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I hate the Bills !

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Posts posted by I hate the Bills !

  1. The 3-4 Defense seems to have been a flop and we have switched back to playing mostly 4-3. So what do we play next year?


    Looking at the players, Stroud is on his last legs or seems to be. Spencer Johnson is a rotational player at best. Kyle Williams is the star of our DT and Troup is a rookie still learning, and McCargo will be cut at the end of the season.


    Our DE Kelsey, Edwards need help, I dare say we miss Ryan Denney ( just kidding) Maybin I have no idea what to do with him he is a fish out of water, a first round pick who cant even beat out guys like Torbor. THe Defense needs a big overhaul we need 2 DE's for sure, and another 2 LB's

  2. Doesnt San Diego have like 2 wins this year ?


    The guy who wrote this article also left out lots of other things about Buffalo like Beef on Weck, Rick James, Battery operated socks, The Apple Cidar is ready, great Skiing and Snowmobiling. Snow for Thanksgiving and Christmas, not to mention throwing snowballs at the opposing team that play the Bills. The Sabres are usually good,but seem to be stuck in neutral this year, and there is plenty of hunting and fishing if you like that sort of thing. Canada is 10 minutes away and the greatest fans in the world live in WNY!


    Plus the Mayor will probably give him a key to the city if he stays past this season!

  3. I think Maybin is a One Year Wonder in the Weak Big 10! If you want great Defense go to the SEC !

    Hopefully the kid gets the wake-up call ! College is over, become a Professional or like Eric wood said in Camp give some of that Money back !


    Maybe if he got a real Haircut and didn't look like an idiot he might play better as well !

  4. How was the Reggie corner pick, not a pick? He caught the ball probably 4 full yards in front of the end line.


    Only 1 foot touched down in bounds and he rolled over the player in the endzone never making a knee or another part touch the ground ! THe bottom guy basically forced him out of bound with out touching it almost like a wrestling move !


  5. A few years ago in th playoffs a long snapper muffed the snap and his team lost I 'm thinking the Giants or 49ers not sure, but I remember the guy retired or quit or was cut the next day.


    The long snapper is vital for ex points and FG's When was the last time you saw a bad snap from the center ? It doesnt happen often in the pros !

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