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Posts posted by Fezmid

  1. Even though, according to Scott, I'm a know-nothing when it comes to technology and I don't realize that Apple is the best company in the universe, I'd still like to say thanks for hosting/managing this site - and since today is Sysadmin day, it seems to be the perfect time to do so.




    To everyone else out there who is a sysadmin by trade, I feel your pain - and want to say "thanks" for all you do on behalf of the users who only yell when there's a problem.



  2. My understanding was that there was some kind of incident. Whether it was violent or physical I don't know. But the incident stopped, and she went to the garage, got a gun, came back in and shot at him.


    That's not self defense, it's attempted murder, or at the least assault with a deadly weapon.

    Agreed. Now you can argue that attempted murder shouldn't be 20 years... Especially if she really did just fire a warning shot telling him to get out... But that's the way the law's written - crime with a gun=bad!

  3. I read somewhere she was being threatened.

    Everything I've read said that she left the house, grabbed the gun from the glove box of her car (who keeps a gun there???), went back into the house, and told him to leave the house by firing a warning shot. One report even said that she pushed her way by the guy to get to the garage -- that doesn't sound like someone who is afraid of the guy (neither does going back into the house...). But I haven't dug into this case all that much, so there could be things I'm missing.

  4. I'm still confused how people are comparing the woman who fired shots into the ceiling to the Martin/Zimmerman case at all. In the latter, Zimmerman was pinned to the ground and was getting his face beat in by a "ground and pound." In the former, the woman fired into the ceiling when the husband was allegedly not doing anything wrong - wasn't threatening her (at the time), etc. If you're not being threatened, then stand your ground and self defense don't enter into it... Am I missing something?

  5. After reviewing the bill, I see the Genie is 25/month!!! Wow.

    Not really. DVR fee is $10, HD fee is $10, and whole home DVR is $3. So that equals $23 (for existing customers - somehow new customers get an extra $2 tacked on). For one box, that's ridiculous. But keep in mind that if you have a regular HD DVR, you're already paying the DVR and HD fee. And that's not per box -- if you have 5 DVRs in your house, you still pay only the base $10+$10 (although you do pay I think $7/month for each addition receiver). Of course if you only have one TV, why do you want 5 tuners and whole home DVR? :)


    Of course the constantly escalating prices are why people are cutting the cord. According to this, 20% of Netflix users have cancelled cable/satellite service: http://www.neowin.net/news/twenty-percent-of-netflix-users-cancel-their-tv-service

  6. Sadly, it's spend a few hours and eat dinner. But it is a very good few hours, if you wanna try all of the hottest sauces and fry your face off (which is what I do).

    Still sounds fun - might be cool to try all sorts of different wings I guess.


    EiL - yeah, the website SUCKS. It's even worse on a mobile device.

  7. 5k for a house has got to have some serious issues.

    One of the potential issues is back taxes. If the homeowner hasn't paid property taxes in a long time, you could be on the hook for all of the back taxes. My grandmother lives in a bad neighborhood in NF, and the house next to hers was a dump and going for a song -- because you'd have to pay something ridiculous like $20k in back taxes.

  8. What does Neighborhood Watch have to do with anything? If I am merely a concerned citizen, I should have to post a sign on my car?

    Exactly my thought. The fact of the matter is, there is NO LAW AGAINST FOLLOWING SOMEONE IN PUBLIC. There's no law against photographing them, recording them, etc, etc.


    Telling people that they need to get a license of some sort to patrol their own neighborhood is ridiculous, and is akin to the government forcing journalists to get accreditation before being recognized. Good thing THAT will never happen. Oh, wait... :wallbash:

  9. if you took offense to that then I am sorry #notreallysorry. A lot of Twitter is just garbage nonsense of people blabbing about their mundane lives and trying to be relevant and or edgy with a hash tag. #growapair. The wretched dross you find scrolling across a feed with a hash of #smh or #toldyaso. Yeah. Dumb.


    It is good for breaking news, following events or what is trending. But when people use those trends to form opinions their is a problem. The educated person is not going to tweet the universe his personal feelings. And even then it is not accurate. Every time I go to weather.com local weather there is a trend for rain, hot and cold. Regardless of the weather.

    I didn't take offense. It just seems like people are quick to throw the baby out with the bathwater. And that's age discrimination and probably racist somehow. Why are you a racist?

  10. Twitter can suck one. I learned last week it is only yentas, unemployed simpletons and morons with two much time on their hands not knowing how to do something better. So, if the bottom of the barrel is up in arms, that's OK. They're still on the bottom.


    I use Twitter... Great for getting answers to questions, finding out about current trends and stories (I focus on technology), and interacting with companies (you can get a much faster response tweeting an issue than emailing a company's customer support line; sad but true).

  11. Very salient point made by Ann Coulter about the abject racism of leftist race-baiters:


    "Perhaps, someday, blacks will win the right to be treated like volitional human beings. But not yet. "

    Twitter is up in arms about that comment. I didn't read the article it came from, but my assumption is that she's pointing out the fact that the black community isn't thinking for themselves, but rather are being told what to do and how to feel by people like Sharpton, facts be damned. But that point seems lost on everyone on Twitter...

  12. No but isn't that the same thing as the record companies following someone who steals music out of electronic mailboxes? Should the record companies just stay in their house?

    Umm, the mailbox is owned by the USPS. My computer is not. Comparing apples to asteroids.

  13. We do it all the time in our neighborhood to this day. A strange vehicle on the corner, or a strange person walking the neighborhood, either gets questioned by one of us or sometimes the wives call local police on the non-emergency line they gave us.

    About 8 years ago, there was a rash of theft from mailboxes in my neighborhood (the mailboxes are facing the street, not on the house). One day I happened to be home and I saw a car driving slowly by the mailboxes, opening each one up, then moving onto the next one. I ran outside, camera in hand, and asked them to stop touching the mailboxes and I started taking pictures of their car, their license plate number, and their faces. The driver started yelling at me, telling me I'm breaking the law, and I calmly told him that he's actually the one violating a law by putting things inside the mailboxes and that he better stop. He got pissed off and drove away from the neighborhood.


    If he decided to punch me in the face, would everyone here be saying it was my fault and that I should've just stayed in my house?


    That's true but I have real life experiences with it too, traveled with my brother and two cousins last year and my cousins were so nervous about terrorist and after that car jackings that by the end it really took a lot of fun out of the trip.

    My wife and I had our honeymoon a month after 9/11 -- and we flew to London. We had relatives telling us to cancel the trip because it's not safe to fly. I told them, "Screw that - I'm not letting some terrorists take away my first overseas trip!" :D

  14. In Rhode Island the person claiming self defense needs to prove, even in their own home against an armed intruder and assailant, that they first tried to escape and that they were cornered with no other options, at all.

    I think when you have a 6' guy on top of you doing the "ground and pound" (and a witness testified that he saw this, just like Zimmerman claimed - I think it was even a state's witness, although I can't remember since all of the witnesses favored the defense :lol:), you've proven that you're cornered with no other options. Or would you disagree with that statement?


    So, according to what you wrote, even in Rhode Island, Zimmerman would've been let off.

  15. Of course if the "victim" has some cute childhood pictures & skittles all bets are off.

    So do you think the iced tea actually hurt Martin's chances at "justice?" I mean, if it was a Slurpee or a can of pop, that seems more innocent than a can of iced tea, doesn't it?

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