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Posts posted by MattM

  1. So happy to have "cracked you up". Let me guess....you're going to tell us all that it's the paragon of randomity that the Bills played the Pats* following their bye week for four years in a row. Isn't that ass-spankingly amazing?


    The odds of that happening randomly are more than 4,000 to 1 actually....

  2. clumping platelets on here always has a cap page posted, and its usually fairly accurate.




    cap page: http://www.billszone.com/mtlog/archives/20...ry_cap_page.php


    Many thanks. While I'm in awe of Clumps detailed salary cap analysis (and always have been), it doesn't look like he has the information I'm looking for, namely, who we have signed through 2009 (and the length of our players's deals generally). I'd love to see what the roster's likely to look like for the next 2-3 years.....

  3. i've had violent battles with ramius and labillz over the qb's right on on tsw, but on most other things we tend to agree.


    this is one of those things -- i h8 the pats so damn much! i so want porter to flip the eff out gangsta roid rage style and put his helmet through brady's knee.


    i want brady to come back early and look like a hero until he gets sacked double digit times by the bills in a horrible faketriot loss that pushes him to a smack habit and into his

    true calling of being an sfv gay pr0n star dying of aids in 18 months.


    Don't hold back, now, Colin, tell us how you really feel! :rolleyes:

  4. Porter: Cheating Patriots got off easy

    Posted: Saturday May 24, 2008 07:34AM ET

    Dolphins linebacker Joey Porter, whose Steelers teams were stopped one game shy of two Super Bowl berths because of AFC Championship losses to New England, believes the league let the Patriots off easy for their role in the Spygate cheating scandal. "They cheated," Porter said Friday. "I feel like there should be an asterisk on it, just because [disgraced track star] Marion Jones, she gets caught, they take the gold medals back. Obviously, they got caught."


    South Florida Sun-Sentinel



    Looks like Joey's not with the NFL Program that "it wasn't a big deal" and "didn't affect the outcome of any games". Horsesh*t. When you know what's coming it's a heckuva lot easier to go where they ain't and run plays to counter what the defense is going to do. How folks can say otherwise defies credulity in my view.....

  5. Anyone know where to find a page that show the current status of the Bills' players' contracts (i.e., how long they're each signed through)? For ex., I understand that going into 2009 our main unsigned players will be Evans and Crowell (absent extensions this year). Is that correct? I'd also like to take a look at how long we have the rest of the team currently signed through. Any help would be appreciated.....

  6. The cheaters miked their HGH pumped LBs in 2007 so they could get on the field input on the offensive playcalls.



    Why do think the rest of the league will finally be allowed to mike a defender in 2008?


    Link on that? (Not saying I don't believe you, but would like to see where that was reported).


    I personally suspect BB and Co. did much more than what they've been caught at--for ex., remember how when they were caught last year they happened to have 2 extra radio frequencies on their headsets? Anyone who's watched any of our games with them over the last 10 years or so (overlaps a bit with Kraft's ownership, perhaps?) knows first hand that they've had the refs seemingly in their pockets in any game with them that was close (which is when the fix would show itself). I personally suspect that this is the tip of the iceberg and that may be another part of why the League just wants this to go away.


    I'm also still stunned that no major media outlet has picked up on HBO's statement that a Pats player confirmed much of Walsh's story, including that the taping really did benefit the Pats' offense greatly. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but that seems a bit weird to me, what with all the attention this matter is getting generally.

  7. I think you're right. There isn't any grand conspiracy to help the Pets* here. It's only wanting to protect the image of the league.



    While I agree that the Pats' and the League's interests are aligned here on wanting this to go away, I'd bet that if it were a less influential team (like ours) we'd get thrown a little more to the wolves than NE and the Krafts have been. New England has always gotten better treatment than most teams in everything from the schedule (playing the same one of your better division opponents after a bye week 4 years in a row--odds of that happening randomly are over 1 in 4,000) to refereeing and I for one don't think it's a coincidence. Goodell was clearly the choice of the large market teams and Kraft was both on the search committee and a big backer, and the Pats have reaped some of those rewards, IMHO.

