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Posts posted by billsdiva007

  1. OK everyone, what do you all think about this one? 1 of my best friends is a guy & we have been friends since high school back in the day. He's a great guy, but a few years ago he suggested that we become more than friends & I declined because I wasn't feeling dude like that plus he's like a brother 2 me. Needless to say, he didn't agree & we ended up having a big argument about it & not speaking for years. Fast forward to the present, we talked & got everything out in the open & now we are cool, but our friendship is different & kinda distant now. What should I do? I value our friendship, but I don't want him getting the wrong idea.

  2. I don't know about the rest of you and I am sure this has been brought up in the past, but the NFL network and despite all the good it does bringing the latest NFL news to bear, has to be the most biased. Rarely do you ever see an interview on a Bills player, the team, etc. All you hear about is the Patsies and how they blew the super bowl, the Dolphins and how bad they sucked last year and how the second or is it third or fourth coming of Parcells to right the ship, and every other team and how wonderful they are. :)


    The icing on the cake was the Chad Johnson interview the other day. Cry me a river!!!! I don't know what exactly his stats were last year, but I do know the Bills secondary laid his a$$ out. Then to watch Eisen, Dukes and Woodson practically kiss his a$$ during the whole interview and throw a Chad Johnson pity party on national TV. :wallbash: I guess if they don't throw a big name cry baby or the once great whoever on the show, then no one is going to watch it. I know the Bills haven't been the poster child for success since the 1999 season, but holy crap, level the playing field on who you report about. :)


    Ok, I'm done venting. Living here in Arizona, I don't get to see much if any coverage on the Bills. You people are my connection to western NY. Keep the cards and letters coming!!!! Thanks to all of you for keeping me up to speed! Go Bills



    I agree with U, & it almost makes me happy that Time Warner took it away from us so I don't havta listen to da :wallbash:!! We still get 1 of their shows though & all they do is have orgasms over Brady & Bellichick!

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