instead?


    Seems that now you are reduced to commending Losman for having a good attitude.

    What happened to all the boisterous garbage about how Edwards would be nothing but a clipboard holder for 'JP' ?

  2. I concur... anyone bashing JP is a POS IMO.... and I find those that do to be pretty sad forms of Bills fan.


    If you go to the official Bills website forums it's even more putrid. Downright embarssing IMHO...


    JP is a solid team player, and he does not deserve the BS hatred some jerkoffs thrash him with...

    I think you people have this entire senario flipped over.


    From what I recall on this forum it went like this:

    Anyone that even suggested that Edwards should start was called every name under the sun.

    When those people retaliated they were removed from the forum because all the mods are huge JP fans.


    Here is a strange fact you might not be aware of....Trent Edwards was drafted by the Bills.

    And guess what position he plays ?

    Answer: QB


    But you rash people somehow couldn't accept that .

    Somehow or another because Losman was on the team there was a camp of people that insisted that Edwards job was to "carry the clipboard for JP".


    All those posts have been deleted now so that it's convenient to recharacterize the true nature of some of the more rash individuals on the forum and

    all their personal attacks.


    What ever happened to just being a man and saying ...you guys were right ?

    To this day this crying still goes on for Losman but what's missing is a years worth of the obnoxious posts made by these same people.

    I wonder why ???????????

  3. Matthew (Buffalo, New York): I've heard talk about moving Dante Whitner to free safety to allow him to make more plays but doesn't this cut Ko Simpson another VERY GOOD player out of the mix?


    SportsNation KC Joyner: (4:46 PM ET ) Matthew, the Bills injuries last year allowed some of the backups to showcase their skills. Buffalo may have the deepest set of defensive talent of any team in the league because of this, and I think they are going to be willing to make some moves they otherwise wouldn't be willing to make. Simpson as a strong backup would be quite a plus for any team.


    Matthew (Buffalo, New York): I guess that is true some guys such as George Wilson, Jim Leonard and John DiGorgio really stepped up but then who do we plug in at SS? Wilson? The draft?


    SportsNation KC Joyner: (4:49 PM ET ) I could see Wilson in that role.

    Jauron gets the most out of defensive players.

    Offense is another story.


    But they won't dominate on defense until they get some pass rushers , which is what they should use their top pick on.

    If they play to his strength as a coach and get the pass rusher(s) they need the Bills will compete.

  4. Since the Buffalo Bills have taken DLinemen with our top pick in two drafts, we've used our top pick for Wideouts 4 times and Corners 5 times.


    Since the Detroit Lions have taken DLinemen with their top pick in two drafts, they've used their top pick for Wideouts 4 times and Corners 3 times.


    The Super Bowl teams, who not coinicdentally led the NFL in sacks this past season, broke down this way:


    Wide Receivers:


    4 Buff

    4 Detroit

    0 New England*

    0 New York




    5 Buff

    4 Detroit

    1 New England*

    2 New York


    If we continue the trend, I'm guessing we'll be looking for a new GM in 2009- Matt Millen should also be available and what a great fit that might be!

    This is very poorly worded and innaccurate , but I agree to an extent with the gist of it.


    I think the Whitner pick fits into what you are trying to say here.

    Some teams don't seem to understand the impact that one position has vs another.


    There have been very few impact safeties over the years compared to other positions.

    Likewise Whitner is a good safety but not the impact player you need to get when drafting that high.

  5. He is in attendance at the first day of workouts. Look at all the !@#$s out there who are unhappy with their situation and use the media to bargain and leverage their no-shows as a badge of some display of courage. JP is not divisive..he is a team guy. In my mind this only enhances his trade value if that's the route we go and it shows me that he will be okay if we keep him.


    We can trash him all we want for his play on the field...but he constantly shows me he is a mature, team-oriented player...I am glad he is still a Bill.


    From Chris Brown:




    LOSMAN IN ATTENDANCE: Buffalobills.com confirmed that QB J.P. Losman was in the building for the start of Buffalo's offseason program and did attend position meetings.


    This is feel good stuff for some people.

    But the only important factor in the equation is whether he is an NFL QB.

    There is a list of billions of people willing to display a good attitude for a multi-million dollar salary.


    That is not what Losman was originally drafted for, primarily he was paid to excel at QB.

    Forgive me but I'm not really all that impressed with his showing at a workout and I am scratching my head with how you people are.


    BTW don't you think that Losman and his agent know the financial benefit of have Jp look coachable ?

    He is going to be a free agent soon you know.

    Get it ?

  6. My guess is that more than a couple of teams will be interested in a player like JP if he hit FA with is current stats and situation. My sense is they would want to sign him (and likely be happy to pay a pretty penny for him) cause:


    1. He is an experienced NFL starter who certainly has not led a winning team in the NFL, but he has compiled personal stats that do not suck (despite the statements of fans who have shown a lot of football knowledge on other issues) but are at the least in the middle of the pack (and easily have been in the upper middle of stat compilations for extended times in his short career). I know many Bills fans hate him and he has disappointed us because he never has led this team to be a winner.


    However, I my sense is that this disappointment is as much rooted in us Bills fans having high expectations and need for a winning QB after more than a decade of failing to replace Jimbo with a QB who wins a solid majority of the fans and media over for a long time and given the long playoff drought.


