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Posts posted by ax4782

  1. Most Common = Not just 1 team. And he's actually a Vikings apologist, not Pats. It's so funny, you guys want so bad to believe something, when a nationally respected journalist disputes your beliefs, he's wrong and you're right. By the way, now 4-0 against the Bills since Spygate.


    Basic English dictates that your starting equation is clearly invalid. If only one team is doing it, and that is the method they use, it is the "most common." Even if that one team used multiple means to cheat, but that method was preferred, that would mean most common. Perhaps your head can't grasp the concepts of vagueness and ambiguity. And just to clarify, the Pats* are 3-0 against us since spy gate, considering that one of those first nine games of last season was played before their cheater tapes were taken and destroyed in Week Ten. Who knows, they could still be cheating, just with a more sophisticated system. See that's the problem with cheaters. Once your caught, people always have a right to go on suspecting. By the way, just because a nationally respected journalist has an opinion doesn't mean that his opinion is correct. Nationally syndicated journalists write opinion pieces in newspapers everyday. Just take a look at the Wall Street Journal, if you know what that is, and you'll find lots of smart journalists spouting all kinds of opinions. That doesn't mean their right. What we do know is that your beloved Cheatriots got caught red-handed. They cheated. Period. There's no excuse for it. Just because you claim others cheated doesn't make your cheating right. Lemmings jump off cliffs and kill themselves because the other lemmings around them are doing it. Are you a lemming too?

  2. Not so fast my man. Here is an email that was sent to Mike Florio at PFT at the height of the "Spygate" scandal. Please note the date of the article. Well be fore "Spygate". This article clearly points out videotaping signals is the "most common" type of cheating in the NFL. Combine that with Jimmy Johnson stating, after the video was released, that he was doing the exact same way when he broke into the league. Here is the email with link included.


    Mr. Florio,


    I must tell you on 99% of occasions I agree with what you say. But on this issue I feel you, and the rest of the national media, are being extremely hypocritical. Please read this article (last updated July 25th, well before this scandal) from Don Banks http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writ....nfl/index.html. I’m guessing Mr. Banks was a responsible journalist and did an extensive amount research on this subject. He is quoted in the article as saying “stealing'' of signs -- both on offense and defense -- is the area that's most often cited as fertile ground for cheating”, and he followed this up with “The most common practice is for a team to videotape an opponent's signal-givers on the sideline, and later marry up those indications to the game tape in order to identify tendencies or patterns”. This article clearly points out videotaping an opponents signals is the MOST COMMON type of “cheating” in the NFL. The media is trying to paint a picture of BB being a lone wolf in trying to gain a competitive advantage over all other teams. Why have so many coaches not spoken out Mr. Florio? You would think these teams that were “victimized” by the Patriots during their Superbowl runs would be all over the place questioning whether or not this could have been a factor in their defeats. Could the reason be they don’t want to speak out because (according to Mr. Banks) this is the MOST COMMON method of cheating in the NFL, and they are just as guilty? The Pats broke the rule, plain and simple, but the media should not be ignoring how common this practice is. The “everybody else is doing it” excuse does not make it right, but I do think it needs to be mentioned, especially when the validity of their championships is called into question. Let me ask you this, why didn’t Mr. Mangini call BB out on this last year (he had 3 opportunities)? I would venture to guess it is because Mr. Tagliabue had turned the other cheek on this for years, and Mangini knew he could get BB in trouble with the new sheriff in town. I’m anxious to know what you think.


    Cute. Citing a letter from a Pats* fan with a link to one SI columnists opinion page. That's not proof that other teams did it. That's a Pats* fan trying to justify his team getting caught with more of the same speculation you got called out on. And by the way, most common doesn't necessarily mean that more than one team did it. It could also mean that was the preferred method used by the team that got caught. See the words "most common" in and of themselves are vague AND ambiguous, particularly when used without context. See paying attention in basic english courses or in logical reasoning would have taught you that set of reading comprehension skills. We asked you to cite more specific examples. You gave us more assumptions and fluff from a letter clearly written by a BB apologist. Thank you, come again.

