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El Presidente

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Posts posted by El Presidente

  1. looking for a way to watch the game at home tonight. I know in the past there have been websites streaming the game live. I have been looking everywhere, not a whole lot of luck yet but it is still early. If anyone has any suggestions, please post here. If I eventually find something I'll post here. Thanks!

    It's on the NFL network...and trust me...I thought I was going to miss cable...but it was all lies. Direct TV is excellent!

    Why you ask? Because when I realized it was on I logged into my account online, clicked "record this"...and then it sent a signal through the satellite to my recorder telling it to record...sooo cool!

  2. I think all the little girls crying over Peters should unknot their panties and relax. The guy makes the Pro Bowl as an alternate once and he's now god's gift to football?


    The answer is always "just pay the man", ain't it? Doesn't matter what the circumstances. Doesn't matter how many years he has left on his deal. Doesn't matter how a player behaves toward his team. Doesn't matter what it might do to your team down the road. Just break out the checkbook and write lots of zeroes. Don't think five minutes into future much less next year.


    Ding! Another Hot Pocket is served.




    DANG You Are 0N the Money!

  3. Maybe the Bills should switch Peters to starting Tight End on the depth chart, tell him he's well paid for a TE, and line him up as TE next to Walker at LT.

    Hmmm...wasn't Bruce Smith a hold-out during training camps? Why don't we re-do Peters contract with only two changes:

    He gets a few million bucks singing bonus (salary stays the same)...and a performance incentive based on # of sacks of the opposing teams quarterback...

    We can fold the bonus money back in next year with the freed up cap space from him not achieving his incentive...

    And I'm still willing to throw in an all you can eat buffet when he hems and haws... :devil:

  4. you are getting closer the krazykat trolls now bill.


    bill, i know you have a good understanding of ol play, how would you rate your understanding of secondary play and secondary player evaluation?


    and further more, how would you rate your understanding of contract negotiation and pro player contracts? how about game theory and negotiations?


    Has anyone done the math on Peter's contract? I mean...for sake of this thread...how does his bonus money when he signed compare to McCorner?

    I'm sure Peter's food bill is twice as much as McCorner...can we throw a free team buffet his way?

    I'm beginning to think he's not recovered from surgery yet and no one (neither he nor the Bills brass) want anyone to realize that's the real issue...

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