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Posts posted by DaGimp

  1. only got to play MP for about 10 minutes since i got booted off of the TV so my kid could watch her "shows" lol! But so far so good. Definitely plays more like World at War so it's taking me, at least, more time to get used to it. Visually, really nice and the audio is impressive-seems much more realistic. Only played a few boards and they seem huge and maze-like. More to come...

  2. I feel like I've come across that name before at some point... or did you use it here as a username?


    Anyway, I pre-ordered mine from best buy last week. I might have to wait until wednesday to pick it up though. At least that way it'll be one day longer until I have no life at all.


    shrader5 on PS3. I might actually look to add any PS3 people from here. A few Buffalo people in the game would be a good thing.

    Don't know if I've ever used that tag on these boards but I've had "saturk" since I've owned my PS3. Maybe you kicked my ass on MW2? lol! Add me

  3. Can we please have a moratorium on threads about Brian Orakpo/Haloti Ngata/Michael Oher/et al.?


    It happened, we missed on the draft picks, we have a new national scout, a new GM and a new assistant GM, we landed a promising NT (Troupe) who should be an anchor of our defense for years to come, a promising DE (Carrington), an OLB (Moats) who will help this defense for years, and a WR (Easley) who showed some amazing flashes before getting hurt, not to mention a franchise RB.


    We had a good draft, much better than everyone wants to admit, because we aren't in the playoffs yet. It wasn't an amazing draft, but it was solid, and everyone needs to stop harping on the previous drafts, its a different GM/AGM/National Scout/Coach.

    git back on yer meds!

  4. And...you see why the Bills and Sabres will never win! Will not "go get" what they need at any price, will not have multiple gm types running the front office, will not do what it takes or spend when it is necessary to spend, will settle for second best or "we think we got a solid core"

  5. That hit was not dirty at all! Pomi is just a soft player who does not expect to get hit or have to play a physical game. It was a great hit from a player playing the game the right way. Unfortunately, he got hurt but you need to be aware of where you are and who is coming at you. He has to realize that not all teams play a soft game like most of the Sabres do.

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