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Posts posted by Kgun5

  1. A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. Emerson said that, and as usual he was right. Just because he praised Jauron early in the year does not mean he can't look at new evidence and change his mind.


    In fact, changing your mind after hearing new evidence only proves you are open-minded, which is a hallfmark of intelligence.


    I've always been a defender of Jerry Sullivan. I usually hear that he's "always negative," but aparently, he's now also a jerk for being positive at some point in time, then changing his mind.


    What do people want from a columnist? Do they want Ed Kilgore interviewing Ralph on his knees? Do they want people that ask softball questions, the answers to which are already clear? I just don't get the criticism of this man and his work. Maybe if he was overly PC and never spoke his mind, people would like him better. Wait, isn't that what the Bills front office does?

  2. Great...More super-fan #99 nonsense.


    People who always bash a sports team are annoying. You know, those people (like Navy) who are always predicting doom even when the overwhelming majority of the team's actions are positive? It's tough to get along with someone THAT polarized.


    The other end of that pole, (the one not inserted into the collective anus of the Buffalo sports fan), is the person that is always admonishing others for bashing a sports team. They don't complain, or they don't mind failure, or they were brought up under the ideal that management (not the customer) is always right. These people are just as annoying.


    I don't mind if you want to renew/purchase season tickets, even from this team. But to call out those that can't afford to take this crap anymore as if they are somehow deficient fans, and then throwing around a bunch of conditions for them to adhere to...Pffffft!

  3. The Oilers comeback game was blacked out.


    Not only was it blacked out "live," but the NFL refused to let a replay of the game to be aired in the weeks following the comeback. They did allow the Bills to put together a highlight/clip show for the city (most of whom only heard the game on radio) that aired on Channel 7, I believe.


    We had already gone to two Super Bowls, and a wildcard home game just didn't "do it" for a lot of fans...Especially after those same Oilers had crushed us on their field the week prior. I was still surprised that the game didn't sell out.

  4. Did you expect a coach with only 1 winning season in 9 to out coach a hall of fame super bowl winning coach?


    No, but this particular guy never outcoaches anyone.


    It really does shine a light on the "inner circle" of football guys in the NFL that Dick Jauron was even hired in the first place. Honestly, in terms of gameday decisions, I would say that most sober, hardcore fans would coach circles around him. He simply does not think quickly enough or creative enough for a game that moves pretty fast.


    This ain't chess.

  5. Can I have a picture of your head exploded before the march?


    When did the word "literally" become synonymous with "figuratively?"


    At any rate, I agree that this is a path to nowhere. Being scared to hire someone with ideas, fire someone you like, or to even admit that we need to rebuild again..This is not the way organizations become successful.


    Aggression wins, being passive loses. Ralph needs to play a little poker.

  6. Real Bills fans root for the team to succeed. If success can be more easily or better achieved by the Bills losing a game every once in awhile, than that's what I'll root for.


    I really think that some of you superfan #99s would rather the Bills missed the playoffs than lose a game, were there ever such a scenario.

  7. I never said he was the problem with the team- I never said Wilson wasn't. I said Wilson's meddling is a constant problem. I said Sullivan is a joke when compared to real journalists. I was right on both counts.


    I wouldn't lower myself to listen to WGR


    Sounds like you have a lot of biases, but at least you assured us of your correctness.

  8. Sullivan should not even be allowed at the press conferences to begin with- he is a discredit to legitimate reporters trying to do their job. It is sad that newspapers continue to hire people to do the job that Sullivan does- just write controversial articles that have no merit. It is a discredit to journalism as a profession.


    I have been in numerous states and Sullivan is by far the worst of his kind I have ever seen



    Yes, none of Sully's articles about the ineptitude of the Buffalo Sports Machine have merit.

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