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Everything posted by Starkiller

  1. I think they had to let him go because of the $50M bonus. He just isn't worth that at this point. And they weren't going to be a contender with or without him. But they definitely turned it into a PR disaster. Locking him out was ugly. I have tons of respect for McNair, who happens to be my all-time favorite Titan (I wasn't an Oilers fan). That said, I can't blame the organization for not wanting him to possibly get injured and having to eat his insane contract. And no one really knows how much McNair's agent turned it into a circus when there was no need for there to be one. Lockout PR aside, I don't think the Titans screwed him. It was just business. They paid him over $50M since his rookie season, so it's not like he got the shaft. And the Ravens signed him to a big deal as well. And hey, McNair is at the point in his career where he wants to win now, which he could never have done here with where they are now. The best thing for him, honestly, was to go to a team like the Ravens. But I have to say the fact that McNair in purple is sickening (just imagine if you guys had to see Jim Kelly in an aqua uniform).
  2. Thanks. Yeah, I'm not big on trashtalk. I'd rather talk reality. And yeah, we're more likely to wish each other luck after Sunday is done. Fisher is usually a cool guy, but he has his moments where he twists the knife. He loved talking trash about the Jags after beating them 3 times in 1999. You guys guys got the worst of it when he introduced the "special teams" in the 2000 opener. Funny, I have to say, but definitely cruel...
  3. For what it's worth, I give the Bills the edge this week. So that should make you feel better. On the other hand, I also picked the Eagles, Giants, Colts, and Jags to beat the Titans over the last 5 weeks and I was wrong on them...
  4. 6.9 ypa in that span. I'm not saying that Vince is going to tear you guys a new one. But he's a pretty solid passer at this point and has made some pretty dramatic strides since he first got the starting job. I do think, however, that the weather could cause problems. He hasn't faced bad weather yet this year. And I have to assume it wasn't a major problem for him at Texas.
  5. Actually, that's a good question. Have you looked at VY's stats lately? Over the last 4 weeks, he has completed 63.4% of his passes with 4 TDs and 3 INTs. And don't forget the 237 yards and 2 TDs on the ground.
  6. Well, I certainly don't expect 3 more defensive TDs like last week. But I also don't expect a zero offensive performance like that again. Look, the Titans are not a great team, and honestly I think they are probably getting too much credit right now. They have won most of their last 5 straight wins on big plays more than consistent play. But big plays do win games and that makes the Titans very dangerous.
  7. Fair enough... But on the other hand, it didn't work out that way after the MCM, so you never know. As I recall, there was just a touch of resentment that hung around for a while...
  8. Young has definitely improved as a passer as the season has progressed. I have a lot of hope for the future. And I don't think he will have to rely on instinct forever. But with his speed, it's good that he can tuck it and run for big gains when he can't find an open receiver. That said, he certainly has a long way to go. He's very up and down. And his receivers are in short supply. Of the top 3 TEs going into training camp, 2 are on IR and the other missed last week's game. And the WR corps doesn't have a real playmaker despite a few solid guys. His running ability forces teams to weaken their pass defense somewhat or risk leaving him a lot of running room. He has taken advantage of that in recent games (prior to last week).
  9. Uhhh... "run-to-the-endzone-following-a-lateral-pass"? Was I right? No? Oh...
  10. Yeah, well your defense might be better than ours (debatable at least), but it didn't help the Jags last week... Tennessee's D has been much better lately than they were early on. They have allowed about 18 ppg over the last 4 weeks (including 17 to Indy).
  11. Speaking as a Titans fan, Clements and Samuel are both at the top of my FA targets list. We've got about $35M or $40M in cap space to spend and we'd love to add another stud CB opposite Pacman (who is great if he can continue to stay out of jail).
  12. Hey to everyone who was around back when I first posted here in the 1999 playoffs (no comment ). It's been a long time since the Titans have faced the Bills, but as it's that time again, I'm back. Here's to a good game this weekend (obviously I'm hoping for a different outcome than most of you). Should be pretty close.
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