  3. Weird, even with your Bills fan rebuttal you can't mention a single OL. That's not good. Reed, Parish and Jackson???? Are you serious? You tried to trade Parrish and couldn't get anything for him. Please let me know the next time Youboty, Poz, McGee as a corner, Schobel, Whitner or Mitchell make a big play.


    Fine, let's go over the list. This kind of crap gets really old, but sometimes people's noses have to be rubbed in it.


    Parish has, for the past two years been the top punt returner in the league. Period. He doesn't get a lot of reps at receiver because we have had too many people in front of him. He's a top talent in the return game. In case you have forgotten there are three phases to an NFL game, all of them important. Parrish's stats are as follows:




    Just for a summary, he's had 94 PRs in 54 games since he was drafted totaling 1312 and 3 TDs. No other punt returner has better numbers.


    As for Fred Jackson, last year, his stats were as follows:




    As a BACKUP running back, Fred Jackson has 188 carries for 871yds, good for a 4.6ypc average. You show me another backup running back that has those kinds of stats, and who carried for 110 yds against the Patriots Defense. You won't.


    Josh Reed has been playing out of his best position, the slot for the past three years. He will be back at that position this year. As a number three receiver, he has the following stats:




    No one is saying that he is a top ten receiver, but he is one of the five best #3's in the game.


    Schobel is one a top-ten or twelve DE when healthy. Look at his career numbers.




    In his first seven injury free seasons he had 67 sacks. That's 9.75 per season. That's elite range. Averaging 10 per year is considered elite. He's right there. With him healthy again this season, and Maybin to take away double teams on passing downs, Schobel will get to ten sacks again.


    As for the rest of your list. McGee is widely talked about as a top ten corner in the league. His stats as a CB show why:




    Compare those statistics over the last two years with the player that McGee replaced in Nate Clements who was and is considered to be one of the top cover CBs in the NFL. His stats are as follows:




    Please note the clear similarities and in some cases better stats that McGee has accumulated in his six years compared to Clements in his 9 years. Kawika Mitchell is one of the top-fifteen OLBs in football. I'm tired of posting stats for you. Before making stupid statements you should look them up yourself. As for Youboty and Poz, they are still basically rookies. Poz played his first full season last year and looked strong at MLB. I'm not saying he was top fifteen last year, but the potential for him is there, and he's very young.


    I know you're probably a Jets or Patriots fan because that's the cool thing to be. Just because the Bills are a small market and don't get a lot of love from the TV personalities on ESPN or FOX doesn't mean there isn't a lot of talent on this team. You mentioned that no one has mentioned the talent on the OL. Fine, quick, and without looking it up on ESPN or at Stats Inc. name me the five starters on Miami's OL in less than thirty seconds. Unless you rooted for that team you wouldn't be able to. Buffalo's right side last year was one of the best in football statistically. Walker is significantly underrated as an RT and Butler was basically a second year player who played well above expectations. That being said, the "superstar" player on our OL was traded and we now have a completely reworked and more solid OL left to right. Learn how the game is played and actually look up statistics before you go trolling on other teams' message boards. Unless of course your goal in life is to be a full time :devil: .

  4. I'm not sure if you know, but Jim Kelly isn't playing for the Bills anymore. The Jets are 13-9 against the Bills since 1998.


    And since 2003 we're 6-6. What's your point? Joe Namath isn't playing for the Jests anymore either. Doesn't change the fact that you guys still don't have anyone to throw to, have two running backs that don't want to be there, no defense, and an OL that is made up of more aging castoffs than Gilligan's Island. Just how exactly do you think your new one-year starter QB is going to survive an entire season, assuming the Jests are in fact dumb enough to start him from day one. At the rate you all are going, you'll need another day one QB next year just to keep up.

  5. I think Langston Walker was by far and away our best lineman. I am not sure Butler will win the tackle job either. If he does though I will route for him.


