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Bill Brasky

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Posts posted by Bill Brasky

  1. Speaking just for me, welcome to the Board, Bill. Your post was well thought out and appreciated. I don't have a problem with Pats fans per se, but mainly the arrogant homer types who believe their team does no wrong and will be winning forever (most of those folks, as you point out, may not have lived through the lean years in Boston). You're welcome here to discuss the Bills and football in general, including the Pats.



    I get that. In fact I was sickened to hear a story about some idiotic 20 year old dude up in Chatham MA that beat up a dude in front of his family because he had New York license plates and the gist of it was he did it because he thought the guy was a Yankees fan.


    First off, WHO CARES if he is a Yankees fan? Just because the teams are rivals doesnt mean we have to immediately resort to violence and they were out near the Cape, not at Fenway or Yankee Stadium.


    Secondly, that dude was 20. Meaning he was just a 16 year old boy when the Sox won the W.S. He didnt go through the years and years of heartbreak wondering if they were going to win it in their LIFETIME like many of us.


    I mean, WTF?

  2. Regis worked for the VC?


    "So Joy and I are having dinner at the Hanoi NOBU while watching the Notre Dame game and I'm telling her ENOUGH ABOUT THE HILTON! I'm trying to watch the Irish here. Meanwhile I'm worrying about whether or not we're gonna have one of those Chinese Earthquakes....."

  3. What New England sports fans need is a healthy dose of "suck." They have it so good now with three of their teams winning titles that they just expect it now. If a Boston teams doesn't win a title (Bruins excepted) than the whole season is a failure. Red Sox fans used to to be lovable when their team kept falling short, Now they are insufferable. It actually makes me wish the Yankees would rise up and humiliate them like they used to.




    I realize that many of you think that there were no New England sports fans prior to 2001 or even 1986 but for many of us, we've put up with many years of suck and many years of absolute heartbreak. If any fanbase can empathize with that I'd think it would be Bills fans and Cubs fans. Now that we've reached the promised land in 3 of our 4 franchises, its a different story and that old attitude of "how can we blow this now" has been replaced with a certain level of confidence as our teams have shown us that they can do it. Is that smugness or arrogance? I'm not sure. I do know thats probably how its perceived by fans of other teams as no one wants to see success of a rival team when their team is struggling.



    Just as quickly as our success arrived, it can depart. I understand that so I'm enjoying this run while it lasts.

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