  8. More concerning is the blatant rule violations regarding IR players. Poz was never on practice field after being put on IR but many players have reported Pats* using players on IR in practice. Some day there will be a lawsuit by a player on IR who gets hurt and that is when this issue will be resolved.


    While I hate the Pats, I think that one is more of an issue for the players' union than the competition committee, so I must admit that I agree with Goodell that that one doesn't rise to the level of an additional fine or loss of picks.

  9. Hidden in all of this is the reason why the Patriots would not pay to keep key players and pay them huge premiums- and conversely why they were willing to pick up cast offs from other places. Their "system" was more important than the athletes themselves. they knew they had unfair advantages that likely even their own players were possbily unware of the full extent.


    I am sure they all thought it was hilarious to pass off high priced guys like Bledsoe, Adams, and Milloy to the Bills.


    The insiders- including fat Charlie and Mangini are also exposed in their new positions w/o these advantages. They likely saw this coming and left-as the option of the lesser of two evils...get exposed, or get out-take a huge pay jump- and risk failure.


    Kraft himself is no stranger to deception. He's the guy that held the press conference announcing the Pats moving to Connecticut early this decade.


    2008 will be the beginning of the slide for this arrogant team. Everyone on the opposite side is waiting and ready to stuff it right back at them.


    Humble pie? You got it.


    I agree with that--every game they play the opposition is going to be jacked for a number of reasons, from Spygate, to rubbing people's noses in it last year, to the dirty play of Harrison and Wilfork, to their general arrogance. In fairness to the Pats, they faced that the last 5-6 games last year, when going undefeated was possible, but it's interesting that that was the stretch when they started to fall to earth a bit, having trouble with teams like the Jets, Ravens and Eagles, not to mention the Giants in the last game of the year. I don't think they got any better this offseason and in fact got older in some spots (WRs (Moss is now 31, I believe) and LBs' despite Mayo and Crable, the latter of which won't start) and worse in others (the secondary comes to mind, as does the LB corps with the loss of Colvin). A key injury or two (if I had to guess, the obvious choices would be Brady of course, and then someone else like Maroney or Wilfork (a little payback for Big Vince is coming at some point)) and this team will fall to earth in a hurry. I also predict that when the inevitable comes and this team does fall to earth, be it this year or another, you'll see some beat downs delivered to Belichick, as coaches have long memories in this league. I'd love to see us partake at some point.....

  10. While he also mentions the Bills, call me a homer, but someone calling up Mouse McNally on their own and offering free pointers on his old team isn't so much a reflection on the Bills as it is on that coach. It's certainly nowhere near the level of what the Pats* did, IMHO.

  11. My suspicion is that it was Corey Dillon who spilled the beans about the effectiveness.


    I don't think so--they said it was someone who was there that first season they used this (2000) and Dillon didn't come on board until 2003 or so, I believe. I'm sticking with my guess it was Antowain. I'm actually surprised this part of the story hasn't gotten more play--nothing in this morning's NYT on it, for ex.

  12. ...on a number of points in his story, saying it was all true, including that (a) it worked 75% of the time and (b) that it gave the Pats O a great advantage. They didn't name who it was other than an "offensive star" with the team, who played at that time. My guess may be our very own former "star" Antowain Smith, but that's just me. What you talkin' bout, Willis (990)? This ain't going away any time soon.....

  13. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/16/sports/f...amp;oref=slogin


    "After filming opponents’ signals, Walsh would edit the tape or deliver the original to Adams. Walsh said a quarterback — he declined to say whom — would learn the signals, and the next time the Patriots played that team, the quarterback would relay that information to Weis, who would use the coach-to-quarterback communication system to send the information to the field. That process, Walsh said, took seconds......


    ....The Patriots then opened the regular season against the Buccaneers. Walsh said this was the first time he had seen quarterback Drew Bledsoe operate a no-huddle offense when not in a two-minute or hurry-up situation.