    I believe it was arguable which of Walker and Butler was the better OL last year. Either way, the right side was far and away better than the left. That being said, nothing about Butler's game suggests the he won't be successful as an RT. In fact his play, experience, history, and measureables all suggest the opposite, that he will be very successful at the position. I won't discuss why again, as I already posted that above. Butler is going to be the starting RT.

  6. I sort of responded beforehand by saying that I didn't think it meant all that much, and that the fabled Raider and Cowboy teams did worse - which they did.


    And no, I'm not a Pats fan, and I actually prefer the Colts because of Polian. I hesitate to say this, but this is a BS charge meant to deflect the real issue, which is that you haven't responded to the fact that the Pats are 26-5 since the spygate episode. Please respond to that. If you want to say that they're on the downward slope, fine, but it's easily dismissable because you actually won't have any evidence for the supposition until it actually happens. And it hasn't happened yet. Having respect rather than contempt for a team that has outscored the Bills by a vast margin over an eight year period does not equal being a fan; it's called realism.


    As to the first point, provide a link about what those teams did and was proven that you think is worse than videotaping your SB opponents private walkthrough and gameplanning practice so you would know all of their calls for the game. That's the worst kind of cheating, like getting the answers to the test questions the night before then getting a 100%. You didn't earn that, you cheated.


    Cheating is never a BS charge, or perhaps NFL fans of the Pats* just put aside ethical and moral considerations to justify a win at all costs attitude? The fact that the Pats are (actually) 15-6* (asterisk because the cheating wasn't actually proven until week ten of the not-so-perfect season and there was evidence that they cheated in some of those games as well) since the cheating was actually proven doesn't mean anything. There haven't been that many coaching changes in the division over that time, until last year and their previously masterful mark in the AFCE didn't look so good after a lot of close games and some blow out losses last year.


    The fact is their team is getting older, and they can't use their cheater tapes any more. The Pats* are not going to be as good this year as people think they are and while Chung has potential to make their secondary better, the Pats* don't have a good history when it comes to drafting DBs.


    Lastly, the fact that the Cheatriots have outscored us over the last few years means nothing. They have a lot of making up to do for the decade and a half when every team in the AFCE, especially Buffalo abused them pretty badly too. Teams aren't good forever, and the Patriots would be wise to remember that.

  7. IMO, if they try to put Joel Bell on the PS he won't make it out of waivers. "Lindy's Pro Football Draft" magazine has him listed as their; SMALL SCHOOL STUD; Remember Bell's name for two or three years down the road. He has a ton of potential, but it will take some time to unearth it because he got a late start after living overseas.


    I don't know if it will take him three years to get to be starter material. He got a 29/40 on his first Wonderlic and a 23/37 on his next. He sounds intelligent enough and could develop faster. There's alway some surprise UFA's in every draft. It would be very cool if he was one of them. :devil:


    Given his measureables, he clearly has that potential. I think the Bills are likely to keep him on the roster as we are thin for depth at G and T, even after the draft. No team should be happy with the idea that they will have to open the season with only 8 total offensive linemen. Further, based on his potential, I think you're right. If Buffalo tries to put him on the PS he won't clear waivers and some other team will pick him up.

  8. No in 2007 we went 4-12, but actually swept the 1-15 Dolphins.


    Anyway, the Dolphins will regress, but don't expect it from the Jets. We're the only team in that division that will challenge the Patriots for the AFC East.


    What exactly is it that the Jests did in the offseason to make you think they are actually going to get better? You going to ruin another rookie QB by starting him on day one and letting him get mauled. I hate to tell you but Rex Ryan is not going to be able to get the same production out of that Jests team they have there now that the Ravens got out of Flacco last year. The Jests will NOT win more than 8 games, particularly given their schedule. I'm not saying the Bills are going to do any better or any worse, but NE is still the class of the division. Nothing I've seen from the Jests in the offseason would lead any serious football fan to think that they have improved in any way over the team coached by Mannotsogenius last season.

