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Everything posted by surfratt

  1. As a Charger fan from SD, I agree that this article is a joke. The Bills do have other options. Lynch should be there at 12. I also believe that the Chargers do not have to trade Turner. Yes, I would love to get some picks for him, but would not be upset if he stays. As the poster above me stated we do not have to trade Turner, both teams have options. If Turner stays he will get a lot of playing time. He will spell LT to keep him fresh (probably more so this year as Norv runs a lot), return kicks and be insurance incase LT gets injured. Having 2 good running backs is almost a necessity in the league today. If Turner goes, the picks will help us. If he stays, he will help us and we probably will get a comp pick in the future. Neither team has to make the trade. But I hope we can work something out
  2. Hello all. I am new and am a Charger fan from San Diego. I have been following your board after hearing the Turner to Bills rumors. Great board by the way. With regards to this article, I agree with you 100%. The Bolts and AJ do not have all the power. The Bills have other options than Turner. I do think Lynch will be available at 12. I do not this is AJ spewing disinformation. I think it is an overzealous/blinded/stupid reporter. AJ knows you have other options and the Bills know that too. I hope we can work something out that works for both teams. Neither team is desperate or out of options. I believe AJ has a set value on Turner (less than a 1 and 3). If he does not get what his value is, he wont trade Turner. I love Turner and think he will be a great back. If we trade him, great. But if not then that is fine too. Under Norv, our backs will get a lot of play. Turner will get more runs to keep LT fresh. Turner will also return kicks and be an insurance policy for LT. I do hope AJ trades him if the price is right. Either way, the article is BS. Neither team is out of options. The Chargers do not HAVE to trade Turner, nor is Turner the bills only option. Good luck guys. You will probably hear more from me in the upcoming weeks.
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