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  1. Jack's wife here wondering if she is doing this right. I just got a call from my best friend. Her daughter wants to surprise her man with tickets for his bday. Does anyone already know there might be a game they aren't going to? Thanks in advance... Ruth Wheeler I already feel the taunting beginning as I hit submit.
  2. great! superb! stupendious! fantastic! entertaining! you won't want to get out of your seat or talk to any family members.
  3. what ever happened to refraing from negative thinking and being a real BB fan?
  4. I love the seatbealt idea but we have to make sure we have seatbealt extenders for the fans who use two seats but do not pay for two seats. Also all tall people have to sit in the back so short people can enjoy the game and drink their beverage of choice. BTW isn't their a law against selling water at $3 a bottle? I can buy a case for that price.
  5. Let her know she is loved and to stay warm with her BB blanket she won at the tailgate. SHe is in my prayers.
  6. What's not to admire and be envious of. The orange tie or that he is a lefty? I know, they got free food courtesy of Ralph.
  7. I came to watch the game. Yet, when there is a questionable play or the so close let's get the chains out; I am watching a radio ad with Jim Kelly. As much as I loved Jim and what he has done for the Bills, I preferred watching him on the field. Who do I complain to? Those in favor to a petition say Ay!
  8. Rocky ( the one and only first movie) was great entertainment and yet the theme which catapulated many a person to renew their committment to losing weight was always lost by the next movie where they ordered an even larger tub of popcorn and milkduds.
  9. Men are not suppose to understand women and vice versa. This would take the fun out of the relationship. Yet, it has clearly been proven that women are better commuincators whether with words, body language, or the look. BTW men, when you stop doing behaviors you did to get us;what does that mean?
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