  9. We hear these same descriptions every year. I have yet to hear, of a draft choice, that "he doesn't really care for football" or that "he doesn't like to hit people", etc. You rate a player by the results he produces on the field, not by the quality of his post draft interview or the accolades heaped on him by fans, coaches and columnists. Right now it is all talk and hope.


    I'm pretty sure they were saying that about Matt Leinhart before he was drafted. Just saying.

  10. This idea that because Butler played RT in college that he can play in the pros is wishful thinking. Many college tackles kick inside because opposing DE's are faster and stronger.


    As for the Bills competing in the AFCE, that also remains to be seen. One thing the Bills do quite a bit of is making cosmetic changes that casual uniformed fans think will make a difference in the W column. TO is a nice addition, but Rhodes averaged 3.5 ypc. But because casual fans recognize his name from Indianapolis, it's a good move. He's 30 and that number does not bode well for RB's.


    The talk about the 2009 draft being a turning point also is premature. This type of discussion was tabled after Marv's first draft in 06. While that wasn't a complete failure, it hasn't set the foundation some fans thought it would be.


    Butler was actually an excellent RT in college at UVa. Had Ferguson not been there, Butler may have been their starting LT at the time. That being said, Butler was one of our best OL last year both in run and pass situations. He can handle the RT role for this team in the NFL. Nothing anyone has said about him suggests that he can't, and everything I've seen from him both in college and with the Bills leads me to the conclusion that he will be very good at the RT position. He'll never be an LT in the NFL, but at RT, he's a good fit for this team.


    Rhodes is the third string running back, whether he wants to admit it or not. For a third string running back 3.5ypc is pretty good. Our RB corps as a whole is solid, especially once Lynch returns. Keep in mind, also, that if the Bills go to a no-huddle style offense, Rhodes becomes an even more valuable addition to the team, as he played in that offense in Indy. He will be very useful in acclimating the other RBs to the system.


    No one should be claiming that this draft was the one that sets the tone going forward. I like that the team has addressed important areas of need, but to what extent, we'll have to wait and see. These guys haven't taken a snap yet. However, there is no question that the Bills have needed to address the lines for years and haven't done so until this draft. Let's hope this works out.

  11. His measureables are pretty significant. Seems like the only thing that was holding him back from having a higher rating was the fact that he played in a conference that did not have him playing against elite competition. He seems to have the speed and athleticism to become an excellent NFL tackle, and with the small number of guys on the roster at both guard and tackle, he could make the team. Right now the lines look as follows:





    There's really only eight guys on the roster. I wouldn't be surprised if the Bills kept him as insurance in case two of their top line get injured. Going into a game with only six linemen would not be something any team would want to do.

  12. I agree with most of what you've said with two caveats. First, Brad Butler was probably our best offensive lineman last year. Butler was a very good OL player who is being rewarded by being moved to RT, a tougher position that requires more skill. If he was so terrible the team wouldn't be moving him, and frankly, watch the game film. He rarely gets beat in pass protection on the inside, and he is one of our best run blockers. Also, I'm not ready to anoint this draft class as a group of saviors. I am happy at the needs the team has addressed and think that on paper these guys have a lot of potential. Snap judgments are easy, though, and I want to see how our new OL comes together during those five preseason games. I do think Brandon has done a very good job the last two years in starting to make this team better, and he and the FO deserve credit for that, but lets see how those picks translate to the NFL in terms of their play.

  13. If we ran the no huddle half as effectively as we did in the early nineties, we could be a very good football team. That offense was extremely effective against 3-4 defenses, many of which we will be facing in our division this year. Would sure be nice to finally rack up some points against NE this season, and watch Vince Wilfork get winded in the second quarter.

  14. As with all players drafted over the weekend, perhaps rather than speculate who got a steal and who didn't, we should wait and see how they actually look on the field. I, for one, am happy that the Bills appear to have addressed their needs in many areas, but am not heralding this as a great draft. I want to at least see how they perform during our 5 preseason games before I start forming opinions.


    That being said, isn't this topic more appropriate, say, on the Patriots' message board?

