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Posts posted by Fezmid

  1. I don't doubt they put on a great show. I'd see them, for the right price. But I gotta tell ya ... I saw Nickelback last summer and they put on an awesome show. I wouldn't be caught dead with their music on in my library, though.

    I don't mind Mickelback for some dumb thoughtless music. And I've been to a couple of their shows and they really are excellent entertainers. And that's the key - they're not musicians at all - they're purely entertainment. Once you realize that distinction, their music is fun to listen to.

  2. Don't know if tsa works or not but there is plenty of stuff found weekly I would rather not have a nutcase carrying with him/her http://blog.tsa.gov/...5-firearms.html

    OMG, someone tried to bring on replica grenades, the horror! :lol: And not one, but TWO razer blades!!! And a 3" knife!!! I feel safer already. :lol:


    Serously now -- none of this shows the need for TSA or extra security. The old metal detectors could already detect guns on someone, and the X-ray machines could detect guns in carry-on bags. How much of this stuff was found due to groping and molesting of innocent passengers? None.


    The goal of security at the airport is to protect the airplane, NOT to protect you. You can be stabbed while at a concert, a ballgame, or shopping for your groceries. The single biggest/best security measure that makes planes more secure is the reinforced cockpit door.

  3. Believe what you want. Regardless if criminals actually get through security with items that should not be in a plane or not. It's a deterrent of some form. They do find weapons, drugs, and other illegal for plane items and that works better than nothing.

    It's not a deterrent at all. Yeah, maybe you catch stupid criminals, but that's about it. Especially since, like the article says, I can opt out of the screening and just not go on the plane. So bad guy walks through security, hopes he isn't picked up for extra screening. If he is, he opts out and leaves. No harm, no foul.


    Also - airport security theater treats everyone as a criminal. People were up in arms about throwing grandma off the cliff, but it's ok to molest her?


    But that's not the focus of the thread, so I'll stop for now since I could go on... :)

  4. This is absolute BS. I am aware of people's rights, however, if you decide to fly, I am perfectly fine with having to go through the full body scan or a pat down.

    Security theater, nothing more. TSA doesn't make us safer.

  5. Have been on two cruises -- a 5-day on Celebrity and 7-day on RC; both Caribbean. RC definitely a step up.

    Celebrity is actually a step up over RCL (both owned by the same company). Celebrity is more upscale of a cruise line - better customer service, better food. That said, the Oasis is an amazing ship from what I've seen, far better than Celebrity's ships.

  6. Underrated

    Dream Theater - I fall in the former category. Some of the best music (obviously Imo) in the past 20 years has been put out by DT. To see them live is to fully understand how great they are. There is no drop off from their studio albums.

    Agreed. Been a DT fan since I&W was released, great stuff. Although I do think they peaked with Scenes from a Memory and have been going down since then. Maybe it's because Scenes was just that good.


    Sidenote: I was one of the people who signed a petition to get A Change of Seasons recorded. Someone on the Ytsejam mailing list started the petition, then printed off all of the "signatures" and dropped it off at the record label. We got a "special thanks" in the liner notes. :)

  7. I've never been on a cruise, but have been thinking about finally taking one. Not to sound anti-social, but do they still make you sit with a group for meals? Sorry but I have no interest in paying $$$ to dine with strangers.

    You generally get to pick how big of a table you want to sit at for dinner.


    We actually like meeting new people, so enjoy having dinner with others. In fact, when we went on our Mediterranean cruise, they sat us at a table with a couple from Rochester, NY - that was pretty cool. :) They also sat us with four people who spoke Spanish... They were friendly, but communication was difficult (to be fair, one of them was a banker in England, so he spoke English too - but those four pretty much talked with themselves and we hung out with the Rochester couple).


    On our recent trip to the Bahamas, we were at a table for four, but the other two people never showed up for dinner. :(

  8. http://finance.yahoo...urce=undefined;


    Thos folks who did not sell Apple at 188 when it went to 90 gotta be kicking themselves .


    Not trying to be a richard here.., just saying getting advice from a sports message board on what to do with your mone is the same as going to the Buffalo City govenment and asking them how they plan Championship Parades...makes no sense

    You're reading too much into it. All we said was "Don't be afraid to take a profit." If you think the company is still undervalued based on your own research, then by all means, hold onto it. Just don't kick yourself if you sell and it still goes up - because profit is profit.

  9. Be a pig and take profits or at least take your initial investment out...if you are a hog, you may get slaughtered and lose some or all of your initial investment)

    Good advice - and something I'm still really bad at.

  10. Jesus. The analytics department is not for predicting pass vs run on 3rd and 1 in the snow. It's a cap and player management tool. This is not really a priority when you just hired a new coach, new GM, and were preparing for the draft. If it's not in place before the next off season, call me.

    Why does it have to be limited to one or the other? Good data is good data, and being able to quickly identity team tendencies (both your own as well as your opponents) is a pretty big part of the game in my opinion.

  11. Can you invest in stocks with an IRA or are they mutual funds?


    Any ideas or recommendations to begin investing with minimal starting funds?

    I'm not sure about a traditional IRA, but I know you can invest in individual stocks with a Roth IRA.


    I'd avoid ETrade -- they're expensive and changed their terms of service years ago to charge an "inactivity fee" -- negating the "buy and hold" strategy. And it was expensive, like $20/quarter if you didn't make a trade. They may have removed that, I haven't looked, but they made the change without contacting me through mail (they claim they sent a letter, but I never received it) and wouldn't reverse it.