    In the week after the game, Walsh said he asked a quarterback — again, he declined to name whom — how helpful the signals were. Walsh said the quarterback told him “probably about 75 percent of the time, Tampa Bay ran the defense we thought they were going to run — if not more.”


    (Bledsoe was the Patriots’ starting quarterback in 2000. The other quarterbacks on the roster were Tom Brady, Michael Bishop and John Friesz.)



    Anyone else wonder if it's possibly the Golden Boy himself? Boy, would that ignite the Spygate flames once again......

  14. Go over to any Pats board and you'll see that this all just the "haters", don't you know, there's no grain of truth at all to this, no matter how many folks report it repeatedly from different sources connected to the League (Peter King said basically the same thing at the end of Feb. from the combine--many coaches and players he spoke with there believed the allegations against NE since there was so much "smoke" around that team there had to be some "fire). BB and Kraft both just have a near psychotic need to win at all costs is my guess as to the root causes here.....

  15. I'm trying to get out to the KC game with my dad, since I, too have always wanted to see a game at Arrowhead--the one crimp is the timing--it's right before Thanksgiving. The good news is on StubHub looks like you can get good seats at a reasonable price.

  16. Only problem with all this is that, while reprehensible, Goodell did know the cheating went back to 2000 when he made his punishment decision, so I doubt anything new will come of this unless Walsh has additional new evidence here. If you'll recall, he only admitted this after Walsh spoke in early February. I suspect that what happened is Goodell's statement caught Walsh by surprise and thus here we are. Will be interesting to see if Walsh has anything else next week (or if he's been bought off after all, but we'll never know that).

  17. Many thanks for the research. I really liked the way the Bills recruited this kid--telling him they wanted him even though they may not be drafting him and telling him they weren't planning on bringing in any other rookie FBs. I also really hope he makes the team.

  18. when are ppl going to stop bringing up the superbowls to try to get our goat?...its like they cant think of anything else to say so they bring up that one line....I actually liked that 64 guy..he seemed level headed and made sense...actually a couple of them seemed to know what they were saying...a few were like some of the guys on this board, supid and blurt out nonesense..lol..


    the one thing that didnt make sense to me was that they kept saying all the sports writers, comentators were allways saying good things about Bills....Not sure what channel they watch but I never hear anything good about Bills on espn or any sports channel unless its local...theyve really got to stop smokeing schit in NE


    It's a bit like Bizarro World over there--the Colts and Tony Dungy are evil incarnate, the media hates the Pats* and the refs, why the refs are always making calls that go against the Pats*. I don't know about the rest of you, but I want some of what they're smoking....

  19. They've got some real winners on that site. Anyone who watched the draft his weekend saw that they've now overtaken the Cowboys as the most hated team in America, no small feat considering how long it took the 'Boys to get there. New England managed to do that in about 1/3rd the time, thanks in large part to an arrogant, know nothing, front-running, ever growing (as long as they're winning, of course) fanbase. Boy, I'd love to beat those guys this season--once would do, but twice would put me over the moon.....

  20. Okay, but my guess is historically, there are more playoff teams that have average DBs/secondary but good lines than there are playoff teams with average lines and good DBs/secondary. Your Super Bowl champion Giants are now a classic example of the former.


    It's all moot anyway. The team that will be enjoying McKelvin's prime years in the league won't be the Bills. If everything goes right, he'll take two years to develop, three years to round into a gamechanger, including one Pro Bowl appearance, and just as he's ready to peak in his prime and become a perennial Pro-Bowler, he'll bolt via free agency. That's if everything goes right and he doesn't bust.



    He's a first rounder--we can sign him for 6 and franchise him for at least one more, which gives us 7 years or so. 29's a bit old for a corner by then anyways....

  21. interesting, Pats board picked up on the same article. no surprise they dont agree!




    And they wonder why they're the most hated team in the League--their fans are the most arrogant SOBs you'll ever see. Some day, hopefully soon, someone will take them down, and I hope it's us. That team's one "Vince Wilfork" special on Brady's knees away from being slightly above average, not that I'm advocating that. Now a cheap shot to Big Vince himself, that's a different story.....

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