  15. It would be a good move to pick him up on the cheap. It allows the bills to move Walker back to RT were he is a better fit. I also like the idea of moving Butler back to RG and having Levitre and Chambers as super Subs, which works out well because Butler and Jones have problems staying healthy. Picking up Jones also allows Bell to develop for a season or two.


    I don't see how picking up Jones is a bad move having a combo of Jones and Walker at tackle is much better than converting Butler a guard to RT and Walker a guy who fits better at Right tackle and moving him to Left tackle a position we all know he might not be suited for.


    Generally I agree. The only thing I would point out is that Butler's natural position is actually RT where he played almost exclusively in college for UVa. I think ultimately it was Buffalo's thinking that he would eventually get moved ther after some time at RG learning the line schemes, so I don't necessarily think that this move was unplanned. Losing Peters hurt, and while I think that Walker could be an adequate LT, I think Levi Jones, if he is completely healthy is a much better option for this offense.

  16. Name calling is for first graders. Are you a first grader?


    A rookie is a rookie is a rookie is a rookie is a rookie. Being a rookie means that if you float along not knowing what you're doing, its expected. if you make an impact, it's a wonderful surprise.


    You know, you're probably right, the unproven Wood or Levitre will be better than Dockery. No doubt. i'm sure you've seen tons of film of them pounding NFL nosetackles. Right? Dockery was definitely not better than a rookie. Right. That's why we paid him what we did, and its why the Skins are paying him that way now. All rookies are better than Dockery. ok.


    Hangengartner is a backup, Wood is ... a Rookie. Can we say they upgrade from Folwer/Preston, no. We certainly hope so, but we really don't know anything about Wood in the NFL, and Hangegartner is a BAAACCKKKUPPP Buffalo!


    Who are we getting to replace Crowell? Please, enlighten me. List for me the available talented OLBs we're scouting and willing to pay for. Son, sit down, I'm going to tell you something. In the old days, we would have a problem like this and the old man woudl sit down with his checkbook and make it go away. In case you haven't noticed, we haven't been to the playoffs in a DECADE, and those days are over. Ellison is probably our starter this year. Nevertheless, I agree that since we had Ellison last year, and we'll have him again this year, its even. I'm just disappointed we didn't resign Crowell.


    McKelvin WAS ALREADY GOING TO REPLACE GREER...Hello... McFLYYY...So who is replacing Greer as our #3? Don't know? Neither does anyone else who has posted here. Don't be so gullible Mcfly.


    Pot meet kettle. I thought name calling was for first graders. I'll start with the points you made that actually make sense. First, Drayton Florence is likely to be our #3 corner. If not him then Youboty, and then Corner. Then one of the rooks. Sorry to burst your balloon, but some of us do pay attention to the team's roster.


    Second, the Bills likely are still looking at Freddy Keiaho, Derrick Brooks, and as of yesterday, LeRoy Hill as replacements for Ellison. Read the news. It tends to enlighten on things such as who the Bills might be looking at in terms of upgrades at certain positions. Not to point out the obvious, but heck, you asked the question.


    As for the second part of that second to last paragraph, I can tell you've been a fan for a long time. So have I. I remember the glory days and the more recent not so glory days. I'm very well versed on the Bills of the distant past. That's because I'm a fan, through the best and worst of times. I don't need people on a message board who apparently don't even pay attention to the players the Bills have brought in during FA to fill holes on the defense talking down and suggesting that I don't pay attention or care about the team. Sorry bub, go bark up another tree because you're dead wrong on that one too. Talking down to people is for kindergarten bullies, much worse than what the average first grader is capable of.


    As for your statement concerning Hangartner, you're, again, clearly unfamiliar with his play in Carolina. He started far more games than he was a "backup." Carolina tried and wanted to resign him, but couldn't due to their insane cap issues. The guy started at both Center and Guard. Check his stats and you'll see that he was an excellent lineman on one of the best running OL's in football the past couple of years. He is bigger, faster, and stronger than the two centers we had last year who were adequate at best and tended to get pushed around by the bigger NTs in our division. He is not a backup caliber lineman, a fact you would know if you actually took the time to check his stats and actually had watched him play.