    JP clearly failed here, but one has to be pretty blind not recognize that there were a lot of factors that led to this failure in addition to his not being to cut it as an athlete here. Other teams will realize that this same situation will not exist in his new environs and though it is no guarantee that JP will become a star, it has happened way to many times that a player or even a QB fails miserably in one gig (or two in Brad Johnson's case) and can come back to QB a team to even the ultimate achievement (Johnson, Dilfer, et al).


    2. JP had great achievement running for his life but still being productive in college such that he scored a 1st round pick that most thought was legit (many had him as the 4th best QB in that draft and that is where he went. And after 4 seasons (5 when he hits FA but this reverie is based on an assumption (and hope because I hope Edwards is that productive in his second year) that he will not have played so much in his young career that he is used up at all). Not only is he that rarity of a young man with a good dose of NFL starting experience), but his demographics that got him picked in the 1st are still there. There likely will be a ton of teams looking for a new starting QB and likely JP would be one of the most desirable hopes on the market.


    3. The idea that JP deserves a harsher judgment because he failed under more than one HC or QB coach tandem ignores the fact that while having multiple tutors does not excuse failure (I think JP is done as a Bill and has to leave here) but this is a real world reason. JP's training has featured him being rushed into the QB job before he had earned it (by his own admission) under Wyche/MM/a couple of OCs. After this debacle he had a hopeful first year under Jauron/Fairchild but not only turned out to be a square peg when a different type of QB was needed for the lame Fairchild O, but he was knocked out of the line0up by a cheapshot from Wilfork (important because two trips to the injured list might raise questions of whether he is injury prone, but given he came back to show good episodes of play after both injuries (his 16 starts last year showed some durability and he played well enough folks were hopeful coming into last season and after he got cheapshotted he did rally the team back to wins and retook the QB job with his play til he called himself out and failed against Jax).


    JP clearly is not the best athlete in the NFL (like just about everyone else) but it seems clear that neither Bills braintrust chose to play an offensive style which better suited his talents (which he demonstrated behind the Tulane turnstyles and in several NFL episodes. This is not an unreasonable choice as the best players can play and win with multiple styles. However, seeing the reality that JP is not among the best does not mean at all that he must suck. There are more the two options here.


    If JP chooses the right situation in FA and a team is smart enough to only go after him when they can play well using a rolling pocket and playing with a mobile QB rather than asking him to play a static game, JP has every potential to play quite well.


    I think JP is done as a Bill in large part not only because he called himself out declaring Jax a make or break game and he broke, but I do not think that the newsmedia here will be willing to value the Bills winning more than them selling column inches with a QB controversy. He could easily win back his teammates confidence if he pulled off a performance like the one he already has done here against NYJ last year. However, the local media will never give him a chance to win back their pretend loyalty even if he QB'ed the team to the playoffs.


    In addition, there are a set of vocal fans here on TSW and who are happy to call into WGR who are far more entertained by declaring that an athlete sux and is overpaid regardless of how he does than they are with rooting for an athlete to lead the Bills to victory.


    Will JP be a star elsewhere? Maybe or maybe not. He would need to make good choices to find a team that uses his talents well and he would need a good OC and QB coach (something he never had here) who put him in a position to do what he does best and minimize what he does poorly. Also like every NFL player he will have to get lucky.

    It easily can happen but there is no guarantee. However, I think the possibility he can do an adequate job at his next stop are actually likely higher than the chances he will suck. Him making a choice and signing with a team that invests in him will likely be a far better situation than him playing for Jauron/Fairchild where he was simply something that came along with the team.

    Wow that is like a novel , holy cow.

    I guess it's reasonable to say that you have a strong attachment to Losman.


    If he is that high in demand the Bills should trade him now because they invested an awful lot by way of time and draft choices and haven't gotten much

    in return .

  7. Young scored a 16 on the only properly administered Wonderlic test that he took.


    Current players who have scored lower on properly administered tests:


    - Jason Campbell

    - Derek Anderson

    - Jim Sorgi

    - Seneca Wallace

    - David Garrard

    - Daunte Culpepper

    - Donovan McNabb

    - Steve McNair



    Famous past QBs:

    - Kordell Stewart

    - Neil O'Donnell

    - Jeff George

    - Randall Cunningham

    - Dan Marino



    Average scores per profession:


    * Chemist - 31

    * Programmer - 29

    * Journalist - 26

    * Sales - 24

    * Bank teller - 22

    * Clerical worker - 21

    * Security guard - 17

    * Warehouse - 15


    You left Jimbo off the list.

    He scored 15 and outside of football qualifies for warehouse work.


    Football isn't rocket science .

    But it benefits coaches and GMs to perpetrate this myth that it is chess like in strategy.

  8. The entire season of posts is gone ???

    Haha how very convenient for certain members who spent the season calling anyone who wasn't a die hard Losman fan every name in the book .


    Not only do they boot anyone with a contrary opinion they then erase all evidence of how clueless they were and how right all those they had removed from

    the forum were.


    Well I guess that allows them to keep pretending.



    I'm more concerned about if posters who were banned in that period are still banned.

    I bet you are because it was you that had all those members booted.

    I see in your posts that your idolitry of Losman is still in full swing .

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