    As for a starting amount -- any amount you don't mind losing. Keep in mind that you'll need to pay a transaction fee when you buy AND sell the stock. If the fee is $10/transaction, keep that in mind when investing -- you probably don't want to buy $100 worth of stock if you're going to spend $20 to trade in/out. :)

  12. The ones in use in my home are not a problem. Not sure what you mean by globe, unless you're thinking of the old fashioned glass covers that I haven't seen in years. Our lights are surrounded by a shade or (spots) open. I've seen them enclosed in offices (overhead lighting).




    I've attached a picture of a "globe" in our hallway -- I was going to use the LEDs here, for example, but because it's entirely enclosed, I can't since the electronics will heat up and there's no where for the heat to go. :(


    Based on the box, I think I can use this model in an open or recessed light at least, so there's that. Still annoying.

  13. Can't speak to the bulb you have, but there isn't a problem using LED's outside. Many signs you see on businesses are LED. Perhaps they are telling you that a naked bulb can't be used outside (but you wouldn't do that with a typical bulb either, would you?)

    LED light bulbs are different than LEDs for signs. My understanding with these bulbs is that there's electronics in the base that aren't weather proof. In addition, you can't put them in an enclosed area (like a globe in your bedroom) because then the heat can't escape, which fries the electronics. With a billboard (for example), the electronics aren't in each individual bulb.

  14. $23.99! They seem OK in flashlights though but it's a odd blue-purple lighting.

    I think they've done a lot of work to make the LED light look more like regular incandescent bulbs -- we screwed these in and it looks very similar -- I'm just shocked that you can't use these new bulbs in many places. Don't most people have their bulbs in some sort of enclosed space? (or outdoors)

  15. LED or those curly cue fluorescents?

    Definitely LED -this one, specifically: http://www.elightbulbs.com/Maxlite-90486-SKB07DLED30-A-Line-Pear-LED-Light-Bulb


    gjnoronh -- what good are energy savings if you can't actually put the bulb in any of your fixtures?


    Knowing where it's OK to place an LED will ensure that the bulb won't fizzle ahead of its time.

    You probably know that LED bulbs run dramatically cooler than their incandescent cousins, but that doesn't mean they don't produce heat. LED bulbs do get hot, but the heat is pulled away by a heat sink in the base of the bulb. From there, the heat dissipates into the air and the LED bulb stays cool, helping to keep its promise of a very long life.

    And therein lies the problem: the bulb needs a way to dissipate the heat. If an LED bulb is placed in an enclosed housing, the heat won't have anywhere to go, sending it right back to the bulb, and sentencing it to a slow and painful death.

    Consider where you'd like to place your LED bulbs. If you have fully or semi-enclosed fixtures you need to light up, look for LEDs that are approved for recessed or enclosed spaces.

  16. So I went to the Minnesota Twins game today (they got destroyed...), and they were giving everyone an LED light bulb when they left. It was a giveaway sponsored by the local power company, Xcel Energy.


    Anyway, I thought that was pretty cool - they cost too much (these ones are about $16/ea on the Internet) compared to a regular bulb, but I figured it'd be nice to try them out.


    Then I read the fine print on the box. Don't use them outdoors. (so much for it being a security light). Use them only in dry areas (so much for using it in the bathroom). Do not use them with regular dimmers (so much for using them in the bedroom ceiling fan fixture). Do not use them in a lamp. (Huh? Why not?). Do not use them in enclosed fixtures (so much using them in the bedrooms, hallways, or pretty much anywhere else!!!)


    So where CAN I use these stupid things?! And what's wrong with the 50 cent incandescent lights again...?? :wallbash:

  17. well. let me see..Okay stop begging . you seem a good fit. Now if you could send me a definitive resume, some recommends , and of course all your masters degrees in the disciplines please. Just some minor details and we should be up and running in short order. Thanks for posting. One of my best resources in my decision making is TBD.

    regards Russ

    I actually do have a Master's in CIS with an emphasis in business intelligence, so... ;)


    Here's where I got the data:



    I had to do a lot of massaging of the data - it was a giant spreadsheet when I got it, and I imported it into an Oracle database. Looks like you have to pay for it now too, whereas I got it free (or maybe I asked them for it and they gave it to me...).


    I actually reached out to the NFL and they gave me some data as well - but only one season for one team. It was in XML, which would've been easier to work with than a spreadsheet, but they wouldn't give me all the data. :(


    It was a fun project. :) But I don't have the strong mathematical background to REALLY do the job, unless I just relied on tools.

  18. So you'd be in the 'unless you really want to' crowd. I've partaken of that custom on multiple cruises, but for me, the amount of room taken up by that stuff, let alone the effort trying to keep it wrinkle-free etc is no longer justified. Just as happy in khakis & a button-down.

    I just think people should try it once -- mainly because I thought the same thing as you beforehand, "Takes up too much space, I don't want to get dressed up, blah blah." But turned out I really liked it, which was a big surprise. :)


    That video was great Fezmid. I definitely want to get to Alaska some day. That boat looks amazing. You did a nice job capturing everything...helicopters, trains, boats, etc. The only thing missing was Jim in Anchorage wrestling a bear.

    Thanks :)

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