    As for Dockery, don't cite the Redskins resigning him as a sign that he's just oh-so-good. The Redskins have a penchant for seriously overpaying on talent that isn't worth the contract they sign. He was not worth 7mil a season when he was in his prime and the Bills never should have paid him that much in the first place. He was the weakest link in our left side running attack last season and was frequently moved off blocks, despite his size and supposed athleticism. Both of the Gs we drafted this year will be better athletes and stronger athletes than Dockery ever was. Perhaps you remember back to the days when we drafted Jim Ritcher in the first round, or took Kent Hull early in the draft. Were those wasted picks? Do you remember suggesting that they would suck worse than the people they replaced, because if you did, you were wrong then. Just as I predict you'll be wrong with these two Gs we just drafted. They were top rated at their positions in one of the better interior linemen draft classes in a number of years.


    Typically, interior linemen have better rookie seasons than most other positions. There is less to learn in terms of technique and footwork for interiors in NFL blocking schemes. I do expect that both of them will have an immediate impact. We'll get a sense of it in TC and in the Preseason when they'll get their first real action, but I fully expect that you pessimism will not be rewarded. I'm not saying the FO is great or that the whole draft was wonderful, but on the whole we upgraded at:








    Not bad on the whole. And I really don't think or expect that you are prepared to argue that replacing Robert Royal with anyone is a downgrade, are you?

  17. Lets talk here and now 2009-2010


    Certain people on this board have been drinking the kool aid in Buffalo.


    There is absolutey no way Walker is an upgrade over Peters. Further, there is absolutely no way that whatever unproven, late round draft pick the Bills plug in at RT will be an upgrade over Walker, who I thought looked pretty good last year at RT (if he hadn't he wouldn't be getting moved).


    At center, what you HAD, was a below average center in Fowler. He sucked, especially against Jenkins. HOWEVER, what you HAVE now is a college kid who has never seen an NFL DT. He MAY be an EVENTUAL upgrade, but TODAY, he's an athletic college kid who set down his beer long enough to show up on draft day. Sorry, but he's a DOWNGRADE for THIS season.


    No one THIS YEAR will even come close to replacing Dockery. He was not worth the money, but our next best alternative, (which is what a responsible FO looks at) was ... you guessed it another college kid...who oh by the way...you reached for high in the draft...so now you get to pay him top flight money, kind of like Dockery, but without the experience.


    So, for THIS YEAR, despite COMPLETELY losing our OL, We DID upgrade for ONE YEAR at WR, a backup QB, and 3rd string RB. So yeah, right...our Front office did a truly brilliant job....of dismantaling one of the better O-lines in the game and replacing them with college kids who MIGHT be good someday... :lol:


    The Bills aren't going to put a late round pick at RT. Brad Butler who played RT for three years in college and who was our back up RT since he was drafted will play over on that side. He will be as good as Walker was at that position last year. Second, Wood is not going to play center. Hangartner is going to play center. That is an upgrade over Fowler/Preston. Perhaps you should watch some film from when he played C and G at Carolina before you start flapping your gums about his ability. The kid is a beast who ended up being cut b/c Carolina has insane salary cap issues. Dockery was terrible this season, and I don't think it was a "reach" to take the highest rated G prospect in the draft in the second round. Had you ever seen the guy play, you would understand why the Bills drafted him where they did. And finally, our great OL from last year couldn't block at LT. Google highest sacks given up in NFL 2009 and it probably links to Jason "I want more money or I'm sitting out" Peters ESPN bio. We could never convert on 3rd or 4th and inches and our five guys were consistently getting beaten by three men up front because our weak centers couldn't block an NFL 3-4 nose tackle. Sorry, but your arguments are just wrong and uneducated. I'm not saying the FO is the greatest in the league, but anyone who thinks the Bills didn't make the right moves in the first four rounds of this draft isn't paying attention. Would you rather we had drafted another flashy receiver like the Raiders without building up the wall to give the QB time to get him the ball? Our line was terrible last year and after years of whining, the Bills finally address those needs, and people still find reasons to complain. Somebody better call the whambulance.

