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Posts posted by Kelso_Helmet

  1. Right on the money....and we have just won ONE game....If we can bet the JAX then people will start paying more attention....


    throw in Peyton laying an egg and the miraculous Carolina comeback from last week, and Bills are on an even further back burner...give it time while the Bills force the issue


    "I mean...I'm not going to be IGNORED..!"

    -Glenn Close, Fatal Attraction

  2. You're entitled to your opinion. There are people who go through a lot more than Tom Brady - believe me, I'm mindful of that. Still, though, to wish suffering upon another just isn't the right thing to do.


    Just hard to make the distinction...if the Bills were playing the Pats and Brady was at QB...and was getting hit repeatedly by Stroud and Poz and the rest of the guys on D. That's obviously going to cause some pain and suffering. If Brady's arm was injured, but he was still playing, would you feel bad for every INT he threw? I would doubt it. So it's really hard to agree on what the acceptable level of suffering is in a violent and competitive game like football.


    If I was happy because my supervisor fell in front of a bus on the way to work and I was able to advance my career as a result...yeah...that's pretty vile. But in a profession where the intent is to hit people and hit them hard?? Yeah, you obviously don't want people to be damaged for life and endure a certain degree of suffering. The overwhelming percentage of fans, even Bills fans, would not cheer if Brady left the field on a cart in Orchard Park. But I don't think one should have to feel guilty for appreciating the fortuitous nature of another team (which has had a remarkable string of success and been the beneficiary of others' injuries) losing it's star player.


    Especially if the team is...well...a bunch of a-holes.


    We have had, and will continue to have, devastating injuries on our team as well, regardless of whether we are mindful of karma or not. It's part of the game...

  3. Aside from the two obvious ones- the Parrish return and the P- DE fake field goal TD (all too common), it was a 3 or 4 yard sack of Hasselbeck by Mitchell. Both Poz and KM lined up right in front of center, and right before the snap, I could almost sense the sack coming- i think Hasselbeck could too. KM and Poz rolled right in, Poz got picked up by the center and KM just threw Hasselbeck to the ground- the whole play took about two seconds. That's the moment I felt the Bills D was for real!


    Any of the plays where they stretched the field...long throws to Evans or the laser to Royal. All facets of the team seemed improved, but it was especially encouraging to see us pick up big yards in the air. Good riddance, Mr. Fairchild!!!

  4. Well let me start off by saying, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YEAH!


    What a game! Great stuff. We dominated all over, all three sides of the ball. Everybody contributed. We looked great.


    The offence got off to a slow start, but the defence was great all day. So was ST.


    Once the offence starting clicking it was over.


    We filled the stat sheet. TDs rushing, passing, returning, and sneak play. Sacks, interception, it was all there.


    A few of my observations:


    1. Stroud is a beast. He is back. I can smell a pro bowl already.

    2. Mitchell was all over the field. He looks like a great veteran pick-up and a savvy leader.

    3. Posluszny looks like a tackling and playmaking machine.


    What can I say? Just a great great great game to watch. Strong performances all around. We took down a good football team.


    trying to not get carried away, but hard not to after that game today......a very solid performance.


    And....you'd have gotten more points in fantasy football from starting Brian Moorman at QB than Brady today........mu ha ha ha ha

  5. ill never understand why people want to spend hundreds of dollars getting tickets to an event (game/concert/etc) and then get so drunk they dont even remember it, or worse yet, dont even make it inside.


    im no tea-totaller but i can get drunk when im at home, or out at the bars, or at a friends party. when i go to football games, im there for football. for competition. for the thrill of the game. not to puke on the poor person in front of me and get manhandled by security in the 2nd quarter. go bills!


    favorite all-time drunk at a football game for me....last year, I was at the Bills-Skins game here in DC after the Sean Taylor shooting. This kid was in sitting in front of me, every two seconds, was turning around trying to give me sh*t about how the Bills were gonna get beaten by a fired up Skins team. Right after the opening play, where the Skins played a man down on D, the kid leaned forward and "glllllluuuuuuuurg" released a Linda Blair-esque vomit stream all over his feet and the people in front of him and then staggered off down the stairs.


    Any time someone tried to give me a hard time, I would just point at the vomit and laugh...

  6. Along with Josh Reed. With our lack at running back, corners are going to be punishing Lee Evans, putting him in double teams and not letting him get deep. Depending on who our #2 reciever is, which I see as still being Peerless, they along with our slot will be getting a lot of passes and a lot of yards.


    I guarantee, we'll have a shoot out team this year, exciting nail biters til the end.


    The Buffalo Bills: The New Greatest Show on Turf.


    i think roscoe parrish will actually be more of an impact receiver than peerless or reed

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