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We Come In Peace

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Posts posted by We Come In Peace

  1. Looks like name calling is all you got in any debate. No surprise.

    It's not name calling when it's true. If you grew up a little bit more you'd realize that. You have reveled in the fact that you are spiteful, hateful and have shown absolutely no shame in continuing to hurl unnecessary slurs around because it makes you laugh. So me pointing out your flawed logic and how that reflects on your overall ignorant view of humanity is something that I'm going to continue to do so long as you continue to be an asshat.


    Look, obviously the fact that you cannot understand the point is very frustrating for you.


    all you have left is your name calling bluster and nonsensical hypothetical BS.



    I know its the weekend and you get to stay up late WCIP, but perhaps it would be best for your health if just went to bed....okay


    Sleep tight.

    And yet...


    You still refuse to answer the question. Shocking. And it's me who's up past my bedtime? You're better than this. Stop being cranky and answer my question:


    If we cannot make gun laws because criminals won't follow them, as you suggested in the original post above, then why do we have laws against stealing?

  2. Because you can own a gun and be a honest solid upright person,a killer and robber is not? Too simple for you?



    No. But clearly my question was too deep for you to understand.


    But your answer helps remind everyone how much of an ignorant bastard you actually are. So all robbers and killers are the same to you? That makes sense considering all homosexuals are faggots and queers to you too.


    Nice work. You hit for the idiot trifecta: Ignorant, hateful, and hypocritical.

  3. Well, they did say it was a special kind of stupid.



    WCIP, I would like to believe that you are "playing dumb" with that response, your prior replies indicate that this is (sadly) not the case.



    Here..........this link will get you started.

    DIAGRAMMING SENTENCES - Guide to Grammar and Writing









    Wow. That's the biggest bull **** sidestep non answer I've ever seen. So let me ask you again.


    If your argument is that we cannot legislate because criminals don't follow laws, why do we have laws at all?


    See, the special kind of stupid, is making an argument like that. Meme or not, this is the lamest of the lame gun-advocate stances. You have so many other valid points to make within this debate, why continue to spread this kind of drivel that only makes your side look like crazy people?

  4. We Come In Peace:


    Does law define morality?

    Absolutely not.


    Since we're on a new page I'll just attach this question to my answer. Saves time of going back to page 16.


    I am serious. In the referenced B-Man meme, it says "Do you honestly expect criminals to obey gun control laws?" and calls such thinking a "special kind of stupid".


    So why do we have laws against stealing? Why bother? Thieves are going to steal anyway, right?

  5. Are you serious? We have laws against guns and stealing. You're in trouble if you break either one. Why is killing against the law when you know that killers are just going to kill anyway?

    I am serious. In the referenced B-Man meme, it says "Do you honestly expect criminals to obey gun control laws?" and calls such thinking a "special kind of stupid".


    So why do we have laws against stealing? Why bother? Thieves are going to steal anyway, right?


    Why is killing against the law when you know that killers are just going to kill anyway?

    Good question. Why is it against the law if killers are just going to kill anyway?

  6. Not sayin' he shouldn't. Just surprised that he would and did. Hardly anybody in Halliewould would look the slightest askance at the doings and practices of the most radical followers of Islam. They're pretty much given a free pass to behead, bomb, and pursue their homophobic and misogynistic tendencies which they seem to feel are tenants of faith.

    He does it every show. It's not new from Maher.

  7. What exactly is the AK47 problem? What is it that you're trying to fix? I would agree that background checks should be done at gun shows and for online sales. The difficulty with this is where do you draw the line of approval or not especially with the emotionally disturbed? It can be done but writing those rules is tough. I suppose we can argue about large clips. None of these things fix the Sandy Hook problem or Colorado or Tucson and the politicians know that. The simple fact is that many of the dems in Washington would support a ban on private citizens owning any guns because they simply believe the government should control such things along with income, health care and an ever growing array of entitlements. The suggestion that schools have armed policeman on the premises was laughed off by dems. Fortunately local governments can put armed policemen in schools if they so choose. Here in a nice low crime suburb of Chicago, we have had armed policemen in our schools since shortly after 9/11/01 and there is tremendous support in our community for this.

    There's a difference between armed policemen being in schools though and armed private security guards.


    At least in terms of communities being overwhelming in support of it.

  8. How the hell did they have both guys on the chase, and were shooting to kill (getting one), and then locked down the city....and yet...one of them is still at large? Is this last remaining bomber basically some sort of super villain from the tv show 24?

    I heard on CNN (ha) that he drove over his brother's body to escape. If that's true, and who knows with CNN, then I think we're looking at a very dangerous person. Careful and cautious is the best approach right now, the last thing anyone wants is some sort of hostage situation.

  9. I can't believe all the Phillip hate! I prefer to keep the more interesting people around as long as possible, personally. Phillip had a plan in place for them to vote out Andrea...I don't know why he changed his mind and said to just vote the way they had planned. That wasn't smart.


    I also can't believe how pathetic that lady was when she lost her damn teeth...a grown woman balling like a child, threatening to leave the game if she can't get them back...wtf?


    I like the game Cochran is playing...would love to see him win it all.


    I've been watching a couple older seasons that I had never seen, and it's just so pathetic how many juries have voted for the less deserving player simply out of spite. It's a common theme with the show and it's really a shame that they can't have more respect for the game. Dissing my girl Stephanie in the final of Survivor: Guatamala was just pathetic. That being said, the challenges that season were just incredible. They have really lightened up the show since some of those past seasons. Used to be it really WAS about survival, but nowadays they have it a bit easier. Some of those Guatamala challenges had half the tribe vomiting and struggling to recover...now THAT'S how it should be!

    I tend to agree with you on Philip. The man was a clown on both seasons, but this time he was actually playing the game. His man-crush on Boston Rob was too much, but he had control of that game up until Malcom pulled that brilliant move at tribal. He should have been smart enough to get rid of Andrea at that point, but Philip's hubris blinded him. He was so offended by what Malcolm said at tribal it threw him completely off his strategic game. Which is another reason why that move by Malcolm was so brilliant.


    If Malcolm's smart and Andrea isn't too paranoid, he'd team up with her, Cochran, the brunette who's name I forget and Eddie. Get rid of Reynolds (blindside) and Erik (he's too much of a physical threat and too unstable strategically to use) asap. Sheri would be the next vote and that would be an easy one, leaving them with 6. Then Malcolm has a good shot at winning out immunity wise, or he could flip on his own, taking out Eddie/Andrea, then Dawn. Final three of Cochran, Malcolm, and the Brunette who's a physical threat but has coasted strategically so far and won't get jury votes.

  10. Probably through the night, in this case. If he's smart (which he seems to be) he's laying low through the day, and waiting for night time to try to break any cordon they've put around him (which actually isn't all that smart...the tech the police have let them own the night, I'd expect he'd have a slightly better chance in daylight).


    Of course, if he were REALLY smart, he'd stand in the middle of the street naked and surrender - it's about the only chance he has of coming out of this alive. He's probably not that concerned with survival, though...completely different mindset than we have).


    The main reason to do so isn't because he's armed and dangerous, but because he's loose. Fewer people on the streets and in public places means much less chance of a hostage situation (ending with him dying, and probably others), and far fewer distractions (i.e. civilians) in trying to look for him.


    And one more thing to note: this is going to have an interesting influence on the "civilian drone" debate. The superficial argument will be that "The police had trouble catching him, they need better surveillance!" The more subtle observation is that the coordinated abilities law enforcement is already showing are intimidating as hell, even being well-used as they are. God help us if they're ever ill-used.

    First off, thanks for this insightful post and to the many others throughout this thread. Seriously, OTW is bringing it on this and it's much appreciated by folks like me.


    EDIT: In light of reading some of the newer posts about conspiracies I'd like to emphasize I am in no way trying to lump the following thought nugget into a vast conspiracy of any kind.


    As for your last paragraph here I think you're 100% correct, this is a huge boon for those in the pro-drone camp. I don't doubt it will be referenced during that oncoming debate many, many times. The other thing I'd add to that is how much the intelligence gathered from social media apparently hastened the efforts of all the agencies involved in the investigation.


    The impact that blue ribbon is going to have in our ongoing fight for privacy should send off some alarm bells for those of us who feel we're already in dangerous territory on that front.


    Moron by our terms. If you were a Chechen fighting the Russians, and at constant odds with the Kyrgyzs and Kazakhs (and probably Persians, Arabs, Armenians, Georgians, and a few others), that makes perfect sense, and we're the morons.


    Americans - and Canadians - are insulated by two oceans and a polyglot history that goes back 200 years, to the point where we don't understand how a good chunk of the rest of the world thinks according to tribes, clans, and races. Even Europe - the current 70 years of peace is an aberration in a long history of tribal and racial violence - an aberration in no small part due to the ethnic cleansing that took place immediately after World War II.

    Yup. Pretty much how I took it when I saw the press conference.

  11. :lol:


    What questions? I just did a quick scan...I didn't see a single question in any of your posts that wasn't rhetorical.


    You might want to actually have questions, before you demand that I answer them.


    :lol: Such a moron.


    Edit: That was "before I go to the gym response" 1, you have 2...remaining.


  12. No because: he'd cry when I snuck into the bathroom whille he was showering, and turned off the hot water....every single day, not realizing that the reason I keep doing it, is because he keeps crying, and that it has nothing to do with showering, him, or anything else. I imagine he'd eventually have me arrested.



    I'm living inside your head to point where now you're imagining me in the shower.



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