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Posts posted by Mike32282

  1. http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t138/Mikey82_photos/Buffalo%20Bills%20Season%202011/10-09-11%20Buffalo%20Bills%20vs%20Philadelphia%20Eagles/Photo065.jpg



    Run Freddie Run!






    Freddie won't go down!





    Fred Jackson runs for the Touchdown!



    Fred Jackson and David Nelson celebrate as they head back to the sideline.



    I love this photo of Moats killing Michael Vick!



    It's always fun to check out your photos. You capture stuff from a perspective we don't see on tv.


    Was there some drunk guy who ran out on the field? Saw the photo with the cops. Dude looks toasted.


    My favorite is the picture of Nick Barnett giving the victory salute after the game.


    Thanks! Yeah, there was a drunk guy that sprinted about 30 or 40 yards down the field. The security slammed him to the turf and beat the hell out of him.


    That's my favorite photo too. He also did a 4 and 1 motion to us fans too.

  2. As always, I took lots of photos and uploaded them today. You can check them all out in my Photobucket account. Hope ya like them! I got several of them that I liked, some were too bright with all that sun yesterday, but I'm not complaining. lol




    As always, I don't care what you do with my photos. But if you share them anywhere else, please give me credit.

  3. Just curious...What is the easiest way to tell a "dhgate" jersey from one authorized by the nfl?


    A lot of times it's just little things...like the NFL logo in the front is crooked a bit, or if there's a patch on it...it's off a tiny bit. But usually, it's very hard to tell.

  4. It was definitely one of the loudest games I have ever been to, especially in the 4th quarter and after the game. But I gotta say that the Home Opener a couple weeks ago was louder for a longer period of time. Plus I myself felt more hoarse and out of a voice last week than this week, but that may be due to having a cold last week.

  5. Seeing how I am no longer in Lot 1 and parking at Hammer's Lot, I will make my first ever visit to the TBD tailgate. Looking forward to meeting the ones that I haven't already met and of course seeing Lori, #89, Jack, Jay, R. Rich, twcablelady again.

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