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Posts posted by ko12010

  1. Please dont hyperbowl when your called out for crusading.


    Nobody is putting TT in the hall of fame...he was not the reason why we lost today......

    Dude these posters are trolling hard and you're helping them get off. For your own sanity just let them say all the crazy nonsense they want. It's what they need to do for some reason. Don't get sucked into their bullsh*t.

  2. Maybe not a clear road but you have to like their chances over everyone else


    Watching Brady highlights this past weekend. There just seems no way a 39 yo guy should be able to throw the way he does..................at least not without some help if you know what I mean. Look at guys like Kelly and Marino were toast at 34.


    HGH or something similar ahead of the testing curve, without a doubt.

  3. His footwork was AWFUL all day long, even on his best passes. Just pitiful. And I love him and want him extended.

    Awful?? Haha wtf. Love people who don't know much about actual qb mechanics talk out of their ass. He's actually considered to have solid mechanics both throwing and footwork, though his footwork is not as consistent. That doesn't mean it's 'awful.' Hyperbole much?

  4. Yup. I know. I've been very complimentary of Tyrod, but I'm still going to mention his weaknesses.


    I think people need to stop trying to convince themselves that he's going to get better. He's not.


    But if he keeps playing at least as well as he's played the last two weeks, I'll be happy. He's not turning the ball over, he's not taking big hits and he's been reasonably consistent, given the change at OC and the injuries to the team (especially Sammy Watkins).


    What's most impressive is that he's only lined up behind the guard once. Baby steps.

    Definitive statements like saying he's not going to get better are flat out dumb. You have no idea. Bills fans really aren't that smart it's pretty sad.

  5. Even Brady misses throws. All QBs do. They aren't robots. But it's amazing how much attention the misfires get and the good plays are ignored.

    It's so bizarre that so many posters here don't understand the concept of DEVELOPING your qb. TT has shown more than enough to warrant us doing exactly that with him. The people who clamor for draft a qb first round every year till we hit truly don't get it. None of these guys are ever fully ready to go from day 1. Even the rare #1 overall talents like Luck and Newton and Peyton. And it also depends on the coaching staff and philosophy on offense. TT is a gamer and an obsessively hard worker. A leader as well. I predict he will keep improving, but it won't be lightspeed fast. So many ignorant posters here.

  6. I just can't believe how his accuracy has fallen off........I know his mechanics aren't great but he's f*cking dying out there at times.


    He'd be helped a lot by having a bigger WR corps.........he's not a small window passer and the third down throws to Goodwin have been a recipe for a punt........but this year he's missing all kinds of throws he made last year.


    What do you know about qb mechanics honestly? You're just parroting something you heard on this board. He actually has good mechanics. He needs to keep working on his footwork, which he has stated himself.

  7. She said let's not forget against a 3rd string QB. Double edged sword! They have to beat Marsha to get any credit. Hey a win is a win. My Monday is awesome.. Go Oklahoma Sooners and Go Bills!!!

    Lol great contribution by her. Pretty annoying that no one can at least acknowledge that the Bills were missing arguably their best player in Dareus, their best WR by far in Sammy, their swing tackle Henderson, their top 2 draft picks both expected to start and make a serious impact, and also our star TE was playing less than healthy just like theirs. Oh, and our super talented CB Darby was playing a little hobbled like Malcolm Butler.


    But no, let's not even consider these facts and just act like a perfectly healthy Bills team beat the poor banged up Pats and their 3rd string QB.

  8. I know I booed, not the players but the conservative play calling. I mean you hit a 90 yard TD pass on the first play that gets called back and they went totally conservative... Drove me nuts, also swore pretty badly when Jacoby fumbled on the 9 or 10 yard line.


    I missed the end of the game since my son was sick at home and said he wanted daddy. ( I left in the 3rd quarter) but it was def the Bills day.

    It was like a 5 yd out that turned into a 90 yd play only because of the two penalties. It was a conservative call as well.

  9. A negative would point out that 1) the Cards are 1-2 and maybe not that good and 2) we best NE with their 3rd string rookie qb who was injured. :)

    I have had doubts about the Rex hire but I don't get people who can't enjoy victories. But when you're a player, you aren't supposed to get too high or too low after games. Long season left still.

    And negative people are the loudest ones. That's our world today. People love rooting for people to fail. So instead of anknowledging them, just enjoy a rare W over the Pats!

    Great post

  10. I just hoped to see something from him. If you count his ability to run middle of the pack might be fine. As far as being a real QB, he's bottom third. I don't think he is "good enough" to even be a playoff QB. Defenses will catch on to our run only offense, and stuff it. He can't read a defense, throw over the middle, or pass accurately. Many QBs that are middle of the pack struggle, but still have the ability to do those things better than TT. I enjoyed the win, so I don't need a new hobby. I just think it changes who we are until TT shows something. Praise any element of this team you want to. They all deserve it today, including TT's ability to run fast. I just don't understand people seeing something in TT from this win. The same concerns I had about TT the first two games still exist.

    You mistake your opinion w facts. Stop being a little whiny baby. Bills fans can be such bitches. TT has shown more than any of our quarterbacks since Kelly. Be patient and let the guy continue to develop.

  11. He talks too much

    And before continuity comes up. I never wanted him as HC. He was a mistake to bring in. Unless he backs in to a Tom Brady situation like Belicheck he'll flop like Belicheck should have...

    Haha unbelievable. It's so clear belicheck is more behind the greatness than Brady. Brady was definitely a part of their success, but to say what you did is just ridiculous. Belicheck proves time and again he is the mastermind--Brady is/was a beneficiary of belicheck's greatness much more than the other way around.

  12. SO he is a Running back that has arm strength?


    to quote the Raven "We made him be a quarterback" and he failed at it.


    IMO, the Bills will not win constantly with Taylor at QB, he doesn't see the field or read a defense. He is a one read and then scramble around and hopefully he can find someone to throw the ball at.

    That he is a one read qb is simply untrue. There is great video on YouTube breaking this down. Stop parroting dumb bullsh*t

  13. You spend all day at work discussing conspiracy theories in football?! Wow that's an odd job. I also never asked you to explain anything, just saying relying on an article almost 10 years old and nothing ever came of it is rather well lame. But go ahead believe silly conspiracies theory.

    STOP POSTING ON A BILLS SITE. You post under the guise of friendly discussion but it's just underhanded bullsh*t. Just go spend time on the pats boards is that really so hard.

  14. I'll be accepting apologies from every hater here who derided my opinions on the team.

    It's really not that hard to say a team that has been terrible for almost two straight decades is likely to be bad again. Congrats. You don't say anything new or fresh or bring a new perspective w your posts. You just say everyone and everything sucks. And the fact that you want a pat on the back is embarrassing.

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