  18. Considering that Peters obviously wanted out of Buffalo and was going to cost us 11 mil to sign, and Dockery was averaging 7 mil per season, yeah we're going to save money. Watching the games last year, you would have noticed that our LT gave up the HIGHEST sack total in the league last year. Not worth 11mil. Sorry. Dockery may as well have been named OPEN DOOR for as well as he played and he was horrible in the run game, something that was supposed to be his strong suit. He never panned out for us. These two new interior linemen play much more physically, and will be instant UPGRADES over the players they are replacing. And, by the way, looking at the average contracts of the #28 player and the #51 player, we're going to save about nine mil over what we would now be paying Peters and Dockery had we kept them both. That allows us to, oh my God, actually sign a couple more quality free agents, say like LT Levi Jones, or OLB LeRoy Hill. :lol:

  19. Here's a breakdown of upgrades/downgrades at our positions for 2009-2010.



    Owens for Reed

    Rhodes for Omon

    Kelsay for Kelsay on 1st&2d down + Maybin on 3d Down.



    LT Walker for Peters

    RT Chambers for Walker

    LG Lavitrie ® for Dockery

    C Fowler for ® Wood/2d String Hangengartner (Rosenbagger)

    OLB Ellison for Angelo Crowell

    CB Youboty for Jabari Greer




    Fine for Robert Royal


    After writing this, I threw up in my mouth a little. Did I miss anything or inaccurately characterize the change?


    First off, most of your downgrades are completely moronic. Whether Levitre or Wood plays at LG, they will be better than Dockery who was absolutely terrible last season. Whether Wood or Hangartner start at C, they will be an immediate upgrade over Fowler or Preston. Both were undersized and sievelike in almost every game last year. Crowell didn't play last year, so it's really Ellison over himself which is just dumb, and I don't think he will be the starting WLB next year anyway. Lastly, McKelvin will be the replacement for Greer, and that's pretty much a wash. Sorry, but this really isn't nearly as bad as you think it was. Plus, I don't think Peters is going to turn out to be worth all the moolah he was asking for. As much as people want to see this draft as being glass half empty there just aren't enough reasons to think that. Most if not all of the Bills' first four picks are likely to be high quality starters at positions of need for this team, and our FA acquisitions are likely to be just as productive.


    After reading your post the whole way through, I wanted to throw up too.

  20. Not that it means much but many of the talking heads were very impressed by the talent pool we came away with and most people seem to give us a concensus of an A- draft. I thought we did very well with our first six picks, though the last two had me scratching my head. The pickup of Joel Bell in UDFA was a great get considering that most people thought he would be taken in the draft and he is another strong T candidate that we can work with and improve. Possible starting material in two or three years.


    The two linemen we drafted were top rated at their positions, and should provide an immediate impact on the O-Line and Maybin is a serious upgrade from Kelsay/Denney on day one in terms of pass rush. Overall, this was a good draft, no matter what the haters and perennial glass totally empty people might want to believe.

  21. Guessing they built that page before the draft, planning to come back through and update the links, but missed that one somehow. At least I HOPE that's what happened, because otherwise, that is pretty bad.


    This year's USAT link, which has the Bills at A- and the Fins at C:



    Great link Lori, but even in the USAT post there is a glaring error. They said that we traded back into the first round to select Eric Wood. Perhaps they missed that whole Jason Peters trade thing?

  22. Butler's natural position is RT. He played there opposite D'Brick at UVa for a number of years and had a reputation for some real nastiness and toughness. He'll be pretty solid at that position and played there as a backup for us on occassion. Walker will play left tackle, and based on his performance there last year he should be pretty good, especially considering our blocking scheme will allow for the RB to chip off to the left side if necessary.

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