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Posts posted by BackInDaDay

  1. I don't know if it's Gilmore, or what he's being asked to do - but he seems to be on the scene when many passes are completed. since an OC can make a conscious decision to avoid throwing to the side of the field where he expects to find Gilmore defending - yet chooses not to - says something about that OC's confidence in making plays against Stephon.


    all season I've heard fans and announcers repeating the rhetoric of how Gilmore is having a 'great' season. apparently, PFF concurs.. but for the reason given above, I don't agree. great - or elite - defenders are not challenged very often because there's little chance of being successful doing that. he's played well, but I don't think Stephon scares anyone.. certainly not enough to make them avoid attacking him.


    It's not my money, but I would draft or sign another young CB - and let him go FA after next season. I think there are plenty of young athletes playing ball, who can be as effective as Gilmore

  2. Ryan was trying to implement his D all season, and although they showed glimpses of getting on the same page - they were out of sync enough to get undressed by the better offenses they faced.


    here's a glimpse into what Ryan was trying to accomplish in the Steeler preseason game.. it came during a post game response to a question about the 'secondary'.

    now.. although this simple question explicitly asked about the 'secondary', i think Rex's answer was in the context of what he wanted to see from his complex pass coverages.

    i may be wrong about that, but i don't think 'secondary' equates to only 'safeties and cornerbacks' in his D.. i think it's probably synonymous with everyone who's expected to drop into coverage on a given play. reading the bold red gives a glimpse into what may have concerned him back in August.

    ]b]Q: Are you concerned with the state of the secondary?[/b]

    A: No I think I put us in a lot of situations, again challenging us, and even going into the game I was telling the TV people that I was gonna challenge us with different coverages, make them communicate, flip different cuts and quite honestly we werent as sharp as we needed to be. So I think it was great for us to see it. Well learn a lot off of tape but you cant just go out there and say Im a great player or whatever and not communicate, and I think that was a great thing for us, it was kind of a learning thing. Now we challenged the guys the second half, they really responded. I mean our guys did a tremendous job, and that teams talented enough. The kid from Clemson was killing us.

  3. not a huge Calhoun fan. Would take him as a later value pick if he falls, but wouldn't touch him where he is projected.

    if his shuttle times confirm his agility to play the hybrid rush de/lb he'll go sooner . he is quick, and disruptive.. but he needs something to hang that hat on at the next level. he was a couple years behind my youngest son in HS... a nice kid.. maybe too nice. but from the success he's had at MSU, I'd say he's been working his butt off. he came a long way

  4. Shilique Calhoun is RD2 replacement for Bradham. The knock on him is that, while he possessess elite awareness, he hasn't finished plays. Great example of that, but Calhoun will

    spoil read options and quick screen plays all day.

    kid wasn't an aggressive player in HS, but has become a good speed rusher. I don't think he can hold the edge in the nfl, but may become a very useful lb/de hybrid like Lawson - but is that what Rex needs? he's a better fit for a team that doesn't have a Hughes to bring pressure.. but even then, I have to wonder how much he's changed from the kid who left practice cause his hands were cold.. great athlete, but not a natural baller.

  5. I like it...and frankly it needed to be done


    WHAT I WONDER is if it makes Rex think twice about a huge D overhaul. Given that he is under the gun it might make more sense to bring back Pettine?


    sounds like the report's BS.. but i too agree with the sentiment.. and i believe we only need some tweeking on the D roster to get this thing humming, so Doug and Rex have to get him the right players to take to camp... that's what made the story plausible.. Rex doesn't need Pettine.. he needs to stow his ego, and admit that even he can't fit square pegs into round holes

  6. I'm confused:


    Source: Terry Pegula gives Whaley, Ryan 1 year to fix Bills


    But he has Rex with 4 more years on a contract and supposedly is giving Whaley a multi year extension?


    For starters - that doesn't sound like Pegula. He is patient and the Bills are showing progress. went from 9-7 to 8-8

    • A lot of injuries in 2015. every teams got 'em, and some are in the playoffs
    • We didn't know who the QB was until September. TT played well, O scored points, OC named coordinator of the year for his efforts
    • A lot of new guys and new schemes for everyone. same defensive guys from top D failed in new system

    Taking it all into consideration, maybe 8-8 wasn't so bad. if our D wasn't a cluster-f#%k, we'd be in the playoffs


    Continuity breeds winning. We clearly haven't learned this (see the last 15 years!!). "meet the new boss - the same as the old boss" poor choices lead to wasted opportunities.. correct them however possible


    Keeping/promoting Brandon, signing Doug to 3-4 more years and signing Rex to a 5 year deal (last year) shows Pegula's patience and belief that he needs to establish continuity in the organization. if he can get his own kid to drink that kool-aid, maybe i'll have a cup

  7. I think the Pegulas are far less mercurial than Jimmy Irsay. That's the big difference.


    if the owner doesn't convey the message that getting Rex the right players for his D is priority number 1, and allows Doug and Rex to entertain thoughts of improving the O over improving the D - we're in for another frustrating season. he doesn't have to be nuts.. just make it a clear priority that he wants nothing left to chance - as it was this year - with players who either couldn't or wouldn't play it consistently.

  8. let me break it down..


    what was the obvious failure of the team this season? the defense

    what was the chief complaint about the defense? players were confused, and their confusion made them ineffective

    what does the defense need? players who can execute the system


    it ain't that hard to figure out.. for cryin' out loud, you got Pegula's kid making snarky remarks about the D on social media.. it's all about the D, and how it has to be fixed.


    this year's O - as is - would have been one of the highest scoring Os in the league if the D could turn the ball over occasionally, and get us shorter fields. just get our left side signed, and take a look at some RT probables. adding another WR takes a backseat to getting the right D people in place for Rex.

  9. Since ultimatums without a realistic plan rarely work, I would rather hear the owner gave the GM and HC some direction to put together a plan that detailed exactly how they are going to make that happen. A plan TP would review with Whaley and Ryan by the end of the month that identified what went right, what went wrong, what can we fix, what can't we fix, what are our constraints, etc., and what are the steps the organization is going to take, and when, to get things right. I don't know anything about Pegula's business philosophy but if my suspicions are correct and he's approaching this as a business problem then I'll wager this is what he will want to see.


    agree 100% with your assessment of the news.. but i would be concerned if Pegula doesn't get an outside opinion on their plan. hopefully, he's smart enough to know that neither he or his wife can properly vet what Doug and Rex propose - and finds himself a defensive-minded ear (like a Parcells) to bounce it off.

  10. the 'fix' Pergula wants is for Doug and Rex to flesh out the defensive personnel with guys that can execute Rex's defense.. no more "i'll coach up who ever you get me" BS.. Rex and Thurman have to be specific about what they need, and Doug has to do a good job securing the talent.. i think keeping our O line intact is a given - that enables Roman to continue his good work with the talent we have. that ultimatum is all about our D.

  11. Fitznoodle will be limited but they will find a way to beat us handily. This team is an absolute joke next year will be worse than this year mark my words.


    consider them marked.. and yeah..Fitz has been making plays in the middle with his slot receiver and his TE.. us